Celebrity News

Howard Stern and Tom Hanks’ son still don’t like each other

Rapper Chet Haze prefers to have his tweets rather than his music do his talking.

The 24-year-old emcee and son of Tom Hanks is peeved with Howard Stern for questioning his hip-hop credentials, but rather than taking to the mic to voice his disgust, he took to Twitter.

The trouble stems from a moment on the March 24 episode of “The Howard Stern Show,” when the host, 61, and fellow SiriusXM personality Rude Jude called Haze’s authenticity into question.

“It irritates the s–t out of me to see someone take that culture and appropriate it. It’s like, ‘Come on, bro, you’re not from that. You learned how to talk from a video, dawg,’” Jude said (via the Daily Mail).

“I understand your point about Chet Haze. He’s stealing your black culture,” Stern joked back. While Jude is white, he grew up in a primarily black neighborhood.

Haze, who’s currently visiting New York, wasn’t about to take that lying down, and spent the next six days coming up with a response before posting a screen grab from a Funny or Die video.

“Average yuppie cornball @HowardStern listener lol,” the rapper wrote alongside the picture.

Shortly before the post, he went on a three-tweet rant that some have read as being directed at Stern.

As the Daily Mail points out, this isn’t the first time Haze and Stern have traded words. In 2011, he made light of Haze’s attempts to become a rapper.

“[Tom Hanks] must be so annoyed. Where’d he grow up, Beverly Hills? What a f—-n’ d—-e,” the shock jock said at the time.

Haze, whose real name is Chester Hanks, is one of two children — the other is named Truman — the actor has with his current wife, actress Rita Wilson. He also has two children, Colin and Elizabeth, from his first marriage to actress Samantha Lewes.