Celebrity News

Scott Rudin fires off at David Kirkpatrick for using ‘The Social Network’ to sell his books

Producer Scott Rudin doesn’t want “The Facebook Effect” author David Kirkpatrick to make a penny off the success of his film, “The Social Network.” Rudin’s camp noticed that Kirkpatrick, who blasted his movie as fictional and “horrifically unfair,” has been linking to it on his Facebook wall and mentioning it in other promotions. Kirkpatrick, unlike Rudin, was granted total access to Facebook founders and staff and declined to consult on the movie at Mark Zuckerberg‘s request. Rudin, who called Kirkpatrick’s book “a press release,” told us: “David Kirkpatrick wants it both ways. He wants to be able to p – – – on the movie and use it to sell his books that nobody bought. I’m not angry about it. I find it hilarious.” Kirkpatrick fired back, “Of course I used the movie to sell books . . . I don’t see what he has to gain by attacking an itsy-bitsy business-book writer when he’s big bad Scott Rudin.”