"I take orders from the Octoboss."

DRAGON EYES, motherfucker

My comments after the click here thing

I’ve been waiting anxiously for any word on DRAGON EYES because it’s directed by John Hyams of UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: REGENERATION fame. After Dark Films has it and I thought it was gonna be a theatrical release. They had star Cung Le sign posters for it at Comic-Con last year, but until now never had a trailer or release date.

The trailer shows that it comes out on DVD and blu-ray on April 9th, but you’ll notice that’s the UK release. Looks like it still doesn’t have a release date here in the states. But I’ll get going on a review as soon as mine arrives from Amazon UK.

I love the trailer – 30 seconds of Van Damme giving wise mentor words to Cung Le, followed by 2 minutes of people beating the living shit out of each other. The end. Say no more. April 9th.

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31 Responses to “DRAGON EYES, motherfucker”

  1. Fuck to the yeah. I have always wanted to kick a guy through a bus stop.

  2. I thought Cung Lee sounded familiar and then when I saw his face I remembered him as the guy Wanderlei Silva welcomed to the UFC with several devastating knees to the face a few months ago.

    I really dig that trailer though. Has he done alot of martial arts movies in the past or is this his first breakout role?

  3. I think this is his first starring role, but he was an opponent in FIGHTING and in TRUE LEGEND. I guess he’s in BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS. He’ll also be in RZA’s movie THE MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS and in Wong Kar Wai’s Ip Man movie THE GRANDMASTERS.

  4. I’m leery of this trailer…

    Wait, wait, haha, sorry. I meant, “leering at this trailer”…

  5. I just woke up, drinking my coffee, watching this and then shat myself.

  6. Awesome. I actually stopped the trailer about a minute or so in because I was already sold on seeing it and I didn’t want to see anymore.

  7. Cung Le had a large role in Pandorum where was kicking ass (I don’t think it was aliens he beat up, I think it was humans evolved back to caveman like creature.)

  8. Watched that on phone; was that Peter fucking Weller as the bad guy?

  9. Holy shit, there was a German suplex in there!

  10. Cung Le also rocked as Law in that otherwise average TEKKEN movie. So it’s good to see him get more work. You also have Alex FUCKING Murphy and JCVD in the same flick?!? Yeeeeeeaaaaah booooooyyyyyy!

  11. Just woke up and watched the trailer again. I love how it ends with him uppercutting the fucking camera. How did this shit stay under the radar for so long? I want to see this movie so bad my dick is hard.

  12. I just saw Le in Tekken as well. Definitely an average movie, and the action sequences were disappointing as well. I thought Dwight Little’s action scenes in Marked for Death and Rapid Fire were both AMAZING, so I may have to go back and give more credit to Seagal and Lee for those, since these were just ok at best.

    Broddie, was that you talking about Christie’s ass cleavage in Tekken? Because that was the best part. I remember being confused by that comment in these boards b/c I thought someone was referring to DOA’s Christie’s ass cleavage. Which was actually an entirely different but equally enjoyable form of ass cleavage.

    *Note – Tekken does score points for being the first of the Video Game Tournament Fighting movies to use the whole Hunger Games/Running Man dystopian future “fight to the death” plot. It seems so obvious i’m a little bit shocked the other video game movies didn’t try it first.

  13. Is this the movie where Van Damme accidentally broke someone’s teeth?

    I think they were filming this during that Van Damme reality show. Judging by that and this trailer, it seems Van Damme is there just as the wise old mentor, maybe an extended cameo and a name on the DVD box. Looks like Cung Le is the real star here.

    Fine by me. The action looked pretty good, even if it is obvious this was shot on a DTV budget. Hyams the younger can obviously shoot action, so hopefully he’ll be able to break out to play with bigger budgets one day.

  14. neal – Nah that wasn’t me but I will agree with you about the action in those early 90’s FOX action movies that Little directed and how a great credit for their awesomeness should be given to the stars & their vision of the choreography. Brandon could’ve become as big as his dad if he had kept on; that was a real tragedy not just for badass cinema but for humanity. It was the second coming of Bruce Lee’s philosophy on everything from life to love and compassion and not just cinema.

  15. I’ve read the screenplay for this. Y’all know it’s based on YOJIMBO (just like FISTFUL OF DOLLARS and LAST MAN STANDING), yes?

