"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Visiting Hours

tn_visitinghoursslashersearchwinnerVISITING HOURS is up there with the best slasher movies I’ve seen. You think you’ve pretty much exhausted them and then you find out a gem like this that was sitting there all throughout the 1980s, its distinctive VHS box staring at you from the optical illusion eye sockets of its hospital room windows lit in skull formation. I knew that image like I knew my own hands but it never once occurred to me to ask “What is this movie? Should I watch it?” Not until you guys recommended it to me for the hundredth time. So thanks for that.

Some might consider this more suspense thriller than horror. It’s different from a HALLOWEEN or a FRIDAY THE 13TH because there’s nothing supernatural, there’s no mask, we know alot about the killer and he’s not a monster or a legend. He’s just a crazy weirdo who’s slipped through the cracks so far. But I consider it a slasher movie because it has a whole lot of the classic tropes: woman-hating maniac with sexual hangups on a knife rampage, suspenseful stalking sequences, upsetting murders, strong female victims-turned heroes. Carol J. Clover must not’ve known about this one either or she would’ve been all over it in Men, Women, and Chain Saws.

Okay, maybe I don't know this image THAT well, because I never noticed the buildings are designed to look like tombstones.
Okay, maybe I don’t know this image THAT well, because I never noticed the buildings are designed to look like tombstones. Or that the ‘R’ is an ‘RX.’ Shit, this thing works on alot of different levels.

The killer’s name is Colt Hawker and he’s played by Michael Ironside. He has an apartment, he has neighbors who know his name, he has older women who want his attention but he ignores them. He has a father in a nursing home and some traumatic childhood memories. He has a hobby: writing letters to newspapers, TV stations, judges. He’s so proud of his letters he has copies framed all over his walls. The one you get a look at begins “You talk about civil rights, what about my civil rights?” A young woman who sees the letters says he’s sticking it to “the blacks, the Jews, the gays.”

So we get this glimpse into his home life and motivation, and in that sense it’s like MANIAC or DON’T GO ON THE HOUSE, except he’s not the lead character. In fact when we first see him he does seem like a monster, grunting and attacking savagely, wearing women’s jewelry all over himself, a total freak (see thumbnail above). It’s a Leatherface type WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!? adrenaline rush moment.

There are two heroines. The first is Lee Grant as Deborah Ballin, a TV anchor who editorializes about a high profile domestic violence/self defense shooting trial, then comes home to find Colt in her apartment. She survives the attack but ends up in the hospital where only she believes that he’s gonna come after her again. The nurse taking care of her when she wakes up becomes very protective of her. Her name is Sheila Munroe, played by Linda Purl, and she becomes the lead heroine.

Sheila stays late to look after Deborah – being a good nurse puts her in the wrong place at the wrong time. Luckily she’s no pushover. Don’t let the white hat fool you, she can dig her ergonomic work shoe heels in when she needs to.

The script is by Brian Taggert, who did a bunch of episodes of ‘V’, POLTERGEIST III and OMEN IV: THE AWAKENING. The director, Jean-Claude Lord still to this day directs movies and TV shows, including EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS II: EDDIE LIVES!. But VISITING HOURS is the last one where he also was the editor. I wonder if that was his secret? I don’t know man, you wouldn’t think so from those filmographies, but at least on this movie those guys were on fire.

The filmatism is strong, influenced by HALLOWEEN I think. Very deliberate camera movements and placements, POV shots and almost-POV-shots to make you suspect somebody watching or approaching, frames cropped just right to suggest somebody hiding outside of it. There are lots of intense scenes taking advantage of scary places and situations: lonely hospitals at night, the vulnerability of being drugged or going under the knife, coming home when your family’s asleep and you think someone else might be hiding inside, women walking to their cars alone at night, a young woman coming home with a man she doesn’t know (and oh shit, it’s Michael Ironside!).

With the exception of maybe one minor nurse character who keeps talking about getting laid, the characters are stronger and more sympathetic than in most slasher movies. They also exemplify the misunderstood feminist themes of many slasher movies. The villain is explicitly a bigoted woman-hater, the clear heroes are both women who represent what he’s against. Lee’s producer (William Shatner, who was in one of the Star Treks I believe) keeps trying to help her. She probly should just accept his help, but she brushes him off and manages to survive without him coming to the rescue. He does tell her that this guy is after her for being a strong, opinionated woman.

