"I take orders from the Octoboss."


On July 29, 1983, the same day Luis Bunuel died, and two days after the release of Madonna’s debut album, Columbia Pictures released their entry in the “if you liked RETURN OF THE JEDI…” sweepstakes, KRULL. With the resources of a studio behind it, KRULL was able to be bigger than most of the other also-rans, having double the budget of SPACEHUNTER: ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE, for example. It even got a release in 70mm. It boasts a new score by James Horner that sounds kinda like BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS, instead of re-using the actual score from BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS like SPACE RAIDERS did. Notably it has the same cinematographer as THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, Peter Suschitzky. Editor Ray Lovejoy is the guy who did 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. So it’s quite a crew here.

The director is Peter Yates (BULLITT, THE HOT ROCK, THE FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYLE, MOTHER, JUGS & SPEED, THE DEEP), one of the many British directors George Lucas had considered for RETURN OF THE JEDI. Screenwriter Stanford Sherman was a TV guy (Man from U.N.C.L.E./Batman) but had done ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN. Unfortunately he did not include a punching orangutan in this one. Could’ve used one, to be honest.

KRULL is much more of a sword and sorcery type fantasy movie than it is a sci-fi movie, but they’re definitely going for a mix. It opens with a star field, then a ship-like object floating through space. It’s not anything mechanical, it’s a giant rock formation called The Black Fortress that lands on the planet Krull, looking like an evil castle Skeletor might stay in while Snake Mountain is being fumigated. A narrator explains that it holds “The Beast and his army, The Slayers,” demonically evil guys who are gonna kill the shit out of everybody on Krull and take over.

The narrator also notifies us about the prophecy “that a girl of ancient name shall become Queen, that she shall choose a King, and that together they shall rule our world, and that their son shall rule the galaxy.”

I’m not clear if they’re intentionally trying to fulfill that prophecy (which seems a little presumptuous), but a princess named Lyssa (Lysette Anthony, later in LOOK WHO’S TALKING NOW) plans to marry the prince of an enemy kingdom in order to form an alliance to fight The Beast. It’s not an arranged marriage – it’s very clear that they want to do it, against the wishes of their monarch fathers. But Lyssa speaks of the marriage only in strategic terms – “it’s the only way to guarantee the alliance” – and rationalizes that this guy she’s never met is good for her because “Colwyn is a great fighter.”

“Heh. Good fighters make bad husbands,” says her father (Bernard Archard, VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED).

“Perhaps,” she says.

In the age old fairy tale style, she meets Colwyn (Ken Marshall, TILT), they exchange brief pleasantries, then kiss and we are to accept that they have plummeted into undying romantic-as-shit super-love. Anthony does do a good job of looking smitten with him, though it would be hard to have natural chemistry in their scenes together, since the producers thought she sounded too young and had her lines redubbed by Lindsay Crouse (later in HOUSE OF GAMES). No matter – she’s kidnapped before the ceremony is completed, the kings are killed, and the movie is about Colwyn having to rescue her from the Black Fortress. She spends most of the movie standing lonely on big stylized sets or backdrops, including one of a giant eye that made me think of that Salvador Dali thing in Hitchock’s SPELLBOUND.

Colwyn is nursed back to health (and shamed for being a cry baby) by an old man named Ynyr (Freddie Jones, FIREFOX), who’s also the narrator. Ynyr tells him he can defeat The Beast with The Glaive, a bladed throwing star thing last seen in OCTOPUSSY.

In my experience people who say they like KRULL only talk about The Glaive. Admittedly, it’s a cool looking weapon. In the fantasy quest tradition, Colwyn has to climb a mountain and into a cave to find it. Then they have to find the Black Fortress, but it has pretty good security protocol, teleporting to a new location every morning.

They do the WIZARD OF OZ thing, picking up different pals along their journey. First up is a funny-coded character named Ergo (David Battley, WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY). He’s a magician or shapeshifter or something so he can turn into a goose, a pig, and later a tiger.

At first Ergo is the only one to notice they’re being followed by a cyclops named Rell (Bernard Bresslaw, HAWK THE SLAYER). The second time he sees him he gets so scared he faints.

Every time they show Rell it’s a pretty good mix of goofy and creepy. They say he’s 20 feet tall and try to make it look that way using forced perspective, but then there’s a couple scenes where they give up and just have him walking with the others looking more like 6’ 3”.

