"I take orders from the Octoboss."

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

roadhouseWell, we saw it coming, but it’s still a huge bummer to know that Patrick Swayze is no longer with us. I don’t want to rehash what I’ve said before but I think most of you guys know how I feel about his work and feel similarly. He became kind of a pop culture joke because of movies like DIRTY DANCING, but I admired him because of how dedicated he was to his roles and how unafraid he was of being corny. I think most, many or all of us here consider ROAD HOUSE to be a classic and completely unique, to say nothing of POINT BREAK where he gives an equally great performance. In both cases I’m convinced that he made himself believe the philosophies he was spouting in character. He really was Dalton and he really was Bodhi. Incidentally he also did a great job as a screen fighter and even did skydiving stunts for POINT BREAK.

I also enjoyed him in UNCOMMON VALOR and BLACK DOG, I know a guy who loves NEXT OF KIN, and yeah, I’m gonna have to check out STEEL DAWN one of these days. And I have planned for years to revisit RED DAWN (almost made it part of my back to school series but I want to watch it as a double feature with ROCKY IV since that’s how I saw it in the ’80s). I don’t think he was mainly thought of as an action guy, and yet he had all those on his resume.

Another thing I always think of when I think of Swayze is that Saturday Night Live sketch where him and Chris Farley were auditioning for Chippendales. I can’t seem to find the original on Youtube or I’d embed it, but it was amazing how sincere and sweet he made his character in that thing. He did a similar trick in the not particularly good TO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, JULIE NEWMAR.

He also seemed to be a cool guy with a sense of humor about himself. He was even willing to play that self-help dude in DONNIE DARKO who turns out to have a “kiddie porn dungeon.” And he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. As tragic as it is to die so young I’m glad he at least got a heads up so he could spend more time with his family and try to get things in order.

Please share your Swayze thoughts in the comments or click on his name in the tags below to see my reviews of a few of his movies.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 at 1:05 am and is filed under Blog Post (short for weblog). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

68 Responses to “R.I.P. Patrick Swayze”

  1. I don’t really know what to say, except that I always really liked the guy and have been saddened by his suffering and now passing. That he kept working until the end was remarkable. For a lot of people my age, I suspect Swayze was one of our first conceptions of what a “movie star” was because our mothers and their friends were all so in love with him. I can even remember watching Father Hood when I was 8 and it premiered on SKY TV in the UK and it seemed like a big deal just because Swayze was in it.

  2. When I watched for the first time Point Break , I wasn’t sure about the casting of Patrick Swayze , it seemed a little off . But then I said :”It’s an action movie , with Gary Busey , let’s give it a try!”. Holy crap , not only I was impressed with the movie , but I also noticed that Swayze did all of his skydiving scenes ( try to re-watch the movie and notice how painful it is when they cut to Reeves!). Then it was time for Road House ( Il Duro del Road House here in Italy , translated as “The Tough Guy of the Road House”) , and , in my eyes , he was no more the guy from “Ghost” , but the Asskicking Friend of Sam Elliot , a title worthy of a medal. And I think , in a time of bodybuilders-turned-actors , he was a good actor turned action star . Today you can see the same thing happening with Bale and Norton , ACTORS training for action oriented roles , instead of bodybuilders and wrestlers like 20 twenty years ago , and Swayze fits this category nicely . Plus he had the balls to jump from an airplane! R.I.P. Patrick .

  3. The Outsiders, Uncommon Valor, Red Dawn, Dirty Dancing, Road House, Ghost, Point Break, Donnie Darko…

    He was in some really iconic movies and in some iconic roles.

    People forget now how big he was at one point but for a star he seemed like a genuinely decent dude without the megalomania that so many guys who reached his level of popularity ended up with. I like Verns’s point about his sincerity – it’s true he really seemed like he believed himself to be the character, regardless of whether you liked his acting or not. Sad to see him go so young.


  4. The thing about Swayze that was incredible was that he put out the girliest movie ever made (Dirty Dancing) and the manliest movie ever made (Road House) within two years of each other. He could do both in a way that nobody else before or since ever could, and I think Vern nailed it when he said that it was because of his intense commitment to his roles. What makes the insanity of Road House and Point Break work is that Swayze never acts like it’s all a joke. He believes every word he says. I always liked the dude, even when most guys my age considered him to be just a prettyboy. I watched Road House in his honor last night, and man, that movie just keeps getting better. I’m sad to see Swayze go, but I’m glad he went down swinging. Vaya con dios, mijo.