Sheila meanwhile is obviously very good at her job and under pressure, very self-reliant, a young mother of two, divorced, who now has a girlfriend living with her. It’s possible she survived an abusive husband like the woman in the trial or like Colt’s mother, but if so she came out strong instead of damaged. Not GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO I’ll-fuck-you-up strong, but HALLOWEEN I’m-tougher-than-you-think-so-you-can’t-get-me strong.

Shatner, by the way, doesn’t cheese it up at all. He’s completely solid and not distracting in his small role. He gets one of two moments that I thought were really funny: his sarcastic “Ohhh!” when he hears Lee on the phone telling her maid that the living room has gotten a bit “gamey.” The other funny part is when Sheila is calling home to say she’ll be late. She doesn’t realize that Colt is trying to sneak through behind her. When she talks about “that bastard” who attacked Deborah and what they should do to him when they catch him you can see Colt’s just-out-of-focus head turn slightly, like “Hey! I’m standing right here!” In this maniac’s mind it’s probly out of line for somebody to say that about him. He’s a little offended.

But this is not a jokey movie, it’s dead serious, and it’s intense. There are alot of close calls and false alarms, drawing out the suspense. He sneaks into places where he could really do some damage, then just leaves. For all his bark I think he’s really kind of a coward. He’d love to cut through everybody like Jason, but he gets scared. He’ll cut the life support on an old lady and take pictures, but when he’s got more of a challenge in front of him sometimes he’ll chicken out. And he’s the only movie killer I’ve seen that squeezes on a stress ball while stalking. Obviously it’s not working. Maybe try yoga?

But these weaknesses make him seem more like a real human being, and therefore more scary. He’s not a veteran serial killer I don’t think. I think he’s a recently-exploded ticking time bomb with a fucked up timer. Nobody knows when it’s gonna go off again, just that it’s gonna go off.

As much as I like Michael Myers I think this Colt Hawkins is scarier stalking a hospital than Michael was in either of the HALLOWEEN IIs. Luckily this hospital has a nurse who can handle it – yet another win for socialized medicine.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 at 2:12 am and is filed under Horror, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

41 Responses to “Visiting Hours”

  1. Right on, Vern! Easily a top 3 slasher of all time.

  2. What I like about Colt Hawker is that he’s not afraid to experiment and try different approaches with his craft. Yes, he is a bit of a pussy when not faced with a helpless old lady, but could you imagine Mike or Jason or any other killer doing that thing with his hand at the end of the movie?
    I guess it’s more of a Ted Bundy/Buffalo Bill weak but cunning serial killer stuff, but then again, Hawker can stalk the empty corridors like a real bona fide masked slasher.

  3. billydeethrilliams

    October 27th, 2010 at 5:45 am

    Vern, you mention The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I get an image of her putting a dildo up Michael Ironside’s ass. Goes nicely with the death of Stuntman Mike. Also was that Sergeant Slaughter in the Canada video? And speaking of slasher films, Happy Valley Goose Bay would be a good name for one. Even if it didn’t take place in said bay.

  4. See you at the party Richter!

  5. That part where he jumps out naked wearing all her jewelry is awesome. When I saw it, I was like, “Oh shit! It’s Xerxes!” And it’s even better because he never did anything that whimsical again. It’s not like that was his standard psycho killer ritual. As far as I know, he didn’t see his mother get raped by Mr. T as a kid and now he has to wear a bunch of gold to get it up. It’s just some weird little twist he tried out that one time, probably because he got bored waiting for her to come home. “Uppity bitch thinks she’s better than me because she can afford a bunch of fancy jewelry. I’ll show her!”

    Speaking of sartorial quirks, I seem to recall Shatner wearing the world’s greatest jacket in this movie. Sort of a suede safari thing with lots of belt buckles. Can anyone confirm?

  6. Vern should review Xtro somewhere in this Halloween series. Or am I the only one who thinks it’s pretty fucked up?

  7. Nope. Xtro is pretty fucked up.

  8. I watched BAD DREAMS this Halloween season and was very confused that it had neither Ironside nor Shatner. Apparently this is the one I was thinking of. BAD DREAMS is decent, but a little by-the-numbers. Hopefully actually watching the movie I thought I was watching before will heighten the experience a little.

    anthony and marlow — Sadly, XTRO blows its fucked up load too early, and nothing else in the movie measures up to that scene. You know the one I mean. Which is a shame because its solidly creepy all the way through, it just never quite crests like that again. (Pun intended?)

