Celebrity News

Kevin Bacon after Madoff loss: ‘Let’s have sex’

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick were victims of Bernie Madoff’s $50 billion Ponzi scheme in 2008, but they didn’t let the devastating financial loss destroy their marriage — or their libidos.

“I don’t think there was a moment where it was like, that thing happened and then we got pissed at each other. It was sort of the opposite,” Bacon revealed to GQ editor-at-large Michael Hainey at a Q&A on Tuesday. “We kind of went, ‘Holy s - - t. Let’s . . . I don’t know. Let’s have sex or something. It’s free!’”

His response at the Montblanc event at NeueHouse drew laughs, but the actor, 56, also expressed sympathy for Madoff’s other victims.

“There were so many people who got hit so much harder than us,” Bacon said.

And while the “Footloose” star acknowledged financial setbacks can doom many relationships, he and actress Sedgwick, whom he married in 1988, “knew we were going to have each other and our kids were OK. They were through school, almost. We both felt like we would work.”

Bacon has never revealed how much the couple lost, but he’s previously said they lost “a lot of money.”

Sedgwick starred in the TNT series “The Closer” from 2005 to 2012.