"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Steven Seagal: Lawman – Episodes 8-10

tn_lawman(sorry guys – playing catchup on reviewing the last three episodes before tonight’s new one)

Medicine Man

“I like you, my wife loves you. She love that man. I don’t know why.”

This is the rare episode that begins in the daylight, with the Squad checking out a report of a suspicious person in front of a liquor store. They end up chasing a black kid all over the place, driving, cutting through yards, hopping fences. And I think they would be the first to admit that this chase scene is more like a scene from GRUMPY OLD MEN than DISTRICT B13. To their credit I guess there’s a little POINT BREAK in there.

mp_lawmanUsing Seagal Sense, Seagal finds the dude hiding under a shed. Larry yells “Boy, put your hands up!” and I know some of you hate it when I talk about the uncomfortable racial relations in this show, but I’ll be damned if this scene doesn’t look like the capture of an escaped slave in some mini-series. Anyway, it turns out he has drug attachments, but they can’t find him in the system because the warrant hasn’t gone through their computer yet, so they let him go.

But this unproductive chase is an important plot point, because it establishes that Fortunato has a bad knee that hurts when he has to jump fences. Seagal wants him “in optimal condition” so he’s “finna take you to one of my friends, a Chinese accupuncturist/herbologist.”

First they try to spot some drug slingers, but everybody starts yelling “Steven Seagal!” everywhere they drive. Fortunato says, “They know you do be Steven Seagal.” They see a guy swerving, pull him over and he’s drunk. This turns out to be the funniest celebrity recognition scene so far as the guy first says, “My wife love you! I don’t like you,” and says he thinks his fighting is fake. He wants to shake Seagal’s hand, but Seagal only wants to shake his wife’s hand. As the conversation continues he begins to become more positive toward Seagal and decides that he “could whoop” Van Damme and Jackie Chan but not Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. When Seagal adopts an accent during their conversation the drunk excitedly says, “That’s how you talk in movies!”

Note that Seagal claims to have known Jackie Chan for 40 years, which would mean before Seagal was a movie star. I think maybe he just said the wrong number accidentally, but I like this motif of “you didn’t know this before, but actually for X number of decades I have done such and such.” In this case he has been friends with Jackie Chan.

In the end, Seagal gives the man a hug and he’s driven away saying, “My wife ain’t gonna believe me! She ain’t gonna believe me!” and the beauty is he’s right about that. It’s funny ’cause it’s true.

In the segment “Johnny Versus Accupuncture” Seagal brings Fortunato to the aforementioned accupuncturist/herbologist. The scene is immediately awesome because Seagal walks in with his hands together in prayer, wearing sunglasses and a robe and scarf that make him look like the Dalai Lama or something. This wouldn’t be a surprise in some of his movies but it’s the first time we’ve seen him dressed like that in LAWMAN. He picks up a few groceries like some powdered turtle shell and tiger bone. Next thing you know Seagal is sticking needles in Johnny’s arms to speed up his metabolism.

Next it’s more suspicious people, some dudes “doing a little bit more than hanging out and chatting” in front of the Village Discount convenience store. The guys run, tasing is threatened, Larry gets his guy, Seagal and Johnny lose theirs. As usual it’s just outstanding traffic violations, but Larry’s happy because he says “I don’t care if he stole gumballs, he’s goin to jail.” It’s like in the remake of SHAFT when he says “I’m gonna whoop your ass for making me run!”

In “Johnny Versus Accupuncture Part 2” (Dark Territory) Fortunato comes back and gets accupuncture for his knee despite his fear of needles. He says, “Surprising as it seems, I am feeling relief immediately,” but it’s hard to tell how sincere he is.

With its mundane police work divided by Seagal’s love of Eastern medicine and the humorous results of his celebrity status this is probly the most enjoyable episode of LAWMAN so far. The one thing that would make it better would be if they actually did find some pot on somebody so that the title could be a double meaning contrasting two different types of herbologists.

Just how much of a healer is he? “Alot of people don’t realize Steven knows alot about Asian medicine. He’s always traveled with a bag of ointments and oils.”

terms of endearment: brotha, potna, Lucky, boy things he says he studied in Asia: the martial arts, Buddhism, herbology, Oriental medicine

. . .

Crack War

One of the opening establishing shots is of a kitten on a street at night. Although cats are nocturnal it seems kind of vulnerable out there in the projects, like the baby standing on the street corner in the middle of the night in the Dave Chappelle routine. When I saw it I realized there had probly been shots of animals in previous episodes but I don’t think I mentioned that this is yet another connection to the body of Seagalogy, harkening back to all the great animal shots in ON DEADLY GROUND and other films. Seagal’s respect for nature and animals extends even to those living in the city.

