"I take orders from the Octoboss."

White Buffalo

tn_whitebuffaloWHITE BUFFALO opens with dread as John Barry’s eerie horror score rumbles through a view of a huge white buffalo grunting and snorting like a demon in a spooky cave somewhere. It feels like a nightmare and it is one. It belongs to Charles Bronson. He not only wakes in fright, he wakes with two pistols in his hands and he unloads them into the ceiling of the train car where he’s staying. Luckily nobody was upstairs and they let him off with a warning.

mp_whitebuffaloAlthough he’s calling himself James Otis and hiding behind a big pair of rock star shades, plenty of people he runs into during the movie will recognize him as Wild Bill Hickock, including his old friend One-Eye (Jack Warden) and that mean old General Custer (Ed Lauter, later reincarnated to hassle Bronson in BREAKHEART PASS, DEATH HUNT and DEATH WISH 3). Bill gets in a shootout and some other trouble (you know how wild that guy gets) but his business is to go up into the mountains with One-Eye and kill the white buffalo that’s been sighted over there. Only then can he get a healthy amount of rest without fear of sleep-shooting. (Seriously, it seems like a big problem of his. It happens again when he’s sleeping over with Kim Novak, he wakes up and shoots at her decorative fake buffalo head until she dumps a bucket of water on him and says he looks like he’s fighting the Apocalypse.)

Meanwhile another legendary historical figure, Crazy Horse (the Lakota war leader, not the Neil Young band), is having his own white buffalo problem, but a more serious one in my opinion because his is in the actual waking world. See, that white buffalo that people have been spotting pulls some running-of-the-bulls shit through the Oglala Lakota village, trampling a bunch of people, including Crazy Horse’s daughter. When he finds out she’s dead he lets out a cry that the elders or somebody declare makes him a sissy. They’re so embarrassed by this sound he made that they won’t let him use the name “Crazy Horse” anymore, and “James Otis” is already taken so they name him “Worm.” Pretty mean. It’s like how Dwayne Johnson wasn’t allowed to use the name “The Rock” in is early movies unless he gave Vince McMahon a producing credit.

That’s why Crazy Horse goes looking for that asshole honky buffalo. If he kills it he gets his name back. It’s a real mythical type of story and everything, but kind of weird that he’s avenging this beast not for killing his daughter but for causing him to make an effeminate noise. I guess it’s one of those cultural deals. It’s a Lakota thing, I wouldn’t understand. You had to be there.

Of course (SPOILER) these two white-buffalo-haters are gonna cross paths. It should be called OTIS AND THE WORM. They gain each other’s respect starting when Wild Bill comes across a bunch of Sioux or somebody shooting arrows at Crazy Horse. Bill’s sympathy for the underdog trumps his anti-Native bigotry, so he helps out. It’s not until later that they team up, and when they do don’t worry, it doesn’t turn into RUSH HOUR with them throwing a bunch of stereotypes at each other. I doubt the real Bill had a sense of honor that would cause him to be loyal to an Indian, but we all know Bronson would, so it makes a good story. They bond but they don’t become best buds for life. They argue about “red truth” vs. “white truth” and it seems a little tense. They can’t really let that baggage go, but at least they’re more enlightened than fuckin One-Eye. That guy needs to cool it.

The treatment of Native culture is more respectful than in many westerns. For one thing, Crazy Horse is played by Will Sampson (ORCA), not some white dude. And when Wild Bill comes across that Native-on-Native squabble they’re all yelling at each other in their own languages, and this goes on for a while, no subtitles. When Bill talks to Crazy Horse they do use simplified English, but combined with sign language and with Bill trying to show respect by using Native concepts, like he keeps asking him to “step into my council,” whatever that means.

I also dig all the cowboy lingo in the script, they got some good ones. For example they barely ever use the word “buffalo,” instead calling it a “spike.” I never knew that word before but I intend to slip it organically into any future buffalo-related conversations I have. It might sound naive but I really think with the kind of influence I have here I might really be able to help that word make a comeback, as long as I figure out how to get young people talking about buffaloes.

mp_whitebuffaloBI like the movie for the drama, the relationships between the three main characters, but it doesn’t hurt that there’s a little bit of a monster movie in there too. I mean, don’t let that poster up top get you too excited, that painting there is a load of spike shit. It’s much more like this Japanese one to the left here, except not giant. Still, it’s a Dino De Laurentiis joint, so he did get his boy Carlo Rambaldi (the guy who built ’70s King Kong, the Alien with the mouth piece that comes out and E.T.) to build the galloping animatronic buffalo that they could shoot to make it look like it’s running around. You can tell that the movements are limited by the way they keep using the same type of shots, but it’s still pretty cool and never resorts to stock footage of real buffaloes.