  16. “Holy shit, there was a German suplex in there!”
    If he’d only had the guy in a full nelson as he did it, it would have been a Dragon Suplex.
    Speaking of which, great trailer, and I will be buying this, but…hasn’t “Dragon” been rather exhausted in its use in martial arts movie titles? It makes everything sound generic as hell, often has little (or no) relevance to the plot, and could be argued as a bit stereotypical. Not to mention…I don’t think an actual dragon would be any good at martial arts. They’re bodies just aren’t designed to kick that high.

  17. “I just woke up, drinking my coffee, watching this and then shat myself.”

    ShootMcKay, caffeine is a natural laxative.

    In regards to the trailer,


  18. Holy shit, not only is this seeing the light of day finally but it looks fucking spectacular.

    Cung Lee has a real bolo vibe going on and it’s good to see he’s getting a chance to cut loose. He was not really utilised that well in the flicks I saw him in before (pandorum and tekken).

    And yes, ht, this is the film where jcvd broke an extra’s tooth.

    It’s just one of the bits of awesome that made up his tv show, behind closed doors – which I beseech you all to see if you cam play uk DVDs.

    In typical van damme fashion when he finds out what he did, he flies to Belgium and adopts some Pomeranians, rather than, say, pay the guy’s dental bills.

    Anyway, dragon eyes. Pre-order. Done.

  19. It looks fun and IM looking forward to it. Until then Ill watch The Raid many times because its fucking amazing. It comes out on the 23rd Vern.

  20. Good job calling it The Raid, Sternhein. If you called it The Raid: Redemption, I might have lost a little respect for you. Goddamn marketing monkeys.

    Can’t wait to see Dragon Eyes. JCVD is kinda like Nick Nolte to me these days. If he’s in a movie, I’ll just automatically watch it. The fact that it’s directed by Hyams and the trailer kicks all kindsa ass obviously helps.

  21. They only added the “Redemption” in the U.S. because “The Raid” was not legally available for use. I do think it’s funny how you can just throw COLON SPACE REDEMPTION on the end of any title and bam! You instantly got a new movie.

  22. I was at a screening with the director and he explains that it would at least make sense when he finishes up with the sequel.

  23. The sequel’s gonna be called Retaliation, isn’t it? So…perhaps the retaliation is for something the main character did which he was trying to get Redemption for in the first one?

  24. Would be better if he called it THE RETALIATION instead; but studios love their colons.

  25. Retaliation does imply a reaction to the Raid. What if the first film ends with the main guy on the roof, only for reinforcement gang members to swarm the place, and Retaliation picks up immediately after with him having to fight his way BACK DOWN?

  26. ..and what if part 2 ends with the main guy has fought his way down, and realizes that he forgot his car-keys on the roof. Whoa, fellas, this franchise is writing itself!


  28. Read ’em and weep, motherfuckers! I just got my ticket for a screening of THE RAID: COLONS ARE FOR PUSSIES for Thursday, the night before it’s supposed to open. It’s part of some festival at Lincoln Center, the same hoity-toity venue where me and Mouth saw WAR HORSE: THE PUPPET EXPERIENCE. The rest of the movies on the docket look like some artsy bullshit about feelings and whatnot. I just hope they’re ready for a real audience.

  29. “The Raid” wasn’t legally available? There’s 20.5 movies called Crash, at least 2 called The Patriot and very recently another 2 called Red. I think they’re just bulshitting us. These are the same assholes who decided that the word “Rise” should be in every movie title ever.

    And what’s with all the R words? Redemption, Retaliation, Reloaded, Revolutions. If I was in marketing I’d start using the word Rape more. Rape always gets attention. Rape of the Planet of the Apes, The Dark Knight Rapes, Rape of the Lycans, Hannibal Raping.

  30. That’s just what I read on the director’s blog: http://theraid-movie.blogspot.com/2012/02/raid-trailer-and-that-title.html

    Also, HIGHLANDER VII: THE RAPENING has a nice ring to it.

  31. nabroleon dynamite

    March 19th, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    Yesterday I watched “Bedevilled” on youtube since it isn’t available on DVD in America.

    That movie is dope as fuck, so if you’ve got the time and youtube check it out!!

    I also received “The Yellow Sea, The Murder” in the mail today, so this should be an enjoyable night.

    If anyone named Mr. Majestyk has Bedevilled on DVD in some slimey thug life manner, I will buy!!