Celebrity News

Accountants fired from Oscars after Best Picture fiasco

The two accountants who screwed up the Oscars have been tossed to the wolves, according to a report.

“Film academy president says the two accountants responsible for the best picture mistake will not work the Oscars again,” AP is reporting.

Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz of PricewaterhouseCoopers are the two pencil pushers who are taking the blame.

The report comes after pictures emerged Wednesday from backstage at the Oscars showing the sequence leading up to the biggest flub in Academy Awards history — when “La La Land” was accidentally named Best Picture, instead of true winner “Moonlight.”

The most telling image was snapped at 8:53:23 p.m. local time in Los Angeles, Variety reported. Cullinan had two envelopes in his hand — presumably one for Best Picture and the other that he mistakenly handed to Warren Beatty.

Cullinan’s PricewaterhouseCoopers has admitted that he gave Beatty the wrong envelope — an extra for Best Actress instead of Best Picture.

The gaffe came minutes after Cullinan tweeted out a photo of Emma Stone winning for Best Actress. He previously was warned not to tweet while working.

That blunder led to Beatty and his “Bonnie and Clyde” co-star Faye Dunaway mistakenly calling “La La Land” the Best Picture.