  9. “The killer’s name is Colt Hawker and he’s played by Michael Ironside.”

    The point where I stopped reading and decided to seek this out immediately.

  10. Ronnie – I was about to post EXACTLY that :)

  11. Hey Vern, when did you start reading mainstream film theory texts? Bordwell and now Clover? What’s next, you gonna name drop Epstein and Eisenstein too? Suddenly that film school debt seems way more worth it. ahahaha…

  12. If you like the hospital slasher type theme, you should definitely check out Silent Rage,
    a crazy combination of a cheesy chuck norris b-movie and a strong suspenseful halloween knockoff.

  13. I´ll watch this one while i implore you to watch “I, Madman” (AKA Hardcover)

  14. My fave hospital slasher is Cold Prey 2, an excellent follow-up which picks up the action almost straight after the original.

  15. Apparently William Lustig’s MANIAC will be playing October 29 and 30 with the Egyptian Theatre in Seattle.

    I’m going to make a reference to horse-fucking now so that I’m not mistaken for a spammer.

  16. Glad to return to movie nerd world here, much earlier than I had planned, and good to see the house is still in order without me.  
    I hate to admit such an apparently glaring sin of omission in my film knowledge, but, if Vern can humbly admit that others have been right for years while he was ignorant about Visiting Hours for years, I can brave my raging pride & say I too didn’t know shit about this thing until these comment sections praised it.  Top of the queue material, and now I know what to look forward to once I return to Bragg.  

    On Michael Ironside’s finest film, however, (No one’s claiming VH is necessarily his best, I don’t reckon.) I have a different experience to relate, now that I admit that I have no VH knowledge and this thread has unfortunately started to wind down, if y’all would care to hear it:
      So there I was, the junior half of a 2-by operator sortie bounding our way in our LPCs (Translated in civilian tongue: My senior teammate & I were tactically crossing town in our Leather Personnel Carriers, a.k.a. boots.) in the not-so-wide open urban expanse of paradoxically the most confined, prison-like section and the least-regulated section of the combat theatre at the time.  

    I called it the 49-94 grid square.  
    Newspapers called it Sadr City.  

    There were bad guys nearby; we could smell them.  Okay, actually we had a tracking device on some dumb bastard’s car, and we were able to get the feed on a handheld while we synchronized other intel to determine which house to raid or missile first.  We also had a small cadre of mildly trustworthy local assistants & mildly ignorant contacts, and sheer convenience led us to use the home of one of these guys as a base/hotel.  

    Shaza lived in a big building, which worked great for us because his high rooftop allowed for a clear satellite signal and a good potential emergency HLZ.  And it was only courteous, I guess, to finally acquiesce to Shaza’s childish but understandable interest in the gadgets, including our vehicle tracker with a video gamey roving red dot on its display, that held our attention.  So I tilt the thing toward his big receptive eyes, and they proceed to grow even bigger.  

    “Aya, aya, izz, uuuhhhh, Recah, Recah, Recawl!  Yah!  Yah?”

    I’m wondering if this guy is serious.  Are we about to reminisce about a great Arnie/Verhoeven film with a LN because I happen to have let him see a little monitor with a blinking red light on a digitized cityscape?  C’mon, man, thanks again for the chai and the sanctuary but I’ve got work to do.  

    Before I could gather the appropriate Arabic response in my not yet fluent multilingual mind, dude shuffles through a cabinet and pulls out a VHS.  The contrast between our American world & Shaza’s Iraqi world in terms of technological advancement, represented in that moment, was blowing my teammate’s mind.  Before I could confirm with my teammate how funny this was becoming, Shaza is popping the tape in an ancient VCR and opening a little door to reveal a semi-ancient TV.  

    A couple minutes of fast forwarding (Did I see a “Terminator 2, coming Summer 1992” preview?), and Shaza’s excitedly showing us Michael motherfucking Ironside and his unfortunately bespectacled assistant using the device to track Arnie as a red dot before Arnie puts on the wet towel.  