  5. Of the brat pack Hollywood casting in RED DAWN, Swayze was probably the only one who was believable as a local hick high school football hero-turned-partisan insurgent leader.

  6. the girlie perspective:

    Swayze was an ass-kickin’ philosophizin’ cowboy-uppin’ twinkle-toes with a great ass, lots of hair, and a gentlemanly manner, the perfect combination. I loved him in Dirty Dancing (I AM a girl, sorry, I can’t help it), and LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED him in Roadhouse, but I think that the SNL Chippendales skit might be my favorite thing either he or Chris Farley ever did. It was this magical little piece, so funny and so tremendously sweet, and it gave the impression that they were both such very very nice guys… So sad.

  7. To put my Swayze nerdery into perspective: I loitered around the AV Club message board waiting for someone to say a negative word about him just so I could say “Opinions vary.”

    Not surprisingly, it took a while for even the slightest insult to drop. That’s how you know your man is a class act when smarmy hipsters don’t even want to mock him.

  8. “The thing about Swayze that was incredible was that he put out the girliest movie ever made (Dirty Dancing) and the manliest movie ever made (Road House) within two years of each other.”

    So what you’re saying is that nobody puts Swayze in a corner.

    Just so you don’t think I’m a smarmy hipster, let me say that Swayse really made his acting look effortless. That usually denotes real talent.

  9. The worst you could say about him is “She’s Like the Wind.” All else is good.

  10. You couldn’t ridicule Swayze for even his goopiest roles – “Ghost” and “Dirty Dancing.” I’m not a huge fan of either movie, but he gave them a certain honesty and dignity that cannot be denied. When the news broke this morning, I caught of a clip of his Barbara Walters interview where he said something like “my work is my legacy,” and he’s right and it’s legacy to be proud of — sure, he never won an Oscar or anything like that, but his films proved he was a great actor because he could elevate material that he was in, and his work made people happy. Can’t find a much truer barometer of greatness than that. Like a great guitarist named Michael Houser (Widespread Panic), he was taken by pancreatic cancer too soon, but he fought hard and went on trying to make people happy up until very near the end. Oh yeah, and I love “Point Break” and always will – one of the most entertaining and fun movies ever made – so thanks for that one, Patrick.

  11. Here’s some film nerdery: I am about 99 percent sure that the scene in Reservoir Dogs where Lawerence Tierney briefs the gang on the robbery and gives them all their names is an homage (or ripoff, depending on your point of view) to the scene in Road House where Swayze gives that speech to his fellow bouncers…if I’m not mistaken Tierney even says “It’s my way or the highway!”

    My half-assed theory is that Swayze was never given enough credit as an actor because he was so wildly successful at making “women’s pictures” – people forget how huge Dirty Dancing and Ghost actually were (and that was during a time when Hollywood couldn’t make a movie a hit just by advertising the shit out of it, the way they do now.) And anything that gives women a boner really pisses men off; remember right after Titanic when Leonardo Dicaprio was supposed to suck? “Di-fag-rio” and all that? I remember audiences of young male college douchebags actually booing him in the trailer for “The Beach”.

    I mean, yeah, I find Road House funny in a way that maybe wasn’t intended. But, to get psychoanalytic about it, I think a lot of those smarmy Kevin Smith-wannabe-esque jokes about Swayze are masking a lot of male insecurity.

  12. I’m inclined to agree with you, ws. The actor who probably suffered the most from this sort of male-jealousy backlash was Richard Gere, who to this day probably can’t go anywhere near a pet store.

  13. The “Dirty Dancing/Roadhouse” duality really underscore Swayze’s range. I mean, both take place in this southern fantasy land where everyone’s either drying humping in 50’s diners or achieving international fame on the cooling circuit. In either case a feathered hair is rarely misplaced, and Swayze’s conviction makes you suspend your disbelief. Rereading that first sentence really convinces me that the guy could act—I mean, have you seen the reality those movies present? Hell, since Dirty Dancing takes place in the 50’s, and Roadhouse the 80’s, then maybe Johnny was Dalton’s dad. Dalton walked in on his parents “dancing in ways that don’t lend to cleanliness,” dropped the Ph.D philosophy course he was teaching, and hit the road to learn the origins of his parents sordid movements.

