Celebrity News

Robert De Niro rallies for Hillary at Hollywood Film Awards

Robert De Niro — who seems to take every opportunity to blast Donald Trump — also used an awards show as a political platform on Sunday.

Accepting the comedy award for upcoming flick “The Comedian” at the Hollywood Film Awards, De Niro took aim at the GOP candidate yet again, telling the audience, “Let me just lay it out right here: We have the opportunity to prevent a comedy from turning into a tragedy. Vote for Hillary [Clinton] Tuesday.”

Singer Stevie Wonder added after his Get Out the Vote concert for Clinton on Friday that voting for Trump is similar to asking him to drive.

“If you had an emergency situation and needed to go to the hospital, and you had to get there right away, would you want me driving your car?” he asked a Philadelphia Inquirer critic, who replied: “No. You wouldn’t be on the top of my list.”

“Exactly,” said Wonder, who is blind. “Because I’m not an experienced driver, right? So my belief is that Hillary is an experienced person of the government, and she has spent 30 years with a commitment. Not to mention that her parents taught her in a kinder way, to have respect and love for all people.”