Celebrity News

Trump Soho door debacle

The new Trump Soho Hotel is having a hard time getting used to the neighborhood. At Evisu’s after-party for tattoo artist Scott Campbell‘s show Thursday night, tempers flared outside when hotel management refused to let any revelers in after midnight. “There were tons of people outside, but the girl working the door couldn’t let any in because the hotel was saying they were at capacity,” says a spy. “Evidently, the party was only supposed to be for 100 people, but 400 showed. So basically a ton of hipsters were loitering outside a Trump building, which was kind of hilarious.” The situation upstairs wasn’t much better: “Everyone drank the bar dry, but people still wouldn’t leave,” laughs our spy. Among those who made it in were Josh Hartnett, Selma Blair and “Iron Man 2” screenwriter Justin Theroux. A hotel rep didn’t respond to a request for comment.