    Just a thought. Ah hell Patrick, I miss ya already. At least you knew it was coming, and made your peace. Anyone checkout “The Beast?” I’ve heard good things.

    I want to chime in on “Red Dawn” Vern. I’m interested in seeing your review, because this is one of the ultimate “NRA’s worst nightmare” movies, yet despite its politics I can still watch it all the time. It has all kinds of strange tics and subtexts, and would benefit from your talents.

    Finally, there’s no doubting that men’s insecurities can lead to vendettas against actors. My father hated Sean Connery, just because my mother loved him. Sean—Connery! Just goes to show, sense is rarely made when the fragile lash out.

  14. It’s not a great quality copy but if you want to see the SNL clip with Swayze and Farley then here it is.


  15. Taken directly from IMDB regarding To Wong Foo…

    Before filming the scene in which Sheriff Dollard (played by Chris Penn) pulls the car over at the roadside, Patrick Swayze secretly placed a corn cob down the front of his underwear. Penn’s expression of shock upon putting his hand up Swayze’s dress is not faked.

    I Lol’d at this fun fact. Swayze just seemed like an all around nice guy and i don’t think theres really anything bad that can be said about the mans life and body of work.

  16. …unless you count this…

    According to John Leguizamo in his autobiography, his frequent improvisation angered Patrick Swayze so much that Swayze tried to punch him in the face.

    I’d like to think he was pre-emptively doing us all a favor for The Happening and The Pest.

  17. I can’t imagine that there’s an actor who’s worked with Leguizamo who hasn’t wanted to punch him in the face at some point, and you could only push Swayze so far. He was always nice…until it was time to not be nice.

  18. Truly a shame that he finally was defeated by such a terrible disease.

    A true cross over star, films for the ladies (Demi Moore masterbates a huge clay pot, Whoopi Goldberg wins an oscar for wearing a gown and being Whoopi Goldberg & some dancin baby thing, with corners) and some cool movies for the guys (Red Dawn & not just one of the eighties greatest action movies Roadhouse, but he then topped that in the nineties with Point Break). There is no need to bring up Steel Dawn at this time.

    Having lost someone close to the big C, i can testify he must have fought it all the way (and don’t get me started on the ‘experimental’ treatments he must have endured).

    My thoughts go out his nearest and dearest at this time .

  19. Apparently Swayze said he opted not to use painkilling drugs while making The Beast because they would have taken the edge off his performance. That takes some guts.

  20. Obligatory “Pain don’t hurt” reference.

  21. It’s easy to forget how quotable that movie is.

    “Calling me sir is like putting an elevator in an outhouse. It don’t belong.”

  22. I really enjoy all of Dalton’s interactions with the townsfolk. There a little gems in every conversation, and I like that he’s not your usual brusque loner badass. He treats all of these older gentleman with the respect they deserve, and he seems genuinely interested in hearing their stories. I think that’s what’s called “grace,” a rare commodity these days.

    I’ll continue the quote train: “That dog won’t hunt.”

  23. “People who really want to have a good time won’t come to a slaughterhouse. And we’ve got entirely too many troublemakers here. Too many 40-year-old adolescents, felons, power drinkers and trustees of modern chemistry. “

  24. “It used to be a sweet deal, but now it’s the kind of place where they sweep up the eyeballs after closing time.”

  25. “A polar bear fell on me.”

  26. Class act. R.I.P.

    See ya at the Double Douche.

  27. I love the song, “She’s Like The Wind”. I sing that quite a bit at karaoke.

    Also if any of you get a chance you should watch 11:14. It’s not great but it’s a pretty decent low-budget movie and Swayze is good in it.

    And if you liked Dirty Dancing he has a small cameo in Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. Not as bad as I though it was going to be, if you dig Dirty Dancing there’s no reason you wouldn’t like Havana Nights. Please keep in mind that this is coming from a straight dude (allegedly) who loves “She’s Like The Wind”.

  28. Holy shit, I just realized that the guy in Road House who used to fuck guys like Patrick Swayze in prison is Marshall Teague, star of Isaac Flourentine’s Special Forces and US Seals 2!

    Did everyone already know this and I just showed up late to the party?

