Celebrity News

Lefties fuel Hopper attacks

The venomous personal attacks on Dennis Hopper that erupted on The Huffington Post after the cancer-stricken star filed for divorce from Victoria Duffy are said to be motivated by politics. “Arianna Huffington has indoctrinated Duffy, a naive former restaurant hostess, in her ultraliberal ideology,” a family confidant tells Page Six. Huffington’s site reported Hopper was mentally incompetent from cancer drugs and trying to impoverish his wife. A turning point in the marriage came when Hopper refused to join Duffy in hosting a fund-raiser for presidential candidate John Edwards. Hopper’s first wife, Brooke Hayward, daughter of Hollywood’s Leland Hayward and Margaret Sullavan, says, “The sinister, baseless and malicious allegations” about Hopper “are coming from the direction of rabid, left-wing would-be pundits who seem dismayed that his politics have become more conservative over the years.”