"I take orders from the Octoboss."

New bonus on Patreon: Duran Duran’s “Wild Boys” video, directed by Russell Mulcahy

Friends! I hope you’ve been enjoying the HIGHLANDER studies so far. On Monday we’ll continue with a look at the pilot of Highlander: The Series, which features Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod, reaching through the portal from real movies into syndicated television to hand off the torch. For those who have been asking, no, I’m afraid I’m not able to cover the full six seasons of television, but I look forward to your insights into the rest of it.

It is true that we’ve already covered the two best and most cinematic movies of the franchise, but trust me, there’s plenty more interesting stuff to enjoy and dissect. Before that I’d like to cap off this Russell Mulcahy portion of the programming with some EXCLUSIVE PATREON BONUS SHIT. If you are a current Patreon supporter or want to sign up, you can click the link below for my heavily illustrated look at Mulcahy’s most extravagant Duran Duran video, made two years before HIGHLANDER when he was trying to make a feature film out of a William S. Burroughs novel.

And this is my obligatory occasional post of gratitude to all those who have supported me on Patreon and in other ways. You very directly made it possible for me to work fewer hours at the day job and more at preparing this series, which I’m very proud of and excited to share with you. So I hope this extra post serves as a small thank you and/or enticement for new subscribers. (Reminder: you’ll also get access to my reviews of the entire TWILIGHT series, starring Batman.)

Read about “WILD BOYS” on Patreon!



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12 Responses to “New bonus on Patreon: Duran Duran’s “Wild Boys” video, directed by Russell Mulcahy”

  1. Are we sure this isn’t in the Alien-verse and the head is actually just an Engineer’s head brought back to life like in that one scene in PROMETHEUS?

  2. Vern, I am still befuddled why you did not put this whole HIGHLANDER-series on Patreon. I know you are way too kindhearted to do it. But still. My own economy sucks, so i can notsupport your Patreon. But I think you should. For your own sake.

  3. Sweet. Can’t wait to read after work.

  4. Thanks, Shoot. But I want you to be able to read it! HIGHLANDER is too definitive to keep the review locked away.

  5. I had no idea this video exists, but it doesn’t surprise me that it’s so all over the place. You ever listen to the actual lyrics to a Duran Duran song? Other than “Girls On Film” and “Rio” they are pretty much just a string of strident coke-fueled gibberish, rife with non sequitors and random imagery.

    That’s what I like about them, though. Good band.

  6. Mr. M if you listen to A VIEW TO A KILL or HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF for sensible lyricism you’d end up with a scrambled brain; but boy do those songs still kick all sorts of ass with their majestic (no pun) hooks. Good band indeed!

  7. Republican Cloth Coat

    May 24th, 2019 at 8:02 pm

    What WS Burroughs Nobel was he trying to film.

  8. Broddie: Oh totally. For all their success, I still think Duran Duran is underrated as a band. Their look and vibe was New Wave but the music itself was basically pared down funk with strong pop hooks. They were kind of the white Kool and the Gang.

  9. Mr. Majestyk – Oh yes, I’ve noticed that myself, most of their lyrics are nonsensical and meaningless, the best example being THE REFLEX.

    But fuck, Duran Duran is one of my favorite bands and A VIEW TO A KILL and GIRLS ON FILM are some of my favorite songs.

  10. Most pop songs are nonsense lyrically.

  11. I am aware of that. Even by those standards, however, Duran Duran lyrics are some other shit. That’s what’s great about them.

  12. Vern, I always said you could name your price for a Highlander series. But I will totally buy a Zeist shirt to reward your generosity (and I’ve always loved Zeist!)