Celebrity News

Bono broke his face in serious bike crash

Bono suffered injuries much more serious than originally reported from his bike crash in Central Park, according to a published report.

The U2 frontman underwent a series of surgeries at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center following the violent collision on Sunday, doctors ​told Rolling Stone Wednesday.

Bono suffered significant injuries to his face, by his right eye, elbow, shoulder blade and hand, doctors said.

Remarkably, Bono is expected to recover from all his wounds.

“He will require intensive and progressive therapy, however a full recovery is expected,” according to orthopedic trauma surgeon Dr. Dean Lorich.

The list of injuries, according to Rolling Stone, included:

  • A “facial fracture involving the orbit of his eye.”
  • Three separate fractures of his left shoulder blade.
  • A fracture of his left humerus bone in his upper arm, with bone shattering in six different places and poking through his skin.
  • There was nerve damage in an elbow, requiring three metal plates and 18 screws.
  • Following five hour​s​ of surgery on Sunday, Bono went under the knife for another five hours on Monday to ​repair a fractured left pinky finger.