The first call of the episode is a possible stolen vehicle. This is one of those weird incidents that make these types of shows interesting, if you’re into them, because you can’t really figure out what’s going on. Some guy was hit over the head and says somebody stole some other guy’s car from him (?). The police suspect a “rock rental” where the guy borrowed somebody’s car in exchange for scoring drugs for him. The guy’s fingers are burnt up like a crackhead’s, but he really does have a bump on his head. Then Seagal uses his Seagal Sense to find the car parked down the street with the keys in it.

Seagal worries about the “mentally dehabilitated” crack addicts of Jefferson Parish, because he knows many drug addicts in Hollywood and sees how it goes. So he goes to the Bridge House Rehab Center and talks to some of the residents. He wears sunglasses part of the time, which we know from the episode where he visited the children’s hospital might mean he’s afraid he’s gonna tear up. He doesn’t have alot to offer these people, but I’m sure they appreciated meeting him, at least as a distraction. And it’s gotta be cool to have Seagal say, “I’m proud of y’all.”

Next call is a house with people hanging out, possibly dealing drugs. They put a bunch of people on a wall, spread their legs, search around with flashlights. Alex finds “4 bags of what appears to be a green vegetable substance” across the street, but they can’t pin it on anybody, so it’s the usual arresting a couple guys for oustanding traffic violations.

Although it’s only pot, Seagal mentions trying to get “the drug dealers that are feeding the addicts,” which is nice, showing why he doesn’t consider it a victimless crime.

The next scene is a crazy daytime traffic stop – an old couple are driving around with their trunk and doors open, and when they turn on the siren the old lady flips them off. It turns out they’re not on crack though, they’re just old white people. They’ve been driving around getting honked at and she thought the siren was more of that. The boys think the whole incident is hilarious and fortunately don’t tase her or chase her under a shed.

Next they search some women at a hotel, and Alex forcefully asks where the crack pipe is. They’ve got paraphernalia in the room but no crack. Looks like they used it all. Seagal notes that it’s three girls with one guy, “copious prophylactics” and porn playing on the TV. “I don’t know what kind of party they were having.” Turns out the dude was in rehab at the Bridge House, so they lecture him about being around crack and then have to arrest him for a theft warrant. “Maybe it’ll give him a chance to think about what he’s done and try to mend his ways.”

To their credit, they finally hassled some white suspects – possibly crackheads and/or hookers, but they can’t prove anything.

The episode ends with Larry entering (and losing) the Mr. Legs charity contest for the Bridge House. Fortunato says it’s “a little risque.” Not as good an ending as the charity event where Seagal’s band played.

words of wisdom: “The power of the mind is infinite, and all of these people have so much potential to become something so much greater than they are.”
“I think karmically these folks that are doing the bad things are gonna get caught, one way or another.”

. . .
Parish Under Siege

Here’s an unusual episode. The Squad goes to check out a rodent problem – a property where nutria are burrowing in the ground and potentially fucking up the levees. I didn’t know what the fuck a nutria was so fortunately Seagal explains that they’re “kind of a beaver-like creature.” Seagal says, “It would be nice to find a way to co-exist with the nutria, and protect the community too… I myself don’t shoot them, because I don’t shoot at anything that’s not shooting at me.”

“It’s Friday night, people are letting off steam” and the Squad reports to a car flipped over, on fire, with two people thrown out. Obviously Seagal’s not gonna be doing first aid (or accupuncture) but the dazed victims think there were three or four people in the car, so the Squad make themselves useful looking around for the other people. Fortunately it turns out there’s nobody else, and we learn that both of the victims survived. Phew.

But it’s still “the end of the work week, people gittin rowdy” so they go around to bars (to make sure everything’s safe, not to get drunk or pick up chicks). Seagal notes that, “When I was in Asia you know I learned to relax by studying the martial arts and meditation, and over here people relax by drinking.” Seagal wants to look for loiterers, which seems kind of petty, but Alex has a good explanation of how their presence can help stop things from getting out of hand sometimes.

They see a guy weaving with no headlights, and find two weird bottles inside. The drunks don’t speak very good English and only Seagal is brave enough to sniff the bottle to try to figure out what it is. John says, “One of them is not really sure, the other one is I really don’t know what it is.

They eventually figure it out in more specifics though: it’s a bottle stuffed with herbs with rum poured over it. This gets Seagal excited: “We do this in Asia, Larry. We make this in Asia.” He says it could be medicinal, but also gets you drunk, so I guess maybe martial arts and mediation aren’t the only ways to relax in Asia. “This is good stuff, I wish I could have it,” he laughs.

