Celebrity News

That’s all he wrote

Well kids, I apologize in advance for what I’m about to say — especially since it comes on the heels of Oprah Winfrey shuttering her daily talk show — but this is the very last PopWrap post ever.

Yes, after four amazing years, I have decided to move on and explore a new opportunity on the West Coast. But I wanted to take a minute and thank you (yes, you!) for making PopWrap such a success.

After all, anyone can have a blog, each and every one of you is what separated PopWrap from the pack, making it a dynamic conversation between fans — which is exactly what I set out to create back in 2008 when launching the site.

“For Fans, By Fans” was my motto and hopefully you’ve enjoyed the ramblings, rantings, recaps and reviews. I apologize if it felt like one four-year-long running sentence, but I seem to be rather proficient when it comes to verbal vomit.

Because of you, I’ve not only been able to meet millions of like-minded pop culture fans, but I’ve gotten to rub shoulders with some of my favorite actors, musicians and directors under the auspices of “work.”

This is by no means “good-bye” — not only can you still follow me on Twitter (@PopWrap — say hi!!!) but like The Terminator, last season’s Prada skort and every TV show from the 80’s, I’ll be back!