    Shaza wanted to hold our device and juxtapose it with the Arnie-tracker.  We wouldn’t allow this, but we humored him by holding it by the TV screen for him.  His enthusiasm for the similarities between Verhoeven’s (& Phillip Dick’s?) futuristic vision and the toys of his home nation’s occupiers was remarkable.  

    Things had been surreal on this mission for a long time already (Helicopter hijinx, clueless commanders, and ROE rewrites on the fly, but that’s another story.), so I said, “Hey, fuck it; let’s watch some Total Recall while we’re literally in the middle of an operation in the middle of maybe the most dangerous urban environment on earth.  Inshallah.”  We rewound & let the movie play while we discussed strategy, and, at the part when Arnie gets caught with a sidearm in the x-ray machine, my teammate made some brilliant joke about Muslims and airport security that would have Shaza still laughing at this moment.  (A suicide car bomber sent him to Allah a few weeks after all this.) 

    When Michael Ironside kisses Sharon Stone (Mmmmmmmm, early 1990s Sharon Stone, yowza), Shaza visibly anticipated the moment so that we knew he had something to say about it.  It translated as “Who the fuck would ever cheat on Arnold Schwarzenegger with that guy?” and “American blondes like her make me forget about my ugly wife and wish Muslims could breed with the infidels, hahaha.”  

    At that point I asked him if he’d seen Basic Instinct, but then I cut the conversation short since I knew if we started discussing Ms. Stone’s vagina and onscreen lesbianism Shaza might bust out a VHS porno.  

    I mean, you probably had to be there to get it, but this extended moment was a lot like Robert Duvall judging the waves from the beach in Apocalypse Now.  Just totally inappropriate & incongruous with the intensity of the environment.  Or maybe it was like that scene in, what movie?, when the baseball team’s manager visits the pitcher’s mound and they talk about what to get somebody for a wedding present like that’s the only important thing going on in the middle of a close game.  The conflicting impetuses of completing the mission and stopping to watch a great Verhoeven flick were never more oddly mangled.  

    Anyway, until I see this bizarre jewelry scene in Visiting Hours, that’s what I think about when I see Michael Ironside.

  17. Hey, MikeOutWest, is Cold Prey 2 really good?
    The first part was pretty awful, with horrible flash-cut-scares montage worthy of Michael Bay and dumb killings. I liked the beginning with the snowboards and the broken leg though — all this Norwegian life stuff…
    Have they upped the ante in the sequel?

  18. The original Paul

    October 28th, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    I just looked up Michael Ironside on IMDB to see what great movies he’s been in. I have to say, it’s slim pickings out there (and I’m not talking about the guy who rode the missile in “Dr Strangelove”). Here’s what we got:

    – “Total Recall”. Violent headfuck sci-fi of the first order. I ain’t even going to nitpick this one, we all know it’s a classic. (It would be interesting to read a negative review of it that didn’t come from the family values / Christian coalition lot though.)
    – “Scanners”. I still haven’t watched this one!
    – “Visiting Hours”, ditto, but I’ll put it on my list.
    – “Payback”. This is good. It’s not fantastic, and I don’t know if it’s as good as the film it’s remaking. But I enjoyed it.
    – “Starship Troopers”. Now we’re talking! I know some people here hate this. I love it. That is all.
    – “Reeker”. Much, much better than it’s generally given credit for (including I have to say by Vern here), although to be fair it’s also not as good as “Dead End”, which shares a similar premise.

    But other than that… there’s not that many films of his that I’ve actually seen. Of the ones that I have, nearly all are either bad or REALLY bad. “The Perfect Storm”, “Highlander 2”, “The Next Karate Kid”, etc.

    What I guess I’m saying is that it does look kinda like he’s a Chuck Norris-type character actor who’s stumbled into a few good films by accident but has generally appeared in bad ones. Not that I’m comparing him in terms of ABILITY to Norris (Norris couldn’t emote with as many as three different facial expressions, Ironside couldn’t roundhouse-kick a 20ft crocodile. Two completely separate skill sets there.) But in terms of output… there does seem to be an awful lot of crud on his resume.

  19. Mouth, that was awesome. Glad to know you’re safe and back to injecting some legitimate badass into our lily-livered little posse.