The director is J. Lee Thompson (THE GUNS OF THE NAVARONE, CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, THE EVIL THAT MEN DO), the script is by Richard Sale, based on his novel. He also produced and wrote Mr. Belvedere – not the show you remember, but two of the movies from the 1940s as well as the 1965 TV series starring Victor Borge. I mention that in case any of you guys do pub trivia, maybe that will come up some time. Good luck.

This is a strange western, I like the vibe it’s got going and I enjoyed following Charles Bronson on this adventure.

p.s. Something something Moby Dick

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 26th, 2010 at 1:05 am and is filed under Reviews, Western. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

63 Responses to “White Buffalo”

  1. I remember that I saw parts of it once 15 years ago or longer on a Sunday morning on TV. I always waited for it to be shown again. It didn’t happen so far. :'(
    (The same thing happened to me with Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure. Don’t know why they try to keep these movies away from German audiences.)

  2. This sounds great. I’ll add it to ye olde list

  3. It’s interesting how important buffallos (I mean spikes) are for John Barry’s artistic endeavors. This and the buffalo run in DANCES WITH WOLVES are among his best scores ever. The man loves his bisons – even though he’s English.

  4. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    August 26th, 2010 at 2:50 am

    Whats the film with Sir Tony Hopkins and a Baldwin fighting a grizzly bear in the Rockies? I caught a minute of it on tv once and made a note to catch it sometime. This review just pulled that memory from the murkiest corner of my fading mind.

  5. That would be The Edge.

  6. Not the full title. It’s David fuckin’ Mamet’s THE EDGE, actually.

  7. I’ll use the term “spike” to describe buffalo if you use the term…

    *SPOILERS FOR To Live and Die in LA, The Departed, and Collateral ENSUE*

    …”William Petersen” to describe when the hero of a film gets suddenly dispatched during the third act. As in, “Shutter Island stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo, two actors who have previously been William Petersened onscreen in The Departed and Collateral, respectively.” I’ve been trying to make that catch on.

    Also, this review made me realized that the closest analog to Mickey Rourke in the current phase of his career is Charles Bronson.

  8. sorry for another off topic post, but I just watched a movie tonight that blew me away

    it’s a 1989 movie starring Anthony Edwards called Miracle Mile, it’s about this guy who learns that WW3 is going down and tries to find his girlfriend and find some way to possibly escape the city and survive it

    I, like everyone, is creeped the hell out by the idea of nuclear war and this movie scared the SHIT out of me, it scared me far more than most horror movies

    highly recommended

  9. I grabbed this one without knowing anything beyond the fact that it was called “The White Buffalo” and that it starred Charles Bronson as Wild Bill Hickock. I assumed the title was just a nickname for Wild Bill. Then I started watching and was pleasantly surprised to find a very entertaining monster movie/western.

  10. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    August 26th, 2010 at 7:19 am

    The Edge eh? I looked past that on IMDB thinking that couldn’t have anythig to do with a bear, a Baldwin and a Knight of the realm. Thanks for the heads up!

  11. Next time I’m at a sports bar I fully intend to order a basket of spike wings. I will gladly take the confused looks from the waitress. You know, for the team.

  12. yeah, but i think buffalo wings are named for the city buffalo, ny, not the animal. would the city have to be referred to as spike, ny? eh, why not? not really related, but did you know the following is a grammatically correct sentence in the english language?

    Buffalo buffalo, Buffalo buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

    i swear it is. i used the correct capitalization for a change to give you a hint as to the sentence’s meaning. but i guess with the new/old slang, it would have to be changed to:

    Spike spikes, Spike spikes spike, spike Spike spikes.

    eh, why not?

  13. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    August 26th, 2010 at 9:31 am

    Yeah, I could go for some spike wings. Imagine the confussion in the UK, where buffalo wings are just simple chicken wings.

    Is a bison different to a buffalo? Or are they both spikes?

