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Ex claims Hunter Biden blew money on hookers, drugs

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s surviving son, Hunter, hasn’t just dumped his wife for his late brother’s widow, he has squandered his family’s money on hookers, strip clubs and drugs, according to divorce papers obtained by The Post.

The papers, filed last week by Hunter Biden’s soon-to-be ex, Kathleen, offer a sordid peek behind the squeaky-clean image of the popular ex-veep’s family.

“His spending rarely relates to legitimate family expenses, but focuses on his own travel (at times multiple hotel rooms on the same night), gifts for other women, alcohol, strip clubs, or other personal indulgences,” Kathleen Biden says of Hunter in the papers filed in Washington, DC, Superior Court on Feb. 23.

In filing the explosive allegations, Kathleen — who lives with the youngest of the couple’s three daughters in the capital — is seeking to limit Hunter, 47, to a $5,000-a-month allowance.

She is demanding that she and their daughters, in turn, receive a $20,000 monthly allowance.

“Throughout the parties’ separation Mr. Biden has created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills,” Kathleen says of Hunter in the filing.

The bombshell accusations follow an already spectacularly tawdry breakup — one that may well have had a role in the 2016 presidential election.

Joe Biden’s older son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, died of brain cancer in May 2015 at age 46, leaving two children and a wife, Hallie Biden.

Two months later, Kathleen asked Hunter to leave. It later emerged that Hunter had begun dating Hallie, as first reported Wednesday by Page Six.

Kathleen and Hunter formally separated in October 2015 — right around the time that Joe Biden, citing his grief over Beau, said he would not run for president.

A Biden family spokesman declined to address whether Hunter’s complicated home life contributed to the former vice president’s decision not to run.

Kathleen’s legal maneuvering comes after Hunter allegedly blew through $122,000 in just two months, her papers say.

Beau Biden died of brain cancer in May 2015. His widow Hallie has since struck up a romance with Beau’s brother Hunter.CNP

Meanwhile, he cut back the money he sent to his wife and their kids to $7,500 from $17,000 a month, her papers say.

“In spite of significantly reducing available funds for Ms. Biden and the children, Mr. Biden secretly continued to spend lavishly, while complaining to Ms. Biden through counsel about the financial issues of the family and Ms. Biden’s spending,” the filing says.

Kathleen’s papers do not name her husband’s purported paramours. She claims that if the court doesn’t rein in Hunter’s spending soon, she and the kids will soon be broke.

Hunter has already “maxed out available cash advances” on his American Express credit card, the filing says.

And the family is in a deep financial hole. They owe $313,970 in taxes, have a double mortgage on their home and recently bounced three checks to a housekeeper, according to the filing.

The filing makes reference to a “large” $80,000 diamond she alleges Hunter was holding onto. When Kathleen tried to get him to put the bauble in a safe-deposit box, he claimed he no longer had it, the filing says.

Hunter’s attorney, Sarah Mancinelli, issued a statement but declined to comment on the allegations.

“Hunter and Kathleen have been separated for some time and are in the process of finalizing a divorce,” it read.

“Hunter loves and admires Kathleen as a person, a mother and a friend. He hopes their privacy can be respected at this time.”

Hunter has long been the black sheep of Joe Biden’s two sons, who were born barely one year apart in Wilmington, Del.

Joe Biden with his sons, Beau and HunterGetty Images

The boys were just toddlers in 1972 when their mother — Joe Biden’s first wife, Neilia — and baby sister, Naomi, died in a car accident while out Christmas shopping.

Beau and Hunter were both critically injured in the crash.

Joe Biden had just won election to Delaware’s US Senate seat, and Beau attended his father’s swearing-in two weeks later in a wheelchair — his leg still in traction from the crash.

Both boys grew up to be lawyers, like their father, who went on to marry Dr. Jill Biden, his current wife, when the sons were in grade school.

Beau would become Delaware’s attorney general and an Army judge advocate, serving in Iraq.

Before his brain cancer struck, he had been a contender for the Delaware governor’s seat.

Meanwhile, Hunter waited until age 43 to join the military.

But his stint in the Navy Reserve ended a year later, in 2014, when he tested positive for cocaine, The Wall Street Journal reported at the time.

And Hunter’s name cropped up in 2015 on a leaked list of users of Ashley Madison, the online dating site for married people.

He denied any connection to the site.

Hunter is currently a partner in a small investment-management firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, which has offices in New York and Washington.

Joe Biden declined to comment on the divorce on Thursday but told Page Six on Wednesday that the family is “all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness.”

As recently as December, as he prepared to leave the vice presidency, Joe Biden, 74, declined to rule out a 2020 presidential bid.

“Four years is a lifetime in American politics,” he told CNN.

“And I think nominees are determined by their parties based mostly on what skill set is most needed at that time.”

Additional reporting by Laura Italiano