    Michael Ironside is also the best thing about HIGHLANDER 2. Him and Clancy Brown should have a villain-off one of these days.

  20. The original Paul

    October 28th, 2010 at 12:37 pm

    Majestyk – in many ways he’s the best thing about “Starship Troopers” as well.

  21. The original Paul

    October 28th, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    Adding to that – of course he’s up against the likes of Denise Richards and Casper van Dien, so him being the best thing in the film isn’t exactly a huge surprise. I still think he does that particular character type extremely well though. Plus Rasczak, his character, has by far the best musical cue in the film (which always helps).

    I’m not disputing Ironside’s ability here, just his choices. He does seem to have a knack for picking stinkers, although there are definitely a few diamonds mixed into the crap.

  22. My favorite thing about Ironside’s character in TROOPERS is that he spends the first half of the movie telling Casper Van Dien to think for himself, and then Van Dien spends the rest of the movie repeating everything Ironside said. That’s a perfect example of the line between retardedness and satire that the movie walks so perfectly. We’ll call it The Verhoeven Line.

  23. Don’t forget THE MACHINIST. But do forget PAYBACK if you’re thinking he’s in the Mel Gibson one. He’s in a different movie by the same title.

    Ironside is great in this and in SCANNERS, and in the movies you mentioned. But he’s the type of character actor who’s pretty much cool no matter what he’s in. The type of guy who yes, shows up in crappy movies, but ensures that after it’s over you can say “Well, at least Michael Ironside was in it.”

  24. He was great in ‘Extreme Prejudice’ as well.

  25. Ironside is a character actor, a reliable one. Character actors with almost 200 resume entries usually don’t even make “choices”, they’re just working. When they pass on stuff I’m sure it has more to do with not wanting to work with a director they know is a prick, or something, than artistic merit. In general an actor like Michael Ironside provides an important service: he makes all the shitty movies we like to watch more tolerable. Occasionally character actors like Ironside will pop up in big budget studio stuff (TERMINATOR SALVATION, FREE WILLY, TOP GUN) and occasionally they get a career-defining lead role and perform the shit out of it (I don’t think Ironside has his yet, but Richard Jenkins getting a Best Actor nod for THE VISITOR would be a good example) but mostly they’re just grinding out paychecks and trying to save for retirement. If they were picky about their roles they’d be out of a job. BTW I don’t think Ironside is in the PAYBACK you’re thinking of.

    Started watching this last night, got more than halfway through and then fell asleep on the couch. Not the movie’s fault, I blame the beers I had with dinner.

  26. LOL @ my post being fairly redundant after Vern’s. Story of my life

  27. People who don’t acknowledge or appreciate The Verhoeven Line are totally DFGI.  

  28. I believe it runs along the border of the Harlin Zone and the People’s Republic of Baydonia. The former is characterized by being so stupid it has to be on purpose, while the latter is characterized by being so stupid it must be by accident.

  29. Mouth- I really enjoyed that story. Thanks for sharing it. Completely absurd. It sucks that guy, an obvious fan of BADASS cinema, had to die in such an ugly way.

  30. On a map (a concept I am utterly unable to consider unless I revisit what has been engrained in my head since the Army long ago taught me it is a YES DRILL SERGEANT A MAP IS a graphic representation of a portion of the earth’s surface drawn to scale as seen from above using symbols colors and depictions of relief and terrain features DRILL SERGEANT!), The Verhoeven Line *seems* to occupy that space between, say, Bigelow’s unwittingly self-serious overstylization and, say, Walter Hill’s bluntly fun-loving overstylization.  

    The Verhoeven Line, however, actually spans at an intellectual altitude far above that of the plateaus of its nearest or seemingly adjacent zones.  

    Yeah, dieselboy, death’s a bitch.  Shaza was no hero, in my opinion, but I’m glad I remembered to get the story out there into the world before his name and help to my cause slipped from my memory.  Now we have some little record of his contribution to a better world.  Just as important, we know of his alliance with the worldwide BADASS CINEMA audience.

  31. The original Paul

    October 28th, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    Gwai Lo – good points. I hadn’t thought of it like that.

    And yeah, I was thinking of Gibson’s “Payback”, and couldn’t remember Ironside in it. (Which to be fair is rare – when he is in something, he’s usually fairly memorable.)