  14. I am just waiting for the opportunity to tell one of my buddys “fuck me, you look like you are fighting the apocalyspe”.

    Griff – I freakin love Miracle Mile, as a kid in the late 70s/early 80s I was kind of obsessed with the idea that at any moment a nuke could wipe me out, so when I watched MM (around 1991) it seriously fed into and re-ignited my weird obsession. Might have to dig it out and watch it again – thanks for the re-mind !

    Roachboy – Nice mention of David fuckin Mamet; I think he should be referred to on this websight as David fuckin REDBELT Mamet though.

  15. Ah ,White Buffalo ! I remember this , it’s one of those movies I saw as a kid and didn’t like . I was expecting a full-on monster movie , but it was very different. Over the years the movie started to grow on me , I liked it more and more , and now I love the pacing and creepy atmosphere . When you look at it , it really is the perfect blend of monster movie and slow , thoughtful western . On the special effects , I admit that the buffalo movements are a little stiff , but the beast really feels heavy , unlike a lot of CGI creatures . Carlo Rambaldi is pure Italian pride , and I was able to see a traveling exhibition of his works 2 times in 2 different cities . I was able to see up close and personal the Alien head , the Kong hand , ET and the White Buffalo himself , true , honest to god movie magic right there. I also shook the man’s hand and thanked him for all the crazy creatures he made for us , he’s very kind and approachable . It’s a shame that we don’t do that kind of shit anymore , but it’s also true that today almost no one makes special effects for Italian productions.

  16. Miracle Mile and The Edge are both movies I’ve meant to rewatch. Maybe some time soon.

    Kermit – that’s fucking great, I wish I could’ve seen something like that. We have a Sci-Fi Museum here that used to have the actual alien queen. I haven’t been there in a long time so I don’t know if they’ve had to give it back to James Cameron or not. They have an E.T., but it’s not a Carlo Rambaldi, it’s a shitty one that was only used in a Universal ride and an Atari commercial or something. They do have the stop motion doll of Elliot and E.T. on the bike, which looks surprisingly crappy close up. They also have a few more modern props like Teddy from A.I. and the tree from The Fountain. But you’re right, that type of thing is a dying art form. As more and more is done digitally there are less and less objects to show at traveling exhibits and tourist traps.

  17. “Wow, this is the actual hard drive that stored all the zeroes and ones that were used to animate Gollum. It’s a piece of history!”

  18. Vern : Yeah , I knew of the Alien Queen in that SF museum , there was an article on a site some time ago , and , damn , I wanted to see that so bad ! That’s what I’m talking about , actual , in your face movie magic! The cool thing was that the first time a saw the exhibition it was a school trip ! Yeah , I was there with my class , and later I went again with my family, during the holidays , since I liked it so much that I was constantly asking my parents to go . The second time there was also the head of Kong and , I don’t know if you remember it , the horned god creature from Conan the Destroyer. Rambaldi himself , when I met him , was just outside the exhibition sitting on a chair and talking to his fans , I remember that I was surprised at how relaxed and laid back he was . Good man , and good times . Even if I think that the American school of special effects is the best , with artists like Winston , Baker , Bottin Savini and so on , Rambaldi is an icon and and a true artist and I liked how you said “it’s not a Carlo Rambaldi” , it’s all right there , you’re right you can recognize the work of a true pioneer.

    And , damn , I wanna see the Alien Queen live !

  19. And how can I forget this? Two other pieces of movie history at the exhibition : The Dune Worms and The Alien from “Close Encounters”. Can you imagine it , all that stuff in one place?

  20. One last thing about the great Carlo , here in Italy , if a girl is fucking ugly , we say “sembra fatta da Rambaldi!” ( ” She was made by Rambaldi!”). There , I think that’s important.

  21. Did Rambaldi also do the mechanical effects for ORCA? I thought those were really well done, far more convincing than similar effects in any of the JAWS movies. Just not as scary, since whales aren’t sharks. After all, when a whale blows up your town, he has a good reason. Sharks are just jerks.

  22. I remember seeing the full size Alien Queen and the Power Loader at an exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science in 1988 or 1989, around then–back when the Queen still had the original blue-black ALIENS color scheme–before it was repainted greenish-brown for ALIEN RESURRECTION (another reason to hate that fuckin’ movie…thanks, Jeunet) and then defaced even worse for ALIEN VS. PREDATOR. Hopefully Ridley Scott’s upcoming Alien prequels will return to Queen to her original colors.

