Celebrity News

Inside the NFL’s investigation of Brett Favre

The former manager of Jenn Sterger, the ex-New York Jets hostess who allegedly received nude pictures and racy voicemails from Brett Favre, has penned a damning account of how the NFL conducts its investigations.
In light of the recent Ray Rice scandal, Phil Reese wrote an opinion piece on the 2010 Favre allegations and the NFL’s investigation, saying, “Just like Brett Favre’s penis (allegedly), it wasn’t pretty. But unlike Brett Favre’s penis (allegedly), it was extremely long.” The married Favre admitted leaving voicemails, but denied sending naked pictures.
Reese said he was hounded by NFL investigators who wanted to speak to Sterger.
They met at his apartment, where “grown men in suits sat around my kitchen table and stared at pictures of Brett Favre’s penis (allegedly). The heads of NFL security sat through hours of testimony and sifted through countless documents that were compiled in a three-ring binder with the help from our FBI forensics expert.”
But he claims the NFL then dragged its heels:

If the league had so much evidence at their disposal, why did the “investigation” take so long and drag on for the duration of the entire season? . . . Maybe the answer has something to do with the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit in New Jersey. This would have expired at the end of Dec. 28th, 2010 . . . Two years from the last day of the 2008 season, when Favre and Sterger were both employed by the Jets . . . And when did the league announce their ruling? . . . On Dec. 29th, 2010. Favre was fined $50,000 for “not cooperating.” The NFL said at the time the delay was “due to difficulties in arranging to speak with certain key individuals.”

Reese added:

All of the “investigating” that took place wasn’t because they wanted to properly enforce the personal conduct policy, but to gather as much information as possible so that the league could avoid liability and minimize the impact of any negative p.r. that could tarnish the shield,’ and, ‘The league’s personal conduct policy has nothing to do with a player’s actual conduct and everything to do with protecting the league’s business interests.

NFL rep Brian McCarthy didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

Read Reese’s entire piece:

Game of Inches by Phil Reese