"I take orders from the Octoboss."

American Ninja

tn_americanninjab“You know, loners don’t go too far in this outfit.”

AMERICAN NINJA is a Cannon Films classic starring model-turned-action-star Michael Dudikoff as army-rookie-with-a-mysterious-ninja-past Joe Armstrong. I already reviewed it several years ago and in my opinion it was a well-written review with some points and some jokes that I wouldn’t have thought of now. For example I said that the ninjas in the yellow costumes would be good at hiding in a banana tree or a field of dandelions. You gotta have that youthful eye of the tiger to come up with that one.

But today I am revisiting AMERICAN NINJA for an important new series in which we will compare each installment of Francois Truffaut’s Antoine Doinel series to each installment of Golan and Globus’s AMERICAN NINJA series. Why, does the AMERICAN NINJA series follow the same character as he ages? Well, not really, I don’t think so, but I can’t think of a better pairing of quintologies to represent the full spectrum of cinema art from the respected and high brow (“brilliantly and strikingly reveals the explosion of a fresh creative talent… a picture that encourages an exciting refreshment of faith in films” wrote Bosley Crowther in The New York Times) to the… other kind (“Woefully acted, abysmally written… an embarrassment even when held to the low standards of grade C exploitation movies” wrote Candice Russell in The Sun Sentinel). By alternating between them and comparing and contrasting how they approach each chapter I hope we’ll find the true meaning of art or whatever.

Joe begins the movie as some kind of cool James Dean type, leaning and flipping a switchblade and not responding when the others try to get him to join in a hacky sack game.


Put a Balzac book in his hand and that’s gotta be how non-sports-liking Antoine sees himself, right? Antoine likes to pull his turtleneck up over his mouth, a reference to famous photos of James Dean; Dudikoff was cast specifically because he resembled Dean.

This cool non-hacky-sacking quiet loner is sent with a convoy of trucks delivering supplies when they’re stopped by construction workers who then pull out machine guns and try to steal the trucks.. When he sees the Colonel’s daughter Patricia (Judie Aronson, FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER, DESERT KICKBOXER, KISS KISS BANG BANG) being roughed up he intervenes. She tries to drive off, but crashes the car.

Joe leads the other soldiers in fighting back, and demonstrates a bunch of somersaulting and throwing skills. We see that he’s being observed from a distance by a full on ninja (Tadashi Yamashita, BRONSON LEE: CHAMPION, THE OCTAGON, GYMKATA) hiding in the trees. He has a tattoo next to his eye that gives him the name “Black Star Ninja.” “He possess great skills,” Black Star Ninja later says of Joe.

This turns into a serious ninja battle with arrows, bladed spears, shurikens and some of that energy of the NINJA III opening golf course massacre. Joe gets to do a RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK stunt where he’s dragged behind a moving truck (later he’ll have a separate incident riding under a truck). He somersaults onto the top, swings a chain and hook through the windshield, hooks it onto the steering wheel which he yanks and jumps off and the truck crashes and explodes and this is why we watch movies with NINJA in the title in my opinion.


When Joe takes off into the woods with the girl he does not demonstrate keen social skills. He doesn’t bother with a “It’s gonna be okay” or “My name is Joe” or “let’s go this way” or anything. He just covers her mouth, breaks the heels off of her favorite shoes and cuts her skirt into makeshift pants. Obviously she’s real upset about being treated this way, but after she sees him shirtless she starts liking him.

Joe absolutely saves the day, but just like Antoine he’s always gonna get a bunch of shit from the authority figures no matter what he does. Case in point: Patricia’s dad, Colonel Hickock  (Guich Koock, “Hot Jock #2,” THE SUGARLAND EXPRESS)’s thank-you for heroically bringing back his daughter alive is to say “I suppose you think you’re a hero just because you brought back my daughter alive.”

mp_americanninjaLike Antoine, Joe is basically a good kid who’s been given a raw deal in life and has a bad reputation because of the trouble he’s gotten into in the past. They think he’s AN ANGEL FACE HELL-BENT FOR VIOLENCE! Instead of sending him to reform school they sent him to the Army. Within the army his superior officers hate him and give him shit for everything, just like Antoine’s teacher. For example when Curtis Jackson (the great Steve James, HOLLYWOOD SHUFFLE) starts a fight with him, it’s Joe who gets punished. One very minor difference is that they hate him partly for interfering with their illegal operations, and they keep sending ninjas to try to kill him. While Antoine gets busted when he steals a typewriter, Joe is busted on a false accusation of stealing a truckload of Army weapons. In fact the people blaming him have been stealing and reselling the weapons themselves.