    I didn’t HATE Karate Kid 4, if nothing else it got a few laughs out of the blindfolded monks playing ten-pin-bowling and Pat Morita taking on the charge of a teenage girl (played by Hilary Swank of all people). But it did seem a bit redundant.

  32. The original Paul

    October 28th, 2010 at 6:14 pm

    Adding to that – yeah, Vern and Gwai, I did realise afterwards that he ISN’T in Gibson’s “Payback”.

  33. Ironside is missing an arm in “The Machinist” and also “Starship Troopers”. Is there a third Ironside-with-one-arm movie out there somewhere? Has he been typecast as arm-missing-guy?

  34. Whoa. He loses both his arms at the end of Total Recall, on the elevator, or what our European friends might call a “lift.” (spoiler)

    What does Arnie say then? “See you at the party (a party mentioned just before the final action sequence; it makes sense within the script I promise.).” Not a Commando-level postmortem one-liner, but whatever.

  35. caruso_stalker217

    October 28th, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    Arnold himself was a “party-pooper” in KINDERGARTEN COP. A commentary on the state of the American education system, I believe.

  36. I’ve had the chance of working with Jean Claude Lord just a few years ago, and I have to say it : he is the best prepared filmatist I’ve ever worked for, and I’ve worked for some of the best (Spielberg, Scorcese anyone?). He always shows up on set with a precise shot list of the day that he carries around his neck and scratches them off one by one as the day advances and not only is he good but he can be fast too, especially if there is a hockey game on later that day, he will make sure that everybody in the crew will be in front of his TV set before the puck hits the ice.

  37. LOL @ gosseyn. Now that’s a Canadian filmmaker for you, that knows how to keep his crew happy.

  38. Upon finally seeing VISITING HOURS, something about my recent comments in other threads strikes me:

    Mouth said: ***And you know what the best scene in that movie is, RRA? The beginning, when there is absolutely no dialogue for several minutes.***

    Mouth said: ***Also, scenes with no dialogue generally have the greatest chance to endure and facilitate catharsis when I watch them because, like many of us would-be artists & young amateur scribblers, I was raised with the imperative maxim “Show, don’t tell.”***

    VISITING HOURS has several scenes that go for several minutes with no dialogue or with minimal amounts of background noise, incidental noise that happens to include some minimally intrusive procedural babble! It is my belief that this commitment to silence is a big part of this film’s successful rendition of atypical horror film success. Thumbs up!

    And I love how I only learned the name of the killer from the ending credits. (Or was it noticeable in his framed bedroom letters? I didn’t catch it if it was.)

    Also, adding to Vern’s ^assessment of the poster art^, didn’t Ironsides’s closet have a photo collage that resembled a skull? Shit, this thing works on alot [sic] of different levels. (CLEVER META-COMMENT)

  39. Caught it via Netflix Instant. It’s good, definitely a cut above typical slasher fare, but I didn’t quite like it as much as everyone here. The weird structure and the alternating protagonists really threw me for a loop. I’m not sure why sometimes breaking from convention is awesome and exciting, and sometimes it just comes off as unfocused and shaggy, which it did here (for me).

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess the structure was supposed to mimic that of the killer stalking his prey. It’s just so weird that the first 1/3 is about him chasing Lee Grant, then he gets distracted and starts chasing Linda Purl, then kinda forgets about her and goes back to Grant. Purl doesn’t come back at the end, there’s no team-up of the protagonists; it’s really weird and random, but I guess “realistic” for a slasher movie?

    Adding to the weirdness – the fact that Shatner is so straight and such a supporting role. I mean, this came out the same year as Wrath of Khan, and he’s barely in it and playing a role anyone could have played. Again, it’s not really a legitimate complaint against the movie, it’s just odd. He’s great here, though, as are Grant and Purl and Ironside. I also liked the whole subplot with the woman Ironside picks up at the bar and rapes, and her little bit of payback. There’s so much that’s good here, I just wish I liked the whole thing a little more.

  40. Finally got to see this. My only question is why didnt the main nurse actress get more roles? She’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Plus she can act. I was seriously invested in her survival.

    Also I liked when Ironside fishhooked that guy to death.

  41. anthony4545, indeed on both counts.