They’re also joined by a Blind Seer (John Welsh, REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN) until an evil changeling kills him and pretends to be him. Rell figures out the scam and kills the doppelganger, and there’s a pretty cool shot of him deflating and sinking into the ground. There are also cool effects on the occasions where they kill the Slayers. Little squid things crawl out of their scary black armor and disappear into the ground.

Colwyn exhibits leadership when he meets a group of bandits who escaped from prison and still wear shackles. They’re led by Torquil (Alun Armstrong, GET CARTER), who wears a cool spiked collar, and they include ax thrower Kegan (Liam Neeson five years before THE DEAD POOL) and spear wielder Rhun (babyfaced Robbie Coltrane dubbed by Michael Elphick, THE ELEPHANT MAN). At first they laugh at him because he seems like a jackass asking them to follow him into battle against The Beast. “Would you follow a king?” he asks, and I was offended by this monarchist bullshit. Why should they give a shit if he technically has that title? They shouldn’t. They should want to follow him even less then the zero amount they wanted to follow him previously. To his credit, he reveals that as king he wears a Glaive-themed necklace that carries one of two existing keys to all of the kingdoms’ shackles. So he frees them and they do decide to join him.

It’s really not fair for me to complain about this being a different sort of sci-fi fantasy than RETURN OF THE JEDI; if it was closer to the same kind of thing it would be criticized as a wannabe. But since these movies were obviously greenlit in the wake of the massive popularity of Star Wars it’s kind of funny how much they lack the same appeal. RETURN OF THE JEDI is exciting because it’s so teeming with otherworldly creations: Jabba and his entourage, the Sy Snootles band, the Rancor, Admiral Ackbar, the Ewoks, the speeder bikes, and on and on. KRULL has some cool shit, which I will list in a minute, but most of the time you’re just looking at generic earth shit you’d see in any boring movie about knights and castles. Medieval robes and armor, regular earth animals, bland mountains and forests, and though The Beast is a pretty cool giant monster you don’t really see him until the end, and then he’s deliberately out of focus. How are you gonna keep ‘em on Krull when they’ve already seen Jabba’s Palace?

Colwyn does some decent swashbuckler moves, but some of the sword fights even seem stiff compared to the first STAR WARS. Their answer to light sabers is that they add some animated red lightning when the swords hit each other. In the tradition of Tatooine, Krull has “twin suns.” I feel like if I lived on a planet with two suns I would probly just refer to them as “the suns” and not “the twin suns,” but that’s just me. Nobody mentions it, but they also have twin moons. And there’s a part with spikes coming out of some walls that’s reminiscent of the STAR WARS trash compactor scene (except fatal in this case).

There’s nothing to compete with the Sarlacc pit, unless you count the quicksand scene. I’ve probly said this in another review before, but when we were kids it sure seemed like quicksand was a more common phenomenon than it is. I don’t believe I’ve ever met anyone who’s been involved in a quicksand incident. Still, not very exciting in this movie.

But there is occasional cool shit. There’s a cave full of spider webs that’s home to a giant see-through spider, portrayed with stop motion animation. I don’t like spiders, but I like stop motion, so I can respect it. There’s a part where they ride horses with flames superimposed over their legs. I mentioned the armor. And the cyclops. And The Beast at the end. And The Glaive. It doesn’t make for the most exciting duel, but I’m not gonna shit on The Glaive spinning around like a boomerang, making a funny humming sound. That’s worthwhile.

I never saw this movie growing up – I first saw it in 2004 at Cinerama’s 70mm festival. (Warning: in that review I make a joke about SILVERADO, which I hadn’t seen and assumed was boring for some reason.) I was really excited to have a new ‘80s fantasy movie in my life, but sadly I found it extremely dull and just about the only thing I remembered by the time of this revisit was that Neeson was in it at some point, doing something. I’m afraid it didn’t improve much on the second viewing. I can intellectually get behind some of the individual elements being cool, and there are some nice images at times, but it just doesn’t have much momentum or excitement to it.

And it makes me realize that a maybe under-acknowledged part of the George Lucas approach to fantasy was that there wasn’t anything stuffy about it, unless you count the uptight bad guys we’re rooting against. Han was cool and fun, Leia was sarcastic and take-charge, Luke may have started out dorky, but he was always modern, relatable. KRULL takes the opposite approach, making the leads try to be very formal and mythical. Colwyn may be “a great fighter” (seems like an exaggeration, honestly) and I’m sure he will live up to his potential as a bad husband, but some things he’s not are cool, charismatic, fun to watch. It’s very hard to be engaged in some guys riding horses through mountains when the main guy is this corny. I actually kinda side with The Beast, come to think of it. Or at least Liam Neeson. Why doesn’t he just let Liam Neeson be the leader?