But the attitude spreads to the soldiers. They make fun of him for his heroic actions. “Hey, uh, Joe Hero. Did you make out with the princess?”

He’s very lucky that Curtis picks a fight with him, and that he takes the time to hand Curtis’s ass to him. Joe puts a bucket over his own head and kneels down and still subdues Curtis in front of everybody. This way they become Fight Brothers. Curtis shakes Joe’s hand, admits he was wrong and makes an announcement that Joe is a good man. Curtis is Joe’s Rene. I mean, he’s way cooler than Rene, but like Antoine and Rene these two do their sneaky business together and try to cover for each other and back each other up.

Curtis has too much swagger to quite seem like the sidekick. He’s an equal partner in all but screen time and credits order, but he’s very much in awe of Joe’s skills. “You didn’t learn that from the streets. I’m from the streets.” (In reality James was a martial artist and Dudikoff wasn’t, causing some tensions on set.)

Like Antoine, Joe doesn’t know his biological father. In fact he remembers very little about his youth, because he came to the army with amnesia. It turns out that the villain’s gardener Shinyuki (John Fujioka, AMERICAN YAKUZA, PEARL HARBOR) raised him. He found Joe as a baby, became his guardian and trained him in ninja techniques. This seemed real familiar to me, not because I had seen AMERICAN NINJA before, but because since then I had seen AMERICAN SAMURAI. In that movie a character played by David Bradley (who will eventually sub for Dudikoff in AMERICAN NINJA 3) has a very similar backstory, he was found by a character named Tatsuya who is also played by John Fujioka, and who trained the baby in samurai techniques, like some sort of alternate dimension version of this story. But for the American Samurai the abandoned white baby situation is a little less mysterious: his parents crashed a small plane into a tree, and he survived. I’m not sure if this Fujioka character checked the trees or not.

I’m very unclear on the explosion part of the backstory. Young Joe got separated from his master by what appeared to be a small detonation for construction or something. Then he got amnesia. It’s not explained very clearly, but I guess it adds to his mystique. The end credits suggest that I “READ THE PAPERBACK FROM HEROIC PRESS,” which would probly be illuminating on this topic, but I’ve done some searching and I’m not convinced a novelization was ever actually released.

In THE 400 BLOWS Antoine was sort of pitted against his stepdad, because he tried to steal his typewriter. In this one the protagonist is pitted against his girlfriend’s dad, who he doesn’t realize is involved in the weapons smuggling until the guy screws him. He does have some regrets, though. The real villain is the guy he made a deal with, Victor Ortega (Don Stewart, CARNIVAL MAGIC, ROVER DANGERFIELD). He’s a classic old-guy-in-suit villain with a mansion that includes an amazing training camp for ninjas in a variety of colors. This is an important staple of Americanized ninja movies. I respect it.

Note that our American Ninja's mentor is in the background of this shot, but we don't know it's him at this point.
Note that our American Ninja’s mentor is in the background of this shot, but we don’t know it’s him at this point.

Another one: the ninja is out of costume for much of the movie, but suits up for the climax (allegedly why Chuck Norris wouldn’t do the movie). Dudikoff does well because his eyes are actually recognizable behind the mask.

THE 400 BLOWS was Jean-Pierre Leaud’s first lead role (he’d only been in KING ON HORSEBACK before), and launched him into stardom. Dudikoff had been acting for around 8 years before AMERICAN NINJA, but almost entirely as a TV guest star or hard-to-spot bit part (like in BLOODY BIRTHDAY, TRON and UNCOMMON VALOR). The only exception was Albert Pyun’s RADIOACTIVE DREAMS, which came out the month before this but made less of an impression, playing on almost 600 fewer screens.

Director Sam Firstenberg grew up in Jerusalem, and like Truffaut he obsessively went to the movies, especially American ones. Also like Truffaut he had a brief stint in the military, in his case three years in the Israeli army. Firstenberg’s directing career began near the end of Truffaut’s. After several years as an assistant director for Menahem Golan, Firstenberg’s master-thesis-turned-feature-film ONE MORE CHANCE debuted at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival. He followed that with a trilogy of sequels (REVENGE OF THE NINJA, NINJA III: THE DOMINATION and BREAKIN’ 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO) before kicking off the AMERICAN NINJA series in 1985.

