Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

Courtney Love still thinks Marlon Brando is her grandfather

Courtney Love is sad that her estranged grandmother author Paula Fox died last week at 93 without revealing who Love’s grandfather was.

Kurt Cobain’s widow has long suspected she is the descendant of Marlon Brando, based on the fact that both Brando and Fox were living with acting guru Stella Adler in 1943 when Love’s mother, Linda Carroll, was conceived.

���She [Fox] went to her grave still not telling me and my brothers and sisters who is grandpa . . . I’m sticking with Brando. It’s very probable,” Love posted on Facebook.

“I once asked Warren [Beatty] to ask Marlon to tell me. I’ll save the results of that interaction for my memoir.”

Love’s protracted investigation evidently irked Fox, who told the Observer in 2013: “She’s awful, she’s awful. She’s terrible! I met with her for an hour, and the hour was like an hour in the devil’s pocket, for both of us.”

Love said at the time, “Paula’s absolute dislike of me is shocking and inexplicable.”

I asked Love, now in Vancouver starring as Kitty Menendez in Lifetime’s “The Menendez Brothers,” for more details.

Her reply, via e-mail: “Oh lord. No comment.”

But Love has previously said, “If you look at me before my first nose job, I kind of look like Marlon Brando.”