Horner’s score is very good at times, but sometimes I think he overdoes it. Like, if you put your “THIS IS THE GREATEST ADVENTURE AN ADVENTURER EVER ADVENTURED!” fanfare over the hero just climbing some rocks you kinda make him look like an asshole. Tone it down, man.

Shoulda kept it subtle and saved that one for the end, when they get married and are gonna rule the planet, I guess. King Colwyn makes Torquil his Lord Marshal, which is loyal of him but man, what a sell out, for Torquil to become a cop. He’s probly one of those guys who tries to portray himself as surprisingly cool. “Sure, I’m a cop now, but what if I told you I used to be the leader of a gang of prison escapee bandits? Would that blow your mind?”

The narrator repeats the prophecy from the beginning, so I guess we should be excited to imagine Colwyn and Lyssa having a kid who rules the galaxy, whatever that means for a non-technological civilization. I guess he’ll fly around on magic mountains giving orders to the different planets. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say how happy I am for him.

KRULL opened in 4th place, below NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION, JAWS 3-D (week 2) and RETURN OF THE JEDI (week 10). It did not make back its budget in theaters, though I’m sure cable and video helped. I think that’s where most people saw it.

Yates continued directing through 2004. Sherman wrote THE ICE PIRATES. Marshall guest starred on many TV shows (Baywatch, Hunter, Quantum Leap) and had a character who appeared in 9 episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Anthony was in a bunch of Bryan Adams videos and DRACULA: DEAD AND LOVING IT. Coltrane had a long and prolific career (using his own voice) but was best known for playing a two-eyed giant in the Millennial Star Wars, PETER POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S MAGIC. Neeson later appeared in a real Star Wars, and his character was in the vicinity of RETURN OF THE JEDI breakout star Jabba the Hutt.

tie-ins: Marvel did a comic book adaptation of KRULL, and Alan Dean Foster wrote a novelization. I happen to know there was also a board game, because I once bought it at a Goodwill and then gave it to the first person I ever met who liked KRULL. There was also a Krull card game, an arcade game and separate Atari 2600 game.

P.S. I thought I had reviewed VACATION, but it turns out I’ve only reviewed EUROPEAN VACATION and VEGAS VACATION. Sorry. Maybe some other time.

This entry was posted on Friday, July 28th, 2023 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Reviews, Fantasy/Swords, Science Fiction and Space Shit. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

27 Responses to “Krull”

  1. Shiiiiiiiiiit, only now that you mentioned his role on DS9 I realized Prince Whatshisname was Lt Commander Eddington. Probably not one of the greatest characters in STAR TREK history, but one whose existence leads to one of the darkest, yet at the same time most badass moments of that franchise. (In all fairness, by then he looked more like Kurtwood Smith, so it’s easy to not recognize him.)

    This movie, well, I think there are worse out there. It’s okay, I guess. Every 10 or so years I feel like watching it, am kinda entertained by its hard-to-resist 80s fantasy charme, appreciate its mix of sword & sorcery with aliens and shit, but all in all pretty much forget about it again soon

  2. I saw this for the first time in the early oughts, when my then-girlfriend and I had a movie night with her posse of D&D dorks. It was then that I learned that fantasy nerds will watch a whole-ass movie multiple times just for the props. I can verify that they did not give any kind of fucks about the plot, characters, pacing, etc. They only had eyes for the Glaive. I pointed out that the Glaive is in the movie for like six minutes, tops. They were like, “Yeah, man, but… The Glaive.” I don’t get it. The Glaive is cool and all, but it’s no triple-bladed rocket sword. Albert Pyun’s SWORD AND THE SORCERER has this fucker beat hands down.

  3. Isn’t the rocket sword only used like twice, for a total of 12 seconds (only lasts that long because it’s shot in slo-mo).

  4. I know I’ve tried Krull a couple times but I don’t remember a thing about it. I remember the arcade game more. Sounds like I don’t need to keep trying.

    Real bummer about Vacation though. Maybe this Christmas you complete the Quadrilogy.

  5. This movie’s OK, nothing more. I saw it in ‘83 and definitely recall liking it, but it had nowhere near the staying power of JEDI—I’m sure I was done with it in a week or two. And as Vern correctly points out the Glaive is the coolest part by far—so cool that at the end, when (if memory serves) it destroys itself, I was far more bummed about the “death” of an inanimate object than any of the characters.