    However, as far as I know, between loan-outs to Museums and bad sequels, the Queen is kept in Bob Burn’s collection of Alien Memorabilia. I guess 20th Century Fox has entrusted him with an unbeleivable amount of literally one-of-a-kind ALIEN series items for decades now. When they made ALIENS, Cameron actually had to go get a bunch of stuff from him, including the original facehugger and the alien derelict ship (which was under a tarp in Burn’s backyard, reportedly).

    And Majestyk: Hilarious, man. : ) However, the same Museum of Science in Boston later had a Lord Of The Rings exhibit, and you’d be surprised at how much physical stuff associated with those movies EFX actually exists. There’s a cave troll model, for instance, which they scanned to create the CGI troll.

  23. At the time I saw the alien queen, which was a few years ago, it had a sign saying it was on loan from James Cameron.

  24. An 80s Action Hero

    August 26th, 2010 at 7:19 pm

    Anybody watch ‘Alias’, as I recall Carlo Rambaldi was the auteur of the ‘Deus Ex’ device of that TV series, made me think that guy was some sort of twisted genius (CallmeKermit sorta backs this up!).

    Talking about Alien Queen prosthetic, would the world be a better place if Stan Winston had never placed the Alien head in Predator 2. At least AVP2 might never have happened.

  25. Seeing movie stuff in person is the best. When I was a kid there was an exhibit at the Smithsonian that featured the rooftop from Ghostbusters. I was all excited to see it and it turned out to be a model, like one square foot in size (must’ve been for the wide shot at the end where you see the big explosion after they cross the streams). I just stood there for like five minutes staring at it because I was so dumbfounded that this tiny, crappy-looking little model was in my favorite movie and had looked amazing onscreen. And a switch flipped in my head – “They can make movie magic out of ANYTHING!” Definitely a key moment in my life.

  26. Oh, and also? MIRACLE MILE is amazing.


  27. The same David Fuckin’ Mamet who wrote AMERICAN SPIKE?

    I had to get it in there.

  28. Ancient Romans: Bronson isn’t really a good analog to Mickey Rourke. I’d say he’s more the Dennis Hopper of his generation, and THE WRESTLER is his HOOSIERS.

  29. Griff, another fun nuclear movie you might like is THREADS. Filmed like shit (maybe made for TV) and British, and not technically horror but pretty horrifying.

  30. “One last thing about the great Carlo , here in Italy , if a girl is fucking ugly , we say “sembra fatta da Rambaldi!” ( ” She was made by Rambaldi!”).”

    i think from now on, i am gonna refer to ugly girls (behind their backs, of course), as “rambaldi spikes.”

    wait… band name???

  31. I don’t know if I’d use the word “fun” to describe it, but I second the recommendation for THREADS. Really bleak, scary stuff. Kinda budget, but effective. Better than the American equivalent anyway (I’m thinking specifically of TESTAMENT here).

  32. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    August 27th, 2010 at 1:07 am

    White Buffalo, the new album, by The Rambaldi Spikes.

  33. just want to also say that I finally got around to watching Black Dynamite, it was absolutly hilarious


  34. I third the recommendation for “Threads”, although don’t go in expecting a happy rom-com otherwise you’ll be considerably disappointed. It’s fairly unique as far as I know – showing the build-up to and aftermath of a nuclear explosion in, of all places, Sheffield. Well, at least the latter half is a fairly realistic portrayal. (Happily it’s completely out of date nowadays – there’s no way that any self-despecting terrorist or foreign power would waste good nukes on Sheffield.)

    But yeah, it’s fairly harrowing. A lot of working-class characters – this is definitely about the people at ground zero, not the ones responsible for what happens – get stuck in a fairly vivid display of hell on earth, while a lot of other lucky ones don’t survive for long enough to share their fate.

  35. I’ve been aware of Threads and would love to see it, but alas I don’t think it’s available on dvd in the U.S.

  36. Ace Mac Ashbrook

    August 27th, 2010 at 4:05 am

    Last time I went to Sheffield, I thought it was ripe for a nuke.

