Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Diaper duty isn’t Nick Kroll’s strong suit

Nick Kroll. Comedian. Actor. Writer. Rich man’s son. Amy Poehler’s love. Classy schools — Rye Country Day; Georgetown U. TV’s Rodney Ruxin from “The League.” Nice guy. Now he’s made the movie “Adult Beginners” and says:

“I’m the producer. Also, its star. In real life, I have three siblings, 12 nieces and nephews. Since I put one kid’s diaper on inside out, I’ve baby-sat just once, and suddenly began thinking about the lives of nannies.

“Two trailers down was my ‘The League’ co-star Mark Duplass. A parent, he immediately understood my thinking. So did screenwriters with children. Next came actress Rose Byrne, who’s one of four kids — and we were off and running.”

Did he pay himself big money?

“No! You negotiate. You got to figure things out.

“Making this, I brought in people I knew socially who have kids. Friends. Who are funny. Who understand characterization. We even did improv.”

So, Nick, ever plan to have children?

“Only if you’ll have it with me.”

“SNL’s” Bobby Moynihan: “One scene I shot with Nick was in Westchester. I grew up in Westchester. I couldn’t believe this place was right where I once had my kid’s birthday party. It was a bowling alley then.”

Another cast member at the screening, Jane Krakowski, whom I knew before “30 Rock.” I happily walked over. She waved me away with, “I’ll see you in a minute,” continued chatting with someone, then disappeared. My opinion? Unless I see the movie, never spending time again with Jane Krakowski.

Battle bear to be auctioned off

A perfect gift for England’s soon-born princess or prince is 1940’s original Beaumont bear, the mascot carried in the Spitfire cockpit of every flight of the Battle of Britain’s celebrated Lt. Stephen Beaumont. The fighter pilot believed his beloved teddy brought luck.

Seven of the squadron of 24, including Beaumont, survived. Since Princes William and Uncle Harry are RAF pilots, this treasured teddy bear — RAF tie, royal crest on his chest — is historic.

Beaumont died in ’97 at age 87. Passed to his family, his bear’s now up for an estimated £10,000. The auction’s Wednesday at Bonhams, 580 Mad Ave.

Dining Out

Dinner at Grissini in Englewood Cliffs, NJ — Ice T and Coco.

Those were not the foods, those were the people. She had grilled vegetables. He had veal parmigiana. Both had a new white Rolls-Royce Phantom…

Should in case you care, Madoff’s role model Charles Ponzi jumped bail in Boston twice, faked suicide twice, fled to New Orleans, changed his name to Andrea Luciana and became a waiter/dishwasher. Just should in case you care.

Bits and Pieces

NYC realtors: “Manhattan real estate is insane. Trendy meat-market district’s now costlier than 57th and Park. Foreigners are buying all the property. The city’s lost its way…”

NYC grocers: Doesn’t pay anymore to own a supermarket. Catsimatidis will sell his stores. He’s keeping his Gristedes only to help the employees.

Odds and Ends

Scratching for class-A, semi-used, high-class designer clothes? Try the Village’s L Train Vintage. Beyoncé does…

Summer travel tour: the Arctic. Seven days. No nights.

Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. Sunday brunch, 11 a.m. Building on Bond restaurant. Outside tables. Everyone, coats off. Gals in bare arms. Guys with sleeves rolled up. Taking orders, a waitress — all bundled up.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.