  6. I watched KRULL as a kid on VHS after losing a ton of quarters to the arcade game. That bit where he climbs the mountain? That’s in the game! You needed to avoid a ton of falling boulders, which I was disappointed to see was vastly less epic in the movie. I can also confirm that all the conversations with (the very, very few) kids who had seen it were basically all about the glaive; the movie itself was a bit of a shrug, a disappointment even for 10 year olds.

    – Oh man, the rocket sword is so stupid. I love it! After a recent rewatch, I’m sorry to say I didn’t care as much for the movie around it. And yeah, the sword is probably there for more than 12 seconds, but not a huge amount more.
    – And it’s one of the better ones in the genre! Definitely better than KRULL. Most sword & sorcery movies from that era that aren’t the first Conan kind of suck. I loved Beastmaster as a kid, and can still appreciate it a little these days, but it has not aged well. I don’t think any of them have.
    – First actually good one is… what, SCORPION KING? After more than a decade of trying. This reminds me I need to watch the DEATHSTALKER sequels someday, because I’ve been told they at least have a sense of humor about themselves.
    – Alan Dean Foster is a true craftsman and he’ll always pop up in any conversation about novelizations. I read one of his original sci-fi books as a teen, possibly even a whole series… and can’t remember the first thing about it, but I think I enjoyed it.
    – I also read the novelization of those Millennial star wars sorcerer movies. Well, half of the first one; I rarely drop books midway, but I did not like that one at all. That lady, she’s no Alan Dean Foster

  7. I remember seeing that one in the cinema with my mom who loved heroic & fantasy stuff… like everyone else, the Glaive was the highlight of it, otherwise 10 years old me was not that impressed with that one.
    Funny note is that Ken Marshall was at the same time starring in a TV serie on Marco Polo that i was forced to watch by my grandmother (she thought it was a good education opportunity!)… so i thought Ken Marshall was going to be very famous. I was wrong.

  8. Krull is one of those films I try every decade and want to like but it never lands for me. Red Sonya, while far tackier, is way more fun to sit through, as a blatant 80’s genre rip-off.

  9. Not a great or memorable movie, but it was what we had. I didn’t see this one on the cinema, which was surprising since I was (and remain) the type D&D dorks that Majestyk scorns above. Even catching it later on VHS I was only ever meh about it. It’s clearly inferior to a Star Wars, so why even bother with it. You can admire a picture of the glaive without sitting through the darn movie.

    Random name-dropping connection: Alun Armstrong / Torquil is a good friend of my in-laws. I’ve met him quite a bit at family gatherings, but have still never plucked up the courage to ask him about Krull. I don’t think it’s a role he is especially proud of, he’d rather talk about Les Mis any day! But there’s no glaive in that, so whatever.

  10. Krull is boring but Sword and the Sorceror is worse. It’s just R rated so the blood and titties made the edgy teens think they were watching something badass. Weird that Pyun started on his biggest movie and then it was just a downward slope. Beastmaster is dumb but at least fun. Dragoonslayer is a total snoozefest with five awesome dragon minutes. I think even Conan in so-so…it’s fine, but essentially take out the soundtrack and you got a fairly middling movie. Dark Crystal has amazing shit in it and great villains but it’s still kinda boring? Legend begns and ends with Curry, everything else is dull…oh except the swamp hag! Never could be bothered to watch Neverending Story or Ladyhawke or any of that stuff. And don’t get me started on the Eyetalian flicks!

    Princess Bride was late 80s but was genuinely great. Willow is decent? Clash of the Titans was pretty good. Labyrinth was okay I think?

    Wow, what a time.

    dreadguacamole, I don’t know if I’d bother watching a Deathstalker, Yeah they have a sense of humor, but just in a “look we’re not even trying because we know this is shit” kind of way. Not like genuine funny stuff. They just want you to know they’re smart enough to know they’re making garbage and you’re stupid for watching. But fuck are they bad, worse than Ator movies.

  11. “worse than Ator movies”
    Holy shit, that’s damning. Noted, not getting anywhere close to them then.

