Celebrity News

Donald Trump’s rant has Rosie O’Donnell seeing red: ‘There is a war on women’

Rosie O’Donnell says Donald Trump‘s comments on Megyn Kelly are a “war on all women.”
O’Donnell, 53, called in to SiriusXM’s “Just Jenny” show Wednesday and expressed her dismay at Trump’s comment that Kelly, 44, had “blood coming out of her wherever” when moderating the debate on Aug. 6.
She also spoke about Kiran Gandhi, a woman who decided to run the London marathon without a tampon. (Gandhi, who plays drums for M.I.A., ran the marathon in April.) She let her blood show in an effort to raise awareness about those women who don’t have access to feminine products.
“Why do you think she did that?” O’Donnell said of Gandhi. “When women on national platforms of the Republican Party, when Fox anchors are being accused of being hormonal and shamed because they have their period, then that woman does that. Why do you think she did that? You don’t think she did that to say ‘[Bleep] you, asshole!’”
O’Donnell continued, “There is a war on women in this country starting with basic abortion rights, freedom to choose that we fought for in the ’60s and ’70s, that women died for bleeding in back alleys from hanger abortions. Women fought for equality in this country and right now politically it’s being taken away from us.”

O’Donnell went on to rail against period shaming, and, getting graphic, said, “I’d like to take my period blood that I no longer have and write, ‘You’re all a–holes.’ I’d like to smear it all over some people’s faces.”
O’Donnell has been tweeting about periods, saying, “In honor of women’s periods — lets all watch [‘Menstrual Man’],” a documentary about women in India who can’t afford sanitary napkins, urging her fans to watch “an astounding doc about a brilliant man and blood #wherever.” In a separate tweet, she posted a link to a documentary called “Donald Trump Exposed.”
But O’Donnell didn’t directly address Trump’s comment about her in the Republican debate. When asked by Kelly about comments referring to women as fat pigs, Trump, 69, quipped, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”
O’Donnell responded on Twitter: “Try explaining that 2 ur kids.”