Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson


Vanderbilt descendant to detail family’s legacy on TV

Consuelo Vanderbilt Costin — who is the eighth-generation of the Cornelius Vanderbilt family — is hosting a German TV show about her distinguished family.

Costin — in a hard hat — took the camera crew into the inner recesses of Grand Central Terminal (which her family built) and to the spot under the Waldorf Astoria that’s reserved for presidential trains.

She also toured the Pine Hollow Country Club near Oyster Bay, LI, the former estate of her great-great-great aunt — the Duchess of Marlborough, Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan.

On Tuesday, she’ll take the crew a few miles east to the Vanderbilt Museum, the Eagle’s Nest mansion built by her great-great-grandfather William K. Vanderbilt II.

“I’m getting to relive my family history,” Costin said. “They’ve preserved the estate just as it was when he lived there.”