    There are a few great fantasy movies, many of which you mention (and let’s not forget LotR, which came out… a year before SCORPION KING? huh.) I was mostly staying within the Swords and Sorcery subgenre, which is apparently very hard to get right; KRULL sits on the edges of it to my mind, mostly because it focuses on a swordsman’s journey, its feel, and the script structure I guess. I can’t think of any S&S flicks besides CONAN or SCORPION that are actually good.
    I’ll go to bat for CONAN the first even without the killer soundtrack. It’s got the same kind of loose, episodic scripts that screw over most of these; Everyone remembers the revenge story, but no one mentions the whole getting stoned and stealing a wizard’s gem for the lolz. But it works for me, I find it fun. At least it had the excuse of adapting a bunch of short-ish pulp adventures.

    Weird that another element these other movies steal from CONAN – KRULL and Pyun’s included – is the whole thing that their characters form part of some bigger, more epic, in their case completely made-up cycle.

  12. I feel like The Scorpion King (which I thought was generic and kinda dull) stands apart…yeah it’s trashy and wannabe studio fun but that time also had similar crap like Kull, mid range sueprheroes like Spawn and all those bad sci movies liek Tank Girl or Johnny Mnemonic. All just like…interesting enough to see in a theater but don’t work as actual good movies.

    LOTR really does stand on it’s own, not really being “action movies” and less about the gimmicks. Even the movies with serious intentions like Dark Crystal or other Hensons had a gimmick (basically poppet movies), or Legend was trying to be a good movie but there was no story worth watching. LOTR had the nerve to play serious but not over the top, great actors, not afraid to have lots of quiet dialogue scenes, etc.

    Yeah you can see one of those Deathstalkers on a MST3K episode, which also did Ator. I even liked one of the Ators as a kid sort of, even though I knew it sucked, but at least there was enough fighting. But in Ator Miles O’Keefe LOOKS like he could be in a good fantasy movie and at least it looks grungy and there’s a few okayish (but not that good) fights and the sets looked fine. You don’t even get any of that in the Deathstalkers, just a smirking CW style fratboy on horrible sets. At least the Italians had some sort of shitty asthetic to their trash ripoffs, but I think the Deathstalkers were made in Brazil or something, they couldn’t even afford to go to the Phillipines.

  13. Hey now that you mention BEASTMASTER, didn’t Dar have a weapon similar to the Glaive? Or am I remembering it wrong?

  14. His caretaker did, it was a throwing weapon that flipped open. I saw that one a lot!

  15. Muh – they were made in Argentina. Corman cut a deal with some local producers to make a bunch of fantasy movies there; I’m guessing because they saw that the Italians were doing it and thought it’d be easy. They’re kind of (kind of!) famous there just for that fact. That’s why I’m kind of tempted to watch them, a few friends (some of which knew people who worked on them) kept going on about them and passing on war stories.

    It sounds like I have a slightly higher tolerance/lower standards for these movies than you, but what you’re describing confirms the impression I had of the Deathstalkers. Also, the first one is *rank*. There’s a lot of much better crap out there I still haven’t gotten to.

  16. Argentina…wow, cheap even for Corman!

    Funny thing is, like many of the shitfests made at that time they had really cool covers, but even as a kid I was like “I don’t that giant dude is going to be in that movie.” And he was not. At least the Italian zombie movies delivered on their covers, no matter how much a piece of crap the film was.

    You never know, you may watch it and have fun with it, I know people who enjoy watching stuff liek that and it’s perfect for MST3K, but on it’s on it’s not interesting enough to be a weird terrible movie like Verotika where you can at least marvel at the idea this motherfucker was TRYING and thought he was making a good movie and yet…

  17. Saw this on VHS in the ’80s after coming in from a late night and concluded that I was too tired and drunk to make any sense of it. Subsequent rewatching has shown that conclusion to be wrong. The film never actually makes sense. It’s well enough acted and directed, and individual scenes are fine, but they never cohere into a story. It’s not the worst thing a film can do, but nor does it make for greatness in this case. The acting and direction actually work against any sense of camp, which might’ve been a redeeming feature.

    Peter Yates was a fine and interesting director with a handful of genuinely great films on his filmography – BULLITT, THE FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYLE, BREAKING AWAY – and an armful of others that are easy to watch and like. But KRULL isn’t one of them. For a Briton there is also a certain confusion when you discover that the director who put Steve McQueen at the wheel of that Mustang also put Cliff Richard at the wheel of a double decker bus in SUMMER HOLIDAY.

  18. A glaive is a kind of polearm, a “single-edged blade at the end of a pole” according to Wikipedia. I would expect D&D nerds to object heartily to a five-bladed throwing weapon named The Glaive.

