Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Celebrity News

Military mom selling letter from Barack Obama

The mom of a military vet who served in Afghanistan is selling a handwritten letter by President Barack Obama, where he boasts about ending the war in Iraq and killing bin Laden.

The May 2012 letter, written on official White House note card in response to a letter from the mother, reads, “As you know, I already ended the war in Iraq, and with Osama bin Laden now gone, we are moving to transition our troops out of Afghanistan. I can only imagine the stresses you feel as a mom, but please know that I’m listening.”

The letter is being sold by momentsintime.com for $24,000.

The military mom — who has asked not to be identified — says she wrote to the president because, “I did not understand the war . . . lives lost, limbs lost, homes torn apart, kids missing their parents . . . and those serving desperate to see their families.”

She added of the letter from Obama — who last week apologized for a US military airstrike on a hospital in Afghanistan — “My reason for selling is to ‘let go’ . . . Hopefully whoever reads this will be inspired to speak. We never know when we will be heard.”