Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

VIPs flock to Hollywood Reporter’s party at the Four Seasons

The Four Seasons shuts this season. Still, most of NYC’s 8 ¹/₂ million residents crammed its Hollywood Reporter party.

After best sellers killing Lincoln, Reagan, etc., unassuming Bill O’Reilly — so shy it’s tough to wrench a word off him — said he’s out with another killer in about five minutes . . . Caroline Hirsch said Tracy Morgan’s doing her comedy club first week June . . . Hollywood Reporter’s Janice Min said sometimes celebs — for instance, Matt Damon — bitch about their coverage.

Jonathan Tisch said his Regency Hotel’s hiring another chef and jazzing up their menus . . . Drew Nieporent said Barbara Walters was at his Tribeca Grill and ate a pork chop . . . CNN’s Dana Bash said she stays slim because she’s always running after her little child . . . Fox News’ Megyn Kelly said cutting her long yellow hair was empowering. Snarked a smartass overhearing us: “Once it was her ‘F - - k me’ hair. Now it’s her ‘F - - k you’ hair.”

Despite Julianne Moore to her left, Savannah Guthrie to her right, Vogue’s cyberwraith editor said nothing. Stayed just 10 minutes. Only enough to ignore non-advertisers . . . Adam Katz of Talon Air, which privately flies behinds belonging to LeBron, Beyoncé, Jay Z, says it does onboard manicures, pedicures and massages . . . Martha Stewart , back from Qatar’s International Food Festival, said she rode a camel and was teaching healthy cooking like salmon and quinoa.

The Pool Room was mobbed. Celebrities outnumbered lamb chops.

Clinton, lesser of evils

Politics. B.O. blabbering in DC and B.S. wheezing in NYC. Geezer Bernie Socialist never worked or made a buck except off the government. His clothes tell the tale. He’s an empty suit. Bernie Socialist babbles his extra funding will come from banks. His plan? He babbles: “I don’t know. I’m no banker.” He’s no president either. He’s a rumpled old egocentric commie sympathizer.

Shove Berniedout Bernie. Don’t love Hillary? I didn’t love my English teacher either, but I did learn how to write. She did the job. Hillary’s been there. Done that. Don’t agree with her? So what? America’s trains will run on time. She won’t have to ask which way’s the ladies room. She knows her way around. And if you’re hot for changes, we’ll buy her a skirt. And remember: Stomp on Cruz the schmooze, who hates New York!

Odds & ends

Despite the P.M. of Iceland’s latest misery, its First Lady Dorrit Moussaieff Grímsson’s had her own. Her dad, 92, recently passed on. Her mother? “87. And still smoking cigarettes” . . . Readying for vacation? Grab Doubleday’s “Rogue Lawyer.” It’s John Grisham’s this-week best seller . . . TV’s recent O.J. Simpson stuff? Not mentioned was that this sweet gentleman was Oscar’s 1975 presenter for Best Art Direction . . . Doesn’t come up a lot in conversation, but Eva Mendes’ comfort food’s “a tuna sandwich with extra onions and Doritos smashed inside.”

Once removed

The next next generation’s taking over. Alexis Chevalier: “I never met my great-uncle Maurice Chevalier, who was dead 20 years before I was born. But I love to sing ‘Thank Heaven for Little Girls.’ ” OK.

Mercedes Ellington. “I’m Duke Ellington’s granddaughter. And my Rizzoli coffee-table book, ‘Duke Ellington: An American Composer and Icon,’ just came out.” OK.

Both were at the Boys’ & Girls’ Towns of Italy evening. And neither’s Italian.

Reader Barbara Grad was pushing her granddaughter, age 3, in the stroller. A homeless man asked for money. Ignored, he walked away with “God bless you.” Said the child: “He said ‘God bless you,’ and I didn’t even sneeze!”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.