  19. On a more serious note, this movie is one of a trifecta of scifi movies that I definitely wasn’t going to see but desperately wanted to, that came out when I was coming of age. I eventually saw them all and was inevitably disappointed or flat out betrayed. They were KRULL, LIFE FORCE, and BUCKAROO BANZAI. The only one of which holds up in any way shape or form is LIFE FORCE, which is actually interesting in a weird offbeat British kind of way (plus boobs).

  20. Sorry, rainman, but I can’t let that pass unchallenged. BUCKAROO BANZAI may be lacking in some of its filmatism, but its screenplay is rich in world building, tonally pitch perfect, and endlessly quotable. Similarly, the performances, from a cast practically all on the cusp of fame, fully deliver on the screenplay, and John Lithgow’s Emilio Lizardo gives us one of the great un-Caged mega acting turns. BUCKAROO BANZAI is the very definition of a cult movie, but I drank the Kool-Aid long ago; there ain’t no way I’m letting you throw it in the bin with KRULL.

    But, yeah sure, LIFEFORCE is wild. I keep thinking Tarantino will turn up one day and work his career reviving thing for Steve Railsback, but it’s getting late now.

  21. BUCKAROO BANZAI has the smartest script, the dopest production design, the coolest actors, the rockinest music, and the hippest vibe, yet remains almost completely unwatchable. It’s a movie that’s far less than the sum of its parts. I enjoy the making-of documentary far more than the actual movie.

    I am not proud of this. I keep hoping this time is the time I get into it but it never happens. I start drifting off after ten minutes and only come back for fits and starts (usually when Lithgow is onscreen).

    Way better than KRULL though. KRULL’s parts aren’t even that cool.

  22. LIFEFORCE is so good. Who’d have guessed that you could improve on the Quatermass movies by adding blood and boobs? Well, I mean, OK, put it like that and it sounds kind of obvious, but there were so many ways it could have gone wrong. It’s such a perfect storm of insane decisions and I love it to pieces.
    As for BUCKAROO… I can see why people wouldn’t like it. Its… it’s not perfect, but it’s such a chill, likeable and weird film I can’t find it in my heart to criticize it. I was terrified to re-watch it as an adult, but thankfully I still like it.

  23. It’s not even that I don’t like it. I like everything about it. Except the actual act of watching it.

  24. You summed up my feelings perfectly Majestyk. I liked (and still like, in my fading memory) the commercial for BUCKAROO BANZAI more than the actual movie. I understand that it is 10x better than KRULL, but it misses the mark for me so badly that I just hate it every time I try to watch it. If you sat me down in front of a TV right now and told me I had to pick one or the other I am going KRULL, no contest.

    Another Jeff Goldblum movie that along with BB soured my taste on the actor for a good long while (until I was “old enough” to watch THE FLY) is EARTH GIRLS ARE EASY, which felt like I was watching the intro for an hour and a half, like a poorly produced SNL skit with typically bad and obvious jokes, going on way past its ideal run time and getting very old, until finally it was done. Maybe I need to try it again?

  25. I just watched EARTH GIRLS for the first time in a while and found it fairly delightful. It’s just a lightweight goof but it’s got great production design, catchy tunes, and everybody in it is impossibly young and beautiful. It’s very likable if you can handle the sugar rush.

  26. Never saw this, but I do have the first issue (of two) of the Marvel comic. Even as a voracious reader it was deeply uninteresting to me, and I probably haven’t looked at it in 25 or 30 years.

    They should do a years-later sequel about Mr. and Mrs. Krull having to fight their own evil adult galaxy-ruling son. Call it KRULLER.

  27. BUCKAROO BANZAI was a film I had heard of and always hoped to find in my VHS hunting days but never did. A few years later when it turned up on a reasonably priced DVD I was pretty excited, but watching it I didn’t really get it. I gave it at least one other try but it still didn’t really click. I didn’t give up faith, I even hoped my local second hand store might turn up the Region 1 DVD with all the extras. Then I learned those extras apparently pretend Banzai is real, and I wasn’t so keen any more. At some point I just realised maybe the whole BANZAI thing isn’t for me.

    I suspect a lot of BUCKheads would disagree with me on this and think it would have made the joke too obvious, but I suspect it would have worked better if they’d cast Michael Keaton as Banzai as they were apparently considering. Having a hero who could match Lithgow in mega-acting would help in this case, I think.

    Still, as one of the world’s leading WIREDheads, I should probably give Earl Mac Rauch’s masterwork another shot.