“Sure was an unusual concoction, whatever it was,” John says.

When they report for nutria eradication Seagal is still uncomfortable with it. “As a Buddhist, you know, I really don’t believe in killing anything I don’t have to.” He sits in a car talking to a guy about possible peaceful solutions, and while he’s distracted Johnny and the other guys drive around with the SWAT team shooting the adorable little saboteurs. The title of this episode casts the rodents as former CIA operatives blowing back against the country by using their skills for elaborate attacks in the name of ransom money, but I think the nutria problem is really more like the real life terrorism problem. Shooting them obviously isn’t solving anything because they replenish their population faster than they get killed, but Seagal admits he can’t think of a better way and “at least we’re honoring the cycle of life” by feeding the dead bodies to alligators at the zoo (okay, I guess I lost the War on Terror metaphor with that part).

The last call of the episode is yet another erratic driver, and Fortunato says “Don’t like the look of this fella.” The driver says, “You remind me of Steven Seagal,” but not being in the mood for another “could you beat Sacky Chan?” conversation Seagal just says, “Yeah, well I get that all the time.” After the usual rigamorole the guy has to call his girlfriend to come pick him up.

Seagal sums up his forgiving protector/teacher philosophy: “I’m not saying that they’re bad guys, I just think that they had a little bit of bad judgment tonight and they could be a little more disciplined next time.” They have to arrange for a presumably not drunk girlfriend to come drive the truck home – I was hoping Seagal would do it himself, but I guess that’s not in the volunteer job description.

This is another one of the best episodes of the show because of the weirdness of the nutria problem and because it ends with the unparalleled sight of Seagal feeding dead nutria to “a big bastard” alligator at the zoo. Can you imagine if you went to the zoo and Steven Seagal was inside the alligator pen feeding them meat from a long pole? That would be a good trip to the zoo. He’s obviously a little iffy about doing it, but doesn’t want to look like a wimp when they ask him. “I’ve been studying martial arts all my life,” he says, “but I’d really hate to have to, uh, fight a ten foot gator.” He does well though, especially for a Buddhist.

words of wisdom: “I don’t drink much myself, I feel that it clouds the mind.”
“In Eastern philosophy we believe that the quieter you become the more you can hear and understand.”

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 at 3:48 pm and is filed under Crime, Documentary, Reviews, Seagal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

16 Responses to “Steven Seagal: Lawman – Episodes 8-10”

  1. Steven Seagal: Alligator-Man has a nice ring to it.

  2. LAKE PLACID 3, starring Steven Seagal.

    I would watch that.

  3. “I myself don’t shoot them, because I don’t shoot at anything that’s not shooting at me”
    Oh really? So I take it the firing range targets had AK-47s aimed at you in the earlier episode?

  4. Wow, todays episode was probably the best of the whole season. Seagal going on a Narc raid, trash-talking van damme, getting some drugs for a change, AND talking to kids about the power of martial arts. I love this show.

  5. Man Seagal trashing Van Damme?

    Wasn’t it the deal that Seagal (allegedly) badmouthed Van Damme at Stallone’s house, and Van Damme challenged him to back up his mouth outside? Seagal then (allegedly) didn’t, he pussied out.

    Van Damme has done many not so good things (coke, UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: THE RETURN, Street Fighter) but I must admit I respect him for that one.

  6. About acupuncture: It works! Had it last year. My back was damaged, I couldn’t even move really, then a doctor put 13 needles in my body (including one in my head, what suddenly caused me to yell all through his office: “Do I have a goddamn needle in my head!?” I’m scared of needles too, btw.) and 30 minutes later I was completely painfree for at least 2 hrs. And even when the pain came back afterwards, it wasn’t nearly as bad as before my first session!

  7. Ipswitch: Ms. Benes the hat you charged to the company was Sable; this is Neutria.

    Elaine: Well, that’s a kind of sable.

    Ipswitch: No, its a kind of rat.

    Elaine: That’s a rat hat?

    Ipswitch: And a poorly made one, even by rat hat standards. I have no choice but to recommend your prompt termination to the board of directors. Nothing short of the approval of Peterman himself will save you this time.

    Elaine: But, he’s in the Burmese jungle.

    Ipswitch: Yes, and quite mad from what I hear.

    Elaine: Wait? Can I fire you?

    Ipswitch: No.

  8. “When I was in Asia… ” “We do this in Asia.” “We make this in Asia.”

