Celebrity News

Katie Holmes wants to ensure Suri has a ‘stable, innocent childhood’

Katie Holmes plans to ease up on acting so she can make sure daughter Suri Cruise gets the chance at a normal childhood.

“For now I like acting and directing,” the actress, 38, told Town & Country. “Eventually I’ll just direct.”

The “Kennedys: After Camelot” star, who covers the April issue of the lifestyle publication, has directed a short (“Eternal Princess”) and a feature (“All We Had”), and believes that an eventual move behind the camera will allow her to bring a sense of stability to her daughter’s life.

“This business is so unstable, and you never really know where you’re going to be,” she told the magazine. “The thing about directing is I can say, ‘I have this window and that’s when we’re getting it done.’ My child is the most important person to me, and her upbringing is paramount to my work right now. It’s very important that I’m present and she has a stable, innocent childhood. I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there’s nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed.”

This is something that’s become especially important to the single mother as her daughter, who’s now 10, grows older.

“Every day, kids get a little further away from you,” she said. “That’s a positive thing. They should be becoming more independent, but it’s heartbreaking. You want them to stay with you forever, but they’re these amazing beings, and you have to do everything you can to give them what they need — and then they’re going to go. And that’s going to be very, very sad for me.”

And that’s why she wants to make sure she takes advantage of the time she has with her daughter while she can.

Suri, of course, is the daughter of Holmes and ex-husband Tom Cruise. The former couple started dating in 2005 — the actor infamously jumped on top of Oprah Winfrey’s couch while proclaiming his love for his then-girlfriend on national TV — and were wed the next year. Their marriage lasted less than six years, with the actress filing for divorce in 2012.