  37. I guess I can give it a try. I’m not much for westerns.

  38. David Mamet awful (“Heist”). Best nuclear war movie The Day After. Threads good too. Sentences today no verb.

  39. I see “The Day After” and raise you “Thirteen Days”. Although technically that’s about a nuclear bomb that DIDN’T go off, rather than one that did. I know this may not be saying much, but I do think it’s Kevin Costner’s best film.

  40. I haven’t seen THIRTEEN DAYS, but it simply can’t be Costner’s best movie in a world where THE UNTOUCHABLES exists.

  41. Actually, that was a really lukewarm-sounding recommendation. “Thirteen Days” is a great little movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis. (A subject that doesn’t interest me greatly since it 1: took place some fifteen years before I was born and 2: doesn’t feature tigers or spears.) Very very worth watching, even if you’re not “into” this sort of thing.

  42. Majestyk – this may get me banned from this site, but I’ve never seen “The Untouchables”. It’s one of those movies that I know the name of but nothing else about, and have never bothered to find out. Can I take it that it’s worth it then? (Remember here also that I can’t watch mafia movies. Literally can’t sit through ’em. So if it features a single bloke in an undertaker’s suit with a dodgy Italian accent driving a fifties’ classic car painted jet black, the answer to that one is “no”.)

  43. I don’t really like Mafia movies either, but that’s okay, because it’s more of a cop movie anyway. The mobsters are the villains, not the heroes. THE UNTOUCHABLES has dialogue by Mamet and camerawork by De Palma, so it’s great to look at and listen to. There’s so many classic scenes, with scenery-chewing performances by De Niro and Connery, both of whom deliver some of the greatest tough guy lines of all time. One of my lifelong favorites.

  44. And there are no fifties cars because it takes place in the twenties.

  45. No disrespect meant (so get ready to be offended), but as a teenager reading “Fangoria” and “Cinefantastique”, after having grown up on “FM”, then “Monster Times” and “Castle of Frankenstien” there was one special effects guy who’s name always meant bitter dissapointment. And that guys name was Rambaldi. He always seemed to insist on amking these giant full size robot puppets that NEVER worked the way they were supposed to and were always filmed so that you could tell just how completely immobile they were. The spike in this movie is a perfect example. The way the legs move on the beast when it’s supposed to be running are just laughable. I used to try to see all Chucks’ movies at the theatre, and I did manage to catch this at the old Sunset Drive-In in Chambersburg PA, but even with a six pack buzz going I really hated this film. If you haven’t seen this yet, I won’t say don’t bother, but please don’t spend the money to buy this, it is definitly only worth a rental. IMHO of course.

  46. To expand on something Paul said: If you are, however, looking for a bit of happy rom com in your nuclear holocaust movie, I heartily recommend ON THE BEACH.

    Oh and Paul watch THE UNTOUCHABLES, man. Yes, Al Capone is in it, so there’s the Italian accent quotient in there. But if you’re not sold by the time that De Niro does that thing with the sporting equipment cough cough wink wink then there’s no helping you.

    Also one of the great Ennio Morricone soundtracks in my opinion. Although there are about ten dozen “great Ennio Morricone soundtracks”.

  47. Also CallMeKermit I think you should start threatening Paul in classically Italian ways for disrespecting your criminals. Make him an offer to sleep with the fishes that he can’t refuse etc.

  48. Just don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, which I have been told Italians are prone to doing. Trust me, it never works.

  49. It worked for Statham in THE EXPENDABLES. Must be because he isn’t Italian.

  50. Maybe you have to bring 150 knives to a gunfight if you want it work.

  51. Ah yes. We should inform the Department of Proverbs that there’s an important revision to make here: “Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, unless you bring 149 additional knives, capiche?”

  52. Cloverfield borrowed quite a bit from Miracle Mile, imho

  53. “Untouchables” goes on my list to watch ASAP then. It’s now reaching 700 or so films…

    And “On the Beach.” FUCK YEAH. How the hell did I forget that one? Fantastic, fantastic movie. It’s bleak as hell but ridiculously good and completely uncompromising. To this day “Waltzing Matilda” sends shivers up my spine through thinking about it. And Fred Astaire and the little racing car… damn.

    Seriously, you guys know how rare it is for me to give my complete and total support to one single movie, without reservation? “On the Beach” gets that kind of support. If you haven’t seen this film, SEE IT.

