Celebrity News

Conrad Hilton goes berserk on flight

Hothead hotel heir Conrad Hilton threw his rich-kid attitude around during a 10-hour flight tirade, demeaning his fellow passengers as mere “peasants,” and threatening to sic his multimillionaire dad on flight attendants who wouldn’t let him have his way.

According to court documents, the younger brother of Paris and Nicky became every passenger’s worst nightmare, stalking the narrow aisles, picking fights with the crew and stuffing a smoke detector with paper towels so he could puff his pot in a bathroom.

“I will f–king own anyone on this flight; they are f–king peasants,” Hilton allegedly blurted out on a London-to-LA flight when confronted by nervous flight attendants.

“I could get you all fired in five minutes. I know your boss! My father will pay this out. He has done it before. Dad paid $300,000 last time.”

Hilton’s father is LA real-estate mogul Rick Hilton.

Conrad surrendered Tuesday to FBI agents and was charged with assaulting and intimidating flight attendants and interfering with crew members on the July flight.

If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison. Hilton, 20, tossed his first tantrum while the seat-belt sign was still on. Just 30 minutes after British Airways Flight 269 left the ground, Hilton began his bratty antics, pacing the aisles, blocking flight attendants, cursing and screaming.

Witnesses estimated he got out of his seat at least 20 times. When a crew member, concerned about passenger safety, followed him, Hilton spun on him. “If you wanna square up to me bro, then bring it on and I will f–king fight you,” Hilton spewed, according to the complaint.

Crew members said they did not smell alcohol on Hilton’s breath, but he later admitted he had taken a sleeping pill before the flight. He even threw a punch at a flight attendant, but missed, according to the complaint.

Hilton told investigators he was defending himself.

Eventually Hilton fell asleep, and the pilot authorized a team of five flight attendants to subdue Hilton with blankets and aviation restraints so they could safely land the plane.

When he woke up, Hilton screamed again, “I’m am going to f–king kill you!”