Celebrity News

Sandra Bullock: ‘I’ve never been a great beauty’

Sandra Bullock doesn’t think she’s beautiful.

The Oscar-winning actress was named People magazine’s 2015 World’s Most Beautiful Woman on Wednesday. But despite the title, she shares her insecurities when it comes to her appearance.

“I’ve never been a great beauty,” said the mother to 5-year-old Louis. “I’ve never been the bombshell that was coveted. In an odd way, that made growing older a lot easier in this business. I guess I’m doing it on my own terms, and that is my wish for everyone.”

When asked about her initial reaction to learning the news she landed the cover, Bullock, 50, says she laughed. “I just said, ‘That’s ridiculous,’” she quipped. “I’ve told no one.”

Sandra BullockPeople

For Jesse James’ ex-wife, who calls her sister one of the most beautiful women in her life, the kind of beauty that appeals to her often goes unnoticed and under-appreciated in Hollywood.

“Real beauty is quiet,” she said. “Especially in this town, it’s just so hard not to say, ‘Oh, I need to look like that.’ No be a good person, be a good mom, do a good job with the lunch, let someone in front of you who looks like they’re in a bigger hurry. The people I find most beautiful are the ones who aren’t trying.”

There also appear to be a number of issues that keep the “Gravity” actress up at night.

“Am I the mother my son deserves?” she reflects. “And am I living my authentic life, am I good enough, working hard enough, am I able to keep my son safe? Did I pick up all the dog poop in the yard before the playdate?”

Worrying was once “paralyzing,” Bullock admits. “Now I can talk myself off the ledge. Louis is the one who snapped me out of it.”