Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

Cosby lawyer wife remains on support council for rape foundation

Hollywood lawyer Marty Singer is defending Bill Cosby against multiplying allegations of rape, even while his wife, Deena Singer, has been helping rape victims for years as a volunteer for the Rape Foundation in Los Angeles.

Deena is said to be under pressure to step down from the foundation’s Support Council because her husband has been attacking the credibility of Cosby’s accusers, a group that now numbers at least 19 women.

“What he’s doing goes against everything this organization stands for,” one source told me. “Singer is accusing these women of making up lies.”

Singer said, “People can attack me, but don’t attack my wife. It’s a blessing what she does. No one has asked her to resign.”

The foundation, created in 1989, supports the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center, plus the Stuart House for sexually abused children and a clinic for emergency forensic services.

“I have never said that rape victims shouldn’t come forward, and I am a big supporter of the Rape Foundation,” said Singer, a father of two daughters. “Cosby has never been [criminally] charged with rape. If he were charged with rape, that would be different.”

Singer has disputed some of the women’s claims, and has pointed out that one Cosby accuser was an ex-con and a drug addict. “Am I defending him? Yes,” Singer said. “But I’ve been very selective who I’ve called a liar. I’m attacking the media, not the women.”