  29. Steel Dawn was tight enough I hadda catch it about 5 times so I hope you see it Vern (and Steel Frontier for sake of all that is good in the world of post-apocalypse movies). Roadhouse of course maybe 20 viewings – at least once a year since release, but I gotta say to all here, Swayze was at his best in North and South which I watched mebbe 50 times in full (same length as LotR trilogy which only held my attention for one rewatch). It was definately his best work, I think his most sincere effort. North and South 2 is good too, but only enough for 2 viewings. Story weakens.

    North and South is a mini-series but you can buy/hire it on DVD and watch in a day. Swayze is the star and at his best, but if you need more convicing check out the cast list and I challenge you to name another mini-series with a stronger lineup: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088583/

  30. You made me happy Patrick!

    There were very few films that I didn’t like with Mr. Swayze. And I realize that this is a filmsight. But today I started out reading a few obituaries in melancholy mourning, thinking I would leave it at that. Eventually, I realized that everyone everywhere keeps on talking exclusively about his films. And I had to share, just in cast Patrick should sit there on a cloud of asskicking, reading. I figure he’d probably sit on an american cloud, so I choose to share here, as encouraged by the blog-master.

    Patrick, you may have been a movie star to a generation, but you were Orry Main to at least 3 generations! Sure, there were a few hangaround semi-celebrities such as Johnny Cash, Elisabeth Taylor, David Carradine, Gene Kelly, Forest Whitaker, Hal Holbrook, Robert Mitchum, James Stewart, Lloyd Bridges, Billy Dee Williams, Kirstie Alley, and even Number 2 in that show. But you were the one they hinged it all up on, and you pulled it off without breaking a sweat! You united grandmothers and grandsons in front of the tv all over the world, watching a show that completely kicks the living ass out of Desperate Housewifes (and such) and – at the same time – any existing Gettysburg recreation.

    Actually, I don’t know about that part with “all over the world”. It might have just been Sweden, for all I know.

    They keep on listing the films that made you famous. Granted, Red Dawn was a huge, early VCR hit, but the part where your work really payed off in stardom was as the ultimate hero in the most successful over-the-top tv-show of all time.

  31. I noticed Marshall Teague in Road House after I re-watched it , post Vern review . But the week before I had a Florentine marathon , including Special Forces , but , sadly , missing US Seals 2 ( still looking for that one). So I’m kind of a cheater !

    I also remember liking Steel Dawn , but it’s been a while since the last time I saw it , I will track it down the next time I’m in the post-apocalyptic mood.

    Chase: Thanks for the clip , we only have bits and pieces of SNL over here and it’s always good when I’m able to see some of it.

  32. And after posting I find the first sign that I wasn’t alone. Thank you AU_Armageddon, for being the first person to make feel less alone in how I missed Mr. Swayze.

  33. On Steel Dawn all I’ll say is that the end fight was cool, but that there was a lot of walking—a lot.

  34. Next of Kin and Black Dog are severely underrated. NOK is probably the greatest hillbilly vs. Mafia movie ever made and Black Dog is a riot. Also, one must mention the insanely awesome “Patrick Swayze Christmas” song from Mystery Scienc Theater 3000. It’s going to have a somber feeling to it when I listen to it around the holidays.

  35. Now I gotta see Black Dog. I think I avoided it when it came out because I was disgusted with the caliber of action film that was out at the time. Oh, how naive I was to think it had gotten as bad as it was going to get.

    Also, Steel Dawn…kinda disappointing, but great hair. As always.

  36. Swayze was pretty funny a coupla years ago as himself in one of the Orange cinema ads:

  37. I saw him in a Barbara Walters interview once and was extremely impressed by his sincerity. He spoke of his own father’s passing from a genuine but wounded place, and I thought, “damn, this guy is a real human being.” Clark Kent values. Salt of the earth, all those cliches that we all hope people will say about us when we shed the mortal coil. Some great movies, and some great moves — fighting and dancing.

  38. If there is one sub-genre that is long overdue for a comeback, that would have to be “hillbilly vs. Mafia.”

  39. If Swayze’s NOK is greatest hillbilly vs mafia film ever then ironic that Swayze’s Trapper* Country War is greatest hillbilly vs special forces** ever***.

    (*** Not including Southern Comfort, Hills Have Eyes 2(Remake), and all others not counted as they are not special forces. Also not including Steve James fights in American Ninja 2 as the hillbilly’s just happened to be at the pub – have to be in hillbilly country for it to count.)

