Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

David Muir is ready to take over as ABC’s World News anchor

Tuesday, Sept. 2, post Labor Day, David Muir becomes ABC-TV’s “World News” anchor.

The network’s made noises about his “tremendous intellect, unwavering work ethic, competitive drive, laserlike focus” blaah blaah. A pro, the guy’s paid his dues under rough circumstances. Also he’s gorgeous. Great hair. Perfect sideburns.

Why replace triple-A Diane Sawyer? Because he’s 40, and she isn’t. TV brass would appreciate Rembrandt more today if he were 23 and schmearing a canvas in Soho.

David “watched news at home at 12, wrote about it at 13 and, even when they drove me to school, excused myself to watch Peter Jennings. Then I delivered tripods to interns. Then my parents were supportive when I thought it’s smart to travel Europe and immerse myself in Spanish.”

Long back, before anyone breathed he’d get the anchor job, I’d heard the news. When did he learn?

“Diane, George [Stephanopoulos] and I knew weeks before the announcement. Three reporters kept this news quiet. Trembling inside, I silently carried that within me. There were predictions. It was a guessing game. I’ve dreamt of this moment but never pushed for it. There was no guarantee, no contract promises, nothing written that I’d get it.”

Any fears?

“My stomach has butterflies. I’ve anchored with no prompter, been in a terror attack, reported from Gaza, Ukraine, covered famine as the first journalist in Mogadishu, lived under al Qaeda fire thinking it’s an invasion, slept with garbage bags on the floor in a hurricane without food, electricity, everyone screaming and me reporting out a window.”

Any relaxation?

“I eat nothing all day then, after saying good night, mac ’n’ cheese — everything. To sounds of music I try 25 minutes a day at the gym, treadmill, stairs. I work writing and rewriting right up to airtime.

“There’s the moment you have to do it. And it’s always fear at the end of a show. I hate anybody thinking I think I’m special. Nothing great about me. I’m just a normal upstate guy with parents to thank and I drive myself crazy to be better.”

I’m his fan.

Reflecting on early times

ShaniaA Twain: “In Ontario’s little Timmins mining town, I couldn’t perform where liquor’s served. So, age 8, Mother would wake me from sleep before midnight and when the bars closed, I’d start singing” . . . MORE early days. Téa Leoni was named for her parents’ Tahitian friend at the University of Virginia law school . . . MORE. Age 18, in tiny skirt and skimpy top at Austin, Texas, in Sugar’s Go-Go Bar, Renée Zellweger served beer. Said its manager: “Asked to dance topless, she declined” . . . ONE more: Tracing Madonna and Céline Dion’s ancestry, genealogist Troy Dunn swears they’re related. Share roots. Madonna’s people had no comment; Celine’s people “were horrified.”

Let loose!

Honor Labor Day, friends. So much nudity around, enjoy a game of naked fencing. Or try some of the new fast food like Born Again Burgers. All else fails, do like Obama. Hold up a cardboard sign at a freeway entrance that says: “Will go to funerals for food.”

Lauren Bacall’s estate left money for her beloved dog and, weeks back, had booked Sophie’s yearly teeth cleaning procedure with her pets’ Park Avenue vet of 40 years. Knowing longtime client Bacall could be thrifty and liked saving a few bucks, Dr. Lewis Berman joked about the fee: “It’ll cost $1,000.”

Sophie’s teeth were cleaned yesterday posthumously. For considerably less. Says the doc: “I hope that thousand dollars joke didn’t do her in.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.