    In other news, I think “Capiche” may end up being the word of the moment… damn I’m going to regret posting that…

  54. W.S., I noticed some similarities between Miracle Mile and Cloverfield too

    I liked Cloverfield, but MM is definitely the better movie because Miracle Mile is based on something that could actually happen

  55. Gwai Lo, calling THREADS “fun” was, how you say, “joke” for people who’ve seen it. I’m kind of surprised it isn’t out on DVD somewhere. Is there a movie version of abandonware?

    BTW, I watched some of the real-life british “what to do when you’re having a nuclear war” videos and holy shit they are disturbing. If the government actually broadcast this to calm me down I’d be shitting my pants even more than usual.


    How about that comforting sound at the end?

  56. @M. Casey: Threads is out on DVD. Was released by BBC in 2005, you can get it on amazon.

  57. I think another way that Miracle Mile is superior to Cloverfield is that most of the characters (even the main couple) are eccentric in some way, as opposed to Cloverfield’s absolutely colorless beer-commercial style young adults.

  58. I think I liked Cloverfield more than pretty much anybody else here, so if Miracle Mile is better than it, I’m sold.

  59. THE DAY AFTER is by far the best nuclear war movie.

    Rambaldi’s creature effects did indeed tend to dissapoint. But they often managed moments of real magic, too….Gotta give credit to ALIEN, of course. And did Rambaldi build E.T.?

    I love Richard Pryor’s routine about the Joe Colombo hit in 1971: he wasn’t scared of the black guy who shot him, he was scared of the Italians who managed to talk him into it. “Oh, yeah, go ahead and shoot him, we’re right behind ya, we’re backin’ ya up.”

  60. I LOVE post-apocalyptic survival movies. It’s my favorite genres. I like when they have to find supplies in the rubble.

    Miracle Mile is on my list to see. It keeps getting edged down my queue by new Vern recommendations (worth it to see Ninja, Tournament and Road Games.) I actually didn’t like On the Beach. I felt if you knew the end was coming and all you did was drive a race car, that’s not very exciting.

    BBC’s Survivors is good because they do whole episodes about supplies and minor issues that have to be dealt with in survival. It doesn’t get any better than I Am Legend or Book of Eli for me. Of course Mad Max siphons some gas and gathers some things too, but those movies are really about different things.

  61. A whole lot of people built various parts for ALIEN. I’m not sure how much of Rambaldi’s work actually ended up in the movie. I think he just ended up doing the little mouth coming out of the bigger mouth, which was not his idea and I’m sure someone else could have come up with another way to do (see how unkind I can be with him). And again for ET he created the full size little robot that is barely used because it didn’t work the way it was supposed to, with most scenes being done with a suit. And don’t even get me started on the 70s King Kong! He always seemed to get all the press for a movie and then ended up having to have his ass saved by more traditional special effects. Now Stan Winston knew how to combine full size robotics with other types of work, he didn’t put all his eggs in one basket.

  62. Gwai Lo : Wow , kinda late here . This comments section is still going strong . I came back here to re-read the names of some suggested movies , and the discussion now has shifted to Italian gangster-related movies . Well , Gwai , I don’t think Paul disrespected Italian-related mobster movies , because I share a lot of the same feelings about them . For us a lot of mobster-movies are just plain bullshit and full of stereotypes , mostly dead-wrong. For example this “Capiche?” or “Capeesh?” that I read almost everywhere is not an Italian word. I know that the meaning is “Capisci ?” (“Understand ?”) , but we just never use it , we just don’t use anything that even sounds like that.
    Second , there’s not a single “charismatic-romantic” mafioso here , they’re all animals . The big-mega-boss
    Provenzano , the real life modern equivalent of Don Corleone , was found living in a hole like Saddam , he’s not very good with written or spoken Italian and looked tired and dirty , not charming and wise. Remember fellas , Mario Puzo was an American born in New York.

    That said , Paul , watch “The Untouchables” , or I will mail you the head of an horse with a fish in its mouth. Or the ass of an horse with a fish in his ass. Or a fish with an ass. Or just simply an ass.

  63. CallMeKermiT – I’m assuming you liked GOMORRA in that case. I preferred IL DIVO but I gotta give GOMORRA respect for depicting the seediest of seedy underbellies. Haha, I was just trying to make a little of the fun, just like M. Casey was when it went totally over my head.