    (** Also may be argued as greatest hillbilly vs martial artist film ever (who is not the same character as the special forces hermit). Again, Steve James notwithstanding.)

    (* As in the most famous Swayze alive, Don Swayze.)

  40. I’m also looking forward to hearing what you have to say on Red Dawn, Vern. It took me 20 years to see that movie (what can I say, I was a deeply sheltered child in several ways), but I’ll be damned if I didn’t actually applaud at the end, seeing that “monument”. Applauded in a non-ironic fashion, too.

    Speaking of non-irony, one of the most popular party houses amongst my fellow theatre majors in college was a charming red paint/porch swing abode that we christened Swayze House upon several of us moving in. Someone bought one of those life-sized cardboard cutouts of Swayze in his full mulletted ’80s glory, and he stood in the living room for the remainder of my time there…and beyond, I’m fairly certain. He benignly watched over us as we danced, drank, and fucked away our troubles (though NEVER to “(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life”, thank the Lord), and nobody ripped him in half or abused him in the entire two years I was around the joint. Yes, there was a “cheese” factor of having him as our mascot (this WAS the ’90s, after all), but a whole bunch of us genuinely respected him as a well-rounded dancer, actor, and, I guess, singer (I have a bit of a soft spot for “She’s Like The Wind”; a spongy spot is more like it) who wasn’t afraid to look ridiculous if it fit the character.

    Swayze House (just Swayze for short, of course) was a nice refuge from the pressure-cooker environment of the theatre department, and I’d like to think the real Patrick Swayze, with his affability and dedication to the craft of performance, had something to do with that. I’d like to, but I’m probably just drunk.

  41. I was never a huge fan of Mr Swayze’s films but I was a fan of the man himself. He was above most of the films he was in but never seemed to realise it. That’s what made him such a great guy in my eyes. I saw GEORGE AND THE DRAGON earlier this year on TV and it was pretty poor to be honest. Then Swayze showed up and dragged that thing out of the mud. Even after his appearance the goodwill carried me through to watch the whole friggin’ thing and it was OK for a TV movie.

    POINT BREAK, NEXT OF KIN and GHOST were great examples of their respective genres and, after all this talk of ROADHOUSE, I’m gonna have to check that one out again. It never really stood out for me but I think some of the reasoning relating to its greatness has whetted my appetite for another go around with it.

    Anything else I would have said has already been mentioned elsewhere so I’ll just leave it there.

    R.I.P. Mr Swayze.

  42. Sorry for the bad, worse than usual, grammar in that last post guys.

  43. Don’t sweat it, Lenny. I’ve seen far worse from ostensibly professional writers.

  44. Damn right on the Roadhouse/Reservoir Dogs connection. People bang on about Reservoir Dogs copying this film and that, but Road House never gets mentioned.

    Swayze’s death bothered me more than I thought it would. He definitely seemed like a good dude. I rediscovered Red Dawn a few months back (it came up on random on my film rental queue). Say what you want about the politics but the pacing grabs you from the start.

  45. Red Dawn was the first time I realized that you don’t necessarily close your eyes when you die. That shit was creepy. PG-13 meant something back then.

  46. I love Swayze, & for the past year I’ve been re-watching his oeuvre in preparation for his death. I’ll always think of him as the strong but scared older bother in RED DAWN. Hopefully now he’s dancing with Chris Farley again or maybe even communicating with Whoopy Goldberg from the great beyond. I miss him!

  47. http://www.cracked.com/blog/tribute-to-patrick-swayze-2nd-best-film-star-of-all-time/

    found this this morning and thought id share it with you people over here….

  48. That’s ironic, coming from the second best spoof magazine of all time.

    But seriously, Cracked is way better as a website than it ever was as a magazine. Those dudes are funny for a bunch of assholes who don’t know that it’s a “positron collider,” not a “positron glider.”

  49. I’ve been reading CRACKED (on and off) for the last year and there are some very funny writers on there. It’s become a daily visit….. just like here.


    Above is the link for that Chippendale vid with Farley. Quality ain’t great but I had never seen it before so it was good enough for me.

    Gotta say, it’s weird… that was the first footage of him I’ve seen since his death. For some reason it kind of struck a chord with me. A bittersweet experience.

