Celebrity News

Feud heats up between Bobby Brown and Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend

While Bobbi Kristina Brown fights for her life, a feud has erupted over whether her partner can visit her in the hospital.

The only child of the late singer Whitney Houston has been hospitalized since being found unresponsive Jan. 31 in a tub at her Georgia home.

A lawyer for Bobbi Kristina’s father, Bobby Brown, said in a statement late Saturday that Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend, Nick Gordon, was offered an opportunity to potentially visit her if he agreed to meet certain conditions.

But Gordon’s attorneys said Sunday that Brown has consistently denied Gordon permission to visit. They said they advised Gordon to refuse the conditions set by Brown. The conditions have not been made public.

Gordon has repeatedly offered to discuss the issue privately with Brown, rather than through lawyers.

“Those offers have also been rejected,” said Gordon’s lawyers, Randy Kessler and Joe Habachy, in the statement. “We hope Mr. Brown has a change of heart.”

Police have opened a criminal investigation, with Gordon — with whom Bobbi Kristina reportedly has a history of domestic violence — as the focus, law enforcement sources told TMZ.

On Monday, Gordon went on a lengthly Twitter tirade slamming Brown and his family. Gordon, who recently inked his longtime girlfriend’s name on his arm, claims that Brown has been absent from Bobbi Kristina’s life and that Brown is out to get his daughter’s inheritance.

[View the story “Nick Gordon’s Twitter rant” on Storify]

Houston brought Gordon into her household as an orphan at the age of 12, raising him and her daughter after divorcing Bobby Brown in 2007.

Relations between Gordon and some other family members soured last year: He remains subject to a protective order barring him from being within 200 feet of Bobbi Kristina’s aunt, Patricia Houston.

Bobbi Kristina became the sole inheritor of her mother’s estate when Whitney died in 2012, and shortly thereafter, she and Gordon went public with their romantic relationship.

Brown said his daughter isn’t and never has been married to Gordon.

On Thursday, doctors at Emory University Hospital replaced Bobbi Kristina’s breathing tube with a tracheostomy tube, according to a person close to the family who was not authorized to speak on her condition. The tracheostomy is usually used for patients who need to be on a ventilator for an extended period.