Celebrity News

Ben Affleck’s son actually thinks he’s Batman

Ben Affleck’s son has decided there’s one true Batman — his father.

“He believes that I’m Batman,” he recently said on “The Graham Norton Show.” “I’ve kind of set a trap for myself. I showed him some of the clips and stuff and told him, ‘Yeah, you know, I’m Batman.’ So now he thinks his dad is Batman. Now when I go out of the house, he’s all, ‘Are you going to the Batcave?’ And I have to tell him, ‘Yup, going to the Batcave.’”

And while the actor is more than willing to let 4-year-old Samuel, the youngest of his and estranged wife Jennifer Garner’s three children, believe the fantasy for now, he knows there might be a price to pay in the long run.

“I’m sure it’s going to haunt me when he’s in therapy,” he joked. “ ‘He lied to me! Batman!’”

But it’s not just the future therapy bills that have Affleck worried: His son has also decided that, because of the company’s purple color scheme, all the Fed Ex deliverymen coming to the house are actually the Dark Knight’s biggest nemesis.

“My son thinks the Fed Ex guy is the Joker,” he said. “So every time he comes to deliver a screenplay, my son tells me, ‘Dad, the Joker’s outside!’ And then he wants me to go fight him.”

“Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which has gotten less than stellar reviews, was released on Wednesday.