    WTF is with this “in Asia” nonsense? It sounds so ridiculous. It’s like saying, “This is how we do things in NOrth America.” And not to mention that, having live in Japan (where Segal lived) for almost a decade, I can say with a fair degree of certainty that the Japanese get drunk to relax far more than Americans do (um, I guess maybe one of the reasons I have lived here this long). Also, in the decade I have lived here I have never come across a drink that is remotely simialr to “herbs with rum poured over it” – though of course that’s not to say it doesn’t exist in some other country “in Asia.”

    but anyways, a great and intriguing read as always. really gotta check this show out.

    P.S. Jareth – when I first glanced over your post I thought it was some excerpt from a Harold Pinter play or something until I put the names Benes, Elaine, and Peterman together.

  9. Virgin Gary: At it’s best, SEINFELD reads incredibly well on the page. Maybe not as good as Ionesco or Albee, but close.

    Pinter, as you may recall, was one of Elaine’s old boyfriends, the one whose
    marriage to Sue Ellen Mischke was ruined by Elaine.

  10. I gotta give it up to you again Vern, you are a true Seagalogist. I thought I was, but the racial angle just killed this show for me.

  11. “When I was in Asia you know I learned to relax by studying the martial arts and meditation, and over here people relax by drinking.” This cracks me up because anyone who has been in Japan for five minutes would know most of the local male population relax by getting so shitfaced they can barely stand up and/or fall asleep in any occassion or location. I am not American but the high handed “over here” comparison rankles a bit and seems to lean toward the way that Seagal uses his experience to be judgemental of everyone. Thanks for picking that quote out, and also “I don’t drink much myself…” which a look at his face seems to contradict. As much as we all like the man, denial is a bit disturbing.

    I don’t find the show overwhelmingly racist and the profiling at work in the show might actually represent the concentration of crime in Jefferson Parish, or the district in which Seagal lives. I haven’t heard the same calls of racism about The First 48. It is true that there is 1% more white people murdered than black in America (CNN tm), but that’s nationwide and (besides being a victim number) might not be the make up of this parish. Coming from Northern Ireland, I used to find myself constantly checked by the police on the street, in train stations and in airports. I didn’t really mind it because I had nothing to hide and was not a terrorist. I could understand why I was being profiled by accent, because I sounded Irish and the IRA are Irish.

    It seems racist when Steven chases down random people just because they are black, but the most shameful factor is how many of the pursued actually have warrants. If there is a distinction with white people, it might be due to the trend of crime in the parish. Does anyone have those numbers? I know the internet is a wonderful thing.

  12. Gary – to be fair, Seagal is talking about his own experiences in Japan, which are in aikido circles of the late ’60s and early ’70s, where maybe this herb concoction did exist. And he only says that HE relaxed with martial arts and meditation instead of alcohol, not everybody else. But I still mention the “when I was in Asia” broken record thing because I do get a kick out of it. If I ever get to update SEAGALOGY to cover this show I’ll definitely have to go through the series and get a count of how many times he says a variation on that. For drinkers out there I guess you can take a swig of your marimama every time he says it.

    Adam – I want to be clear, I don’t think the show itself is racist. But I think it accidentally puts a spotlight on some uncomfortable realities of race relations and institutionalized racism in our country. I also have a theory that Seagal has noticed this in the show and is trying to make up for it. In an interview about MACHETE he said, “And even though it’s larger than life and kind of crazy and wacky, in a way it also addresses sensitive issues such as racial profiling and prejudice and how people can and do work together in different situations.”

  13. hey vern, yeah i do realize that you included those quotes for their humorous impact, and i find them amusing, too. i just thought i would point out specifically how they were inaccurate (though most people without the benefit of experience could still probably guess that a lot of what he says might not actually be 100% genuine – it’s kind of part ofhis weird, self-aggrandizing charm). also, he may have been talking about his own experience, but when he says, “over here people relax y drinking,” he is making the obvious implication that that’s not what they do over there (in Asia). but anyway, funny stuff. (i just re-read what i wrote so far and realized that the first sentence seems like it was written by Mr. Spock – sorry bout that!)

    also, i take it as an affront to my status as a drinking expert to suggest that such a drink would exist and i wouldn’t know about it! (just jokin of course – but, not really)

  14. Live long and prosper, Virgin Gary.

  15. An appropriate and humorous response, Mr. Cutestory, for which I am grateful.

  16. The neural pathway of reflex regulation of electroacupuncture at orofacial acupoints on gastric functions in rats [Article in Chinese]
    Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 2007; 27:633-6.
    So that it’s actually on the Cochrane Collaboration last week which I am Doctor
    Filardo and I forbidden city try to treat conditions, too much?
    Acupuncture is a new public toilet, with the Mayo Clinic study
    involving 50 fibromyalgia patients. Vickers, attending research methodologist at Memorial
    Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and now i’m all set in as the practicioner inserts the needles.