    Also, Farley ain’t bad either. He kinda starts pop-locking around the 1:40 mark….. for a few seconds I thought I may shit my pants.

    Cheers for the let with the grammar Mr M.

  50. Sorry Mr. M, but I just cant forgive Mad Magazine for spawning Mad TV. Not that Cracked TV would have been any better. As a kid I collected both though and looking back now they are both equally un-funny IMHO. The website seems ran by completely different people with a completely different sense of humor.

  51. Just don’t read that Seagal list I “wrote” for Cracked a few years ago. Not only did they reword everything to make it more derogatory toward Seagal, they threw in some joke about Stallone being dumb that I completely disagreed with. And then some guy in the comments got mad at me for it. Not cool.

  52. Wow Vern, (obviously) I did not know that.

    Perhaps they’re under new management now? They seem like cool enough guys. I don’t think I’ve read “your” article so never made the link. There have been some comings and goings since I started checking it out so perhaps the core group has changed?

    If not, they’re assholes but a lot of the writers/videoists I find funny weren’t involved in the site when I started visiting (about 2 years ago).

  53. He was the fucking Swayz man, nuff said. RIP brother.

  54. PS seemed like a nice dude and I always wondered why his career dried up like it did. He was a decent actor and he starred in some big hits. I was always hoping for a sequel to Point Break. His and Keanu’s best film (ok, maybe Keanu’s 2nd best after the Matrix).

  55. Yes, they surely would. Now shut up and let’s do some online gambling! That’s how his fans surely would want it. thanks Kimber.

  56. Thank God we won’t have to be acne-ridden while we mourn, though. Swayze wouldn’t have wanted that.

  57. Kicking ass at that Great Double Deuce in the sky.

  58. man, remember when all those celebrities died in 2009? that was bizarre, what the fuck was going on?

  59. 2009 nostalgia seems a little bit premature to me, though looking it up I guess I had forgotten just how many notable celebrities died that year.

    This has been a bad year for celebrity deaths, for celebrities I was genuinely a fan of; Richard Briers, Bob Godfries and Mel Smith spring immediately to mind, they wont mean a lot outside the UK though

  60. Anyone see Patrick’s brother Don on an episode of THE BRIDGE a few weeks ago?

  61. The Undefeated Gaul

    November 26th, 2013 at 3:28 am

    Who’s happy with this news?


    Well, at least they got a great director right? Guys?

  62. I’m gonna keep an open mind on this one. I don’t feel too precious about the original so the stakes are low. The curiosity factor will get me in.

  63. There’s nothing on Cohen’s CV that indicates that he’s the right man for this.

  64. The Undefeated Gaul

    November 26th, 2013 at 7:49 am

    Indeed, there’s just no way this can end well.

  65. pegs: Really? Because I see a filmography that’s rife with decent stuntwork (XXX), unintentional comedy (ALEX CROSS), martial arts philosophizing (DRAGON), outdated chivalric codes (DRAGONHEART), preposterous novelty vehicles (STEALTH), and lunkheaded catchphrases delivered by brooding, shirtless musclemen (THE FAST & THE FURIOUS). All the things that make ROAD HOUSE ROAD HOUSE.

    I would like to stress that if I ran things, the earth would burn to a cinder before I’d allow ROAD HOUSE to be remade. But if it absolutely must be done (and apparently it must because this is the world we live in) then Cohen isn’t a bad choice. There’s an earnest ridiculousness to his work that you wouldn’t get from some joyless shakycam hack, a slick music video auteur, or a post-modern pastiche artist who’s in on the joke. (The option of hiring a genuinely great director is not on the table, I suspect.) Cohen is not a very good filmmaker, but you get the sense that he believes in the drivel he’s putting out there. That’s not a bad start.

  66. Majestyk, you’re absolutely right. Cohen is a calculated hack that steals from other movies within the genre he’s doing. He’s fast and slick, but forgettable and anonymous. What Rowdy Herrington got right with ROAD HOUSE, by accident I’m sure, is the old time macho vibe that Sam Elliott, Ben Gazzara and Kevin Tighe provide. And which Swayze tries to ape the best he can. Herrington uses shot guns where Cohen will probably launch the bad guy out in space with a drone.

  67. Great tribute, Vern. Looking forward to Worm on a Hook.