Celebrity News

Nicolle Wallace found out about ‘View’ firing from the press

Nicolle Wallace found out she was fired from “The View” along with the rest of the public — through the press. The former co-host said she “had no plans of quitting” and “loved the job.”

“I think I thought that I would learn somewhere other than [an article in] Variety that I’d been fired,” she told Variety. While she didn’t think she was “wronged,” she was “surprised” to learn she was out of a job through the media.

“[ABC] never called me. The night [the Variety] story ran, they summoned my agent and told me they’d like to consider me for a contributor role, and they also made me an offer at ABC News to do the conventions and debates.”

Looking back, Wallace said she should have seen the firing coming.

“I had never heard one note from anybody inside the entire organization during the entire season,” she said. “No one said a word to me … It was like being invisible.”

The ABC talk show has been plagued by scandals and shakeups in recent weeks. As co-hosts have come and gone, “The View” has suffered a significant ratings drop. The ratings recently dipped 16 percent in the second quarter, as compared to 2014 when Barbara Walters retired from the show.