"I take orders from the Octoboss."

thanks everybody

Hope everyone is well


This entry was posted on Friday, December 25th, 2009 at 1:24 am and is filed under Blog Post (short for weblog). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

43 Responses to “thanks everybody”

  1. Merry Christmas Vern! Hope all’s well with you too!

  2. Merry Christmas Vern. Same goes to all the other people on this great websight!

  3. Yeah guys, have a merry Christmas!

  4. Merry xmas Vern and to all the other compadries of this great site.

    Have a happy festive and i’ll catch you all on the comments board.

  5. Merry Christmas, Vern. I’d say, “Keep striving for excellence.”, but I don’t think I need to remind you.

    As for the rest of you ladies and gentlemen, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or however you do it.

  6. Go ahead…make my day, christmas day (what? Shut up im tired) you’re thye best vern merry christmas from venezuela

  7. Merry Christmas Vern!

  8. Somewhere John McClane’s kids are getting ready to open presents.
    Merry Christmas, Vern.

  9. merry christmas, people

  10. Merry Christmas guys

  11. Merry Christmas Vern and all the regulars on here! Hope you are all enjoying your 24 hour marathons of Christmas Vacation and/or A Christmas Story!!

    P.S. Shitters full

  12. Happy Holidays Vern.

  13. “The question you should be asking is ‘Do I feel merry?’ Well do ya, punk?”


  14. Thanks for another year of great reviews Vern. Hope you and everyone here has a great day.

  15. Merry christmas guys!
    I don’t post often, but I’m here every day reading the comments, keep up the good work guys.

  16. shit! DIE HARD!!! i was looking through my entire video/dvd collection looking for a good christmas movie to show my girlfriend, and all i came up with was EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (in fairness even better than i remembered it). BUT i totally forgot DIE HARD was a christmas movie. will definitely have to watch it tomorrow. happy holidays everyone!

  17. p.s. thanks to jek porkins for the reminder. and thank you to vern and friends for a great sight.

  18. Happy christmas guys, hope everyone has a blast :D

  19. Hmmm Citizen Kane is on TV, think I might finally check that one out. I hear it’s pretty good.

  20. Merry Christmas from Ottawa, Vern. Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!

  21. That photograph brought SUCH a smile to my face.

  22. Mazel Tov, J.C., and best of the holidays to Vern and all the regs here.

  23. Merry Christmas everyone!

    “We’re all in this together. This is a full blown, four alarm, holiday emergency here. We’re gonna press on, and we’re gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.”


    (Oh wait… it’s over… too late.)


  25. Also VERN PLEASE REVIEW “JUGGERNAUT”! My post in the “Avatar” thread seemed to get lost in a lot of discussion about the movie “Avatar”… Weird.

  26. Merry Christmas!!!!

  27. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! As per usual I watched Scrooged on Christmas Eve, Home Alone before cooking dinner, and will end the night with Die Hard.

    “It was a banner year at the Bender house, I got a carton of cigarettes. My Dad said, ‘Smoke up, Johnny!'”

  28. Mode 7: When you’re done with CITIZEN KANE, check out the sequel: CITIZEN KANE 2: CITIZEN KANE HODDER.

    “Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.”

  29. Merry Christmas fellas.

    I’ve been balls deep in a Christmas Vacation, Friday After Next, and Gremlins marathon with my brothers, sister, and parents. I hope you are all having as great of a time as I am. Peace on Earth and shit.

  30. Damn, clubside, you’ve reminded me that I missed “Die Hard” on TV this year for the first year in maybe five… which means this is probably the first Christmas day in which I didn’t spent about twenty seconds tittering madly (but in a manly, butch way of course) at “I’m agent Johnson… and I’m agent Johnson… no relation.”

  31. Peace to you all. Thanks for the reviews Vern and to all the regulars, thanks for the comments. You make me feel special.

  32. Merry Christmas to the best writer from the Puget Sound! Always a pleasure to see new content Vern. Continued prosperity and the best of life to you in the New Year!

  33. For the good work and for the site upgrade…………..http://tinyurl.com/yjfwmls
    ,and because many important things have happened at Christmas past……………….http://tinyurl.com/ygy8l8j
    ………….Best Wishes to you Vern and everybody who visits here…………………2010 and beyond :>

  34. Aye hope Vern and everyone who posts had a great day and/or winter time.

    And thanks Vern for finally moving over to comments this year, it’s been fantastic getting to read posts after your reviews, especially when they’re intelligent well written ones. Defintely one of my favourite places to read/discuss films on the internet.

  35. Happy Holidays and Peace to All !! I hope you’re all well and FULL . Yesterday was completely dedicated to eating over here ( I know , it’s an Italian stereotype , but during the holidays we all act like pack of wild animals ) , I started at lunch and finished just before bedtime . Today , I can’t move my legs ! I left the computer off all day , and I’m sorry I’m a little late , but again Happy Holidays !!!!

  36. Merry Christmas to my favorite site.

  37. Merry Christmas all!

  38. Merry day-after-Christmas-weekend to EVVVVVVVVERYONNNNNNNE!!! (Insert Gary Oldman impression as appropriate.)

    And thanks for your great site, Vern. {g}

  39. happy late Christmas everyone!

  40. Hey all, sorry I’m late. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Crazy Kawanza, and whatever other holiday gets you through the solstice (except for you human sacrificing death-cultists; you fuckers get nothing from me).

    See ya on the hairy side of New Year!

  41. Happy New Year! 90 minutes till 2009 is over for me!
