"I take orders from the Octoboss."


tn_strangleholdThis week in my Daily Grindhouse column I check out STRANGLEHOLD, another Cirio H. Santiago picture. This one is from 1994 and stars Jerry Trimble, who you may know as the guy who fights Dolph in front of the welders in THE PACKAGE. It’s an UNDER SIEGE type scenario where delighted-with-himself terrorist Vernon Wells has taken over a chemical plant while Trimble was doing security for a visiting congresswoman.

Take a look.

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 at 11:31 am and is filed under Action, Martial Arts, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

8 Responses to “Stranglehold”

  1. Whenever I read “Stranglehold,” I always think of the Paul McCartney song.


    Otherwise, I got nothing on this movie. Never heard of it, and I must say I can understand now after reading your review why.

    Have you reviewed PROJECT SHADOWCHASER yet? Foywonder reviewed it years ago and sounded like a decent hoot: DIE HARD rip-off where the villain is a cyborg and the hero was formerly a New Orleans Saints Super Bowl-winning champion player. (Which doesn’t sound that interesting except this was produced back in 1992, back when the Saints lived in the NFL’s asshole. They always stink, well back then at least.)

    Speaking of football players-action hero characters, when are you gonna review THE TAKING OF BEVERLY HILLS? Saw that on YouTube years back, surprisingly entertaining.

  2. Also, Foywonder’s review of PROJECT SHADOWCHASER (what an awesomely stupid title) if you need more convincing.


  3. I just got this movie on DVD.

  4. I like the name changes.

    It might even be fun to have a running competition, see who can one up with the best title for the following week’s column. Not that you couldn’t keep doing this indefinitely, bud, just that it might foster a sense of community, make the world a better place, stop the destruction of our native forests etc.

  5. That first picture of the bad guy laughing seriously reminded me of Nick Cage. Anyone else?

    Is he one of those bad guys that fell out of the psychotic/ megalomaniac tree and hit every branch on the way down? If so I think I’ll give this movie a try. It’s always the movies with the villains that have eaten too many chocolate covered crazy bars that make me laugh the most.

    As for our hero she should have taken a page out of Snow’s book- “Here’s an apple and a gun. Don’t talk to strangers. Shoot them.”

    This one is on my list to watch

  6. Yeah, those pictures of Richter were fucking priceless. As for the title, I think my favorite so far has been America’s Got Punching.

  7. Darth Irritable

    May 26th, 2013 at 10:56 am

    I like Roy’s suggestion – America’s got punching.

    Also, why did Richter look like Arnold in Total Recall with the eyes bugging out?

  8. Thirded for America’s Got Punching, although I do prefer the different-titles-every-week approach. It’s a little piece of added value, like the couch gags in the SIMPSONS opening credits.