Celebrity News

Uma Thurman wins primary custody of 4-year-old daughter

Uma Thurman smiled broadly as she signed off on an agreement with her French financier ex, Arpad “Arki” Busson, that gives her primary custody of their 4-year-old daughter.

“It’s a wonderful thing to have closure,” Thurman said Friday outside Manhattan Supreme Court.

Earlier, the judge encouraged Thurman to overcome her strained relationship with her ex, who will get monthly visitation, for the sake of their child.

“At this point, Luna has all the advantages in life. She has two parents who love her, two parents who amply provide for her,” Justice Matthew Cooper said.

“The only thing that’s lacking — and I hope it’s forthcoming — is that her parents can reach some sort of place in life where they can put aside their rancor and their anger against one another and can join together — never loving each other or even liking each other — at least being able to cooperate,” he said.

A court-appointed psychologist had testified during the custody trial that the former couple — who dated off and on from 2007 through 2014 — have “a hostile relationship” and “should [not] be in the same room together.”

The hostility was evident throughout the case, with Busson accusing Thurman of mixing prescription pills with alcohol, and Thurman claiming Busson had an addiction to prostitutes.

“If we can get to that point where the parents can work together collectively, then Luna will have everything any child could ever want in life,” the judge urged.

When asked outside court if she could get along with her ex, Thurman said, “Hope springs eternal.”

During the eight-day custody trial, Thurman was juggling rehearsals for the Broadway play “The Parisian Woman.” The show is set to open in September with Thurman playing the title role.

Busson’s lawyer, Peter Bronstein, said, “We’re delighted that this came to an amicable resolution.” Busson declined to comment.

He approved the 39-page deal, which the judge described as a “strict roadmap” of their parenting responsibilities, on Thursday, and was not in court Friday.