Celebrity News

Taylor Swift on famous friends: I can trust them

Normal people need not apply to be Taylor Swift‘s friend.

The “Shake It Off” singer, 24, explained why so many of her friends are famous in an interview in the October 20 issue of People: They just get her.

“They are so fun and know me and like me for who I actually am,” she said. “It’s really wonderful to have someone like Lena Dunham in my life. We have the same responsibility and the same pressure that’s on you when you write every single word you end up performing.”

While it’s important to Swift to have friends – a group that includes the previously mentioned Dunham, Lorde, Selena Gomez, Jamie King and Karlie Kloss amongst its numbers – she can relate to, the pop star values trustworthiness above all else.

“We related on different levels, but the one common thread between all of my friends is I can trust them. They aren’t really much for going out to bars or clubs or anything. They’re not really as interested in that and I’m not either, so it works out pretty well.”

That probably means Swift and Katy Perry‘s long-simmering feud won’t end anytime soon.

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