According to a biography on Firstenberg’s official websight, “Sam is particularly drawn to a style of cinema he calls ‘poetic realism’ – telling realistic stories with poetic images.” It quotes him as saying that “As opposed to an artistic, European type of filmmaking, I have always been attracted to mainstream American cinema – the type of movies made by Hitchcock, John Ford, and Akira Kurosawa. I see my responsibility as a storyteller, using cinematic means rather than lengthy dialogue. I like fast paced attention grabbers and dramatic, exciting stories.”

Truffaut may be an example of the “artistic, European type of filmmaking,” but he shared Firstenberg’s love of Hitchcock, and even published a book of his interviews with the master.

Of the two, Truffaut would go on to have what is usually considered a more influential body of work. But that’s not taking into account the role Firstenberg had in popularizing ninjas in America. That’s got to count for something.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 at 11:51 am and is filed under Action, Martial Arts, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

18 Responses to “American Ninja”

  1. Interesting premise for a series. I will make sure to rewatch the AMERICAN NINJA franchise along with it as well as take a gander at the Truffaut stuff since I’ve overlooked it for many years and this is an inspiring enough reason to finally dive in.

  2. Thank you, Vern. This made my day.

  3. Crushinator Jones

    May 17th, 2016 at 2:43 pm

    Now this is what I’m talking about! Let’s do it!

  4. This is a fucking genius concept for a series.

  5. This is unbelievably great. I cannot wait for more.

  6. Me too. Positively quivering with anticipation.

  7. Did not see this coming!

    Really looking forward to the rest, but please tell me we get a review of BREAKIN’ 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO too.

  8. This is such a brillant idea for a series. It’s at one hand completely random and makes completely sense on the other hand.

    As I said underneath the original review, I recently watched this one and ejoyed it more than expected, but part 2 is even more enjoyable. Can’t wait for the review of that one. (And keeping my fingers crossed for a BREAKIN’ 2 review either. It’s my favourite dance move, that hasn’t STEP, UP or 3D in its name.)

  9. I don’t know if anyone has ever equated THE 400 BLOWS with AMERICAN NINJA before… no, I’m actually sure no one has ever done that. Again, about goddamned time.

  10. flyingguillotine

    May 18th, 2016 at 10:30 pm

    Did you count the number of blows delivered by the American Ninja? Would they be in the neighborhood of 400 or so?

  11. Also American Ninja 1 & 2 are legally on YouTube via the Paramount Vault channel.

  12. Well that link failed, if this one does as well I was linking to a news report from cityonfire.com about how American Ninja 1-4 are coming out on Blu-Ray on August 16, 2016 via Olive Films.


  13. 88 Films released a boxset in Europe with quite a bunch of extras including commentaries and documentaries. I´ve been meaning to get it as it skips part 5. Part 5 is enjoyable and all. But just a bit too family friendly and I hate the kid.

  14. I’ve been making my way through the Antoine Doinel Adventures thanks to this series (previously I had only seen 400 Blows), so I decided I needed watch at leas the first couple of America Ninja movies as well. (Thanks Geoffrey for noting that it’s legally on Youtube).

    This is such a great example of a film leaning into its genre. It gives us everything we want out of a ninja movie, including a mysterious ninja disappearance. That fight scene in the warehouse is so freakin’ good. I love the part where a ninja latches onto Joe’s sword with a long chained weapon in order to pull the sword out of his hand, so Joe lets it go but with the blade facing his enemy causing it to impale the guy.

  15. Only today I came across this review of American Ninja. This one is a hell of a review no one ever associated my name with the legendary François Truffaut. I loved The 400 Blows which I saw in film school and I do have the book of Truffaut interviewing Hitchcock.

  16. Oh snap. Somebody really oughtta let Vern know the best day of his life has started.

  17. Thank you sir, I’m glad if you enjoyed it and honored you read it. If you’re not aware I also did a piece on BREAKIN’ 2 just a few weeks ago:


  18. Something a bit subversive going on in this one. The military brass are all corrupt and all have pictures of either Ronald Reagan or John Wayne up on their walls. The plot seems like a clear-cut reference to Iran-Contra, only the movie came out the same month in 85 that missiles were first being sent to Iran (so it’s probably just one of those funky ‘writing on the wall’ type coincidences). But it’s still not as rah-rah patriotic as you’d expect from a movie called, well, American Ninja.