"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Fred talks ‘Iron Fist’ with the RZA

tn_rzashaolinI promise, I got an actual review coming soon, but I thought this was deserving of a “blog” post. Entertainment journalist and frequent outlawvern.com commenter Fred Topel got a chance to speak to Wu-Tang mastermind and soon-to-be-director-of-kung-fu-movie-starring-Russell-Crowe the RZA at Fantastic Fest. This is the RZA we’re talking about so Fred doesn’t get a normal concrete type of description of what the movie is about, but instead some abstract musings about RZA’s approach to the martial arts, the philosophy of the movie, why he thinks Crowe will be great and unexpected news about his plans for the music.

I was gonna post the link even before I saw that he dropped my name in one of the questions. Thanks for that one, Fred.

article on Crave Online

short one from Screen Junkies

This entry was posted on Friday, October 1st, 2010 at 12:58 am and is filed under Blog Post (short for weblog). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

8 Responses to “Fred talks ‘Iron Fist’ with the RZA”

  1. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    October 1st, 2010 at 1:17 am

    One punch kung fu. Sounds good. Maybe like a shoot out, but with punches. Russell Crowe though? I really like the guy, but him doing kung fu? I always saw him as a brawler, an angry Austrailian brawler, with a knock out phone throwing special move.

  2. Nice interview Fred. Good read. So. Is the Rizz a nice guy to talk to or what? Been a huge Wu Tang fan since Enter. Love the film work RZA has done.

  3. Afterthought, is anyone else amused at the thought of Crowe and ‘Bobby’ (had NO idea that was his first name) doing yoga together on a farm?

  4. Nice shout out hidden in the interview, “The writer VERN”. You’ve gone too mainstream now, I think I might have to read more Beak’s reviews now, just to go against the crowd.

    After reading the WU manual way back and his philosophies including this interview I truly believe he deserves a shot at making the movie he wants and I hope it goes well. He’s one of the reasons why I got into hip hop and started looking for old school kung fu movies in the first place. So, whatever happens with him in film will make no difference in the impact he’s made already in my opinion.

    Also, how the hell does rza get around so fast? Doing yoga with russell crowe, singing karaoke with frodo, and then hanging out with jaa? Geez, and I just saw him bout a month ago performing with WU. The guy is busy, who knows when he’ll finish this movie or even start.

  5. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    October 1st, 2010 at 3:02 am

    Jsixfingers> Yeah, Russell Crowe doing yoga gives me a chuckle.

  6. For some great one-hit karate, you guys should check out a Japanese movie called BLACK BELT. The fights are all about how when a dude knows what he’s doing, all he’s gotta do is kick you in the head one time, and that’s the story of you.

  7. He was totally cool, one of those rare situations where a star was at an event without handlers, so you could just ask him directly, “Hey, how about an interview” and he was into it. Luckily, he wanted to promote his film so he brought it up even before I got a chance to. We certainly spoke the same language about action movies, though I know less about music. :)

    Had to credit Vern. His point about losing the trained martial artists has gotten me thinking and I wanted RZA’s point of view, since he’s hiring the most acclaimed method researcher in Hollywood today. Yes, the idea of RZA and Russell Crowe doing yoga is my favorite part.

  8. Oh man. RZA and Russel Crowe doing yoga on a farm in Australia. That mental image just made my day.