Celebrity News

Leah Remini dares Church of Scientology to sue her

Leah Remini — who’s demanded in a legal letter $1.5 million from the Church of Scientology for allegedly sending e-mails to A&E to pull her new show — is now daring the church to take legal action against her.

“Why do I wish they would? Because they’d have to be deposed . . . I’d have to be deposed, and so we’d get some real information out,” Remini tells Dr. Oz on his show airing Thursday.

A church member for 30 years who left in 2013, her new show, “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath,” interviews fellow former members of the controversial religion.

A trailer for the show revealed unnamed former church members alleging abuse by Scientology leader David Miscavige, among other claims.

“They won’t sue me . . . They know that these stories are true or they would’ve sued the crap out of every single one of us,” she says.

The church has said of the show that Remini’s “desperate for attention” and “needs to move on with her life.” And that she “seeks publicity by maliciously spreading lies . . . using the same handful of bitter zealots who were kicked out years ago.”
A church rep commented: “Leah Remini is doing this show for the money, just as she profited from her book. In addition, she attempted to extort the Church by first demanding $500,000, followed by an additional $1 million, because the Church invoked its First Amendment right to respond to her false claims with the truth. This shows the extent Leah Remini is willing to go to in order to distort the truth about Scientology.”