Celebrity News

Equal pay for women now! Patricia Arquette’s feminist acceptance speech

Take that, Kaley Cuoco!

Patricia Arquette took a break from her big moment to make a call for equality.

The “Boyhood” star, 46, who’d seconds earlier been awarded the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, used her acceptance speech to call for an end to the disparity of pay between men and women.

“To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s rights,” Arquette said. “It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America.”

The statement seemed to go over exceedingly well with the gathered crowd of Hollywood luminaries across both genders. But no one seemed more excited about the statement, than Meryl Streep, who lost the Oscar, but rose from her seat to offer her overwhelming support for Arquette’s stance.

“Made my night,” the three-time Oscar-winner told the Associated Press.

During the Sony hack, it came out that Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence, both of whom were nominated for Oscars last year, were paid less than their male cast mates for “American Hustle.”