Message from the Chair

Prof. Mary Forhan

In these unprecedented and unpredictable times, I am delighted to welcome you to the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto. Founded in 1918, our vibrant Department continues to be an exciting place to learn and practice the knowledge, attributes and skills of the profession of occupational therapy that will lead to an MScOT degree.

The need for skilled occupational therapists has never been greater. Occupational therapists are on the front lines of health care providing critical services to those recovering from COVID-19 and to our many other clients needing our care. We are gaining expertise in tele-rehabilitation, which will stay with us as we move into a post-COVID world. In addition, with projected population growth and projected increases in the number of seniors, OTs are in high demand across a wide range of settings – traditional and emerging, hospital and community based. OTs are indispensable members of interprofessional/integrated health care teams for their role in enabling people to lead healthy, meaningful lives regardless of ability, illness or age.

The COVID-19 pandemic has required that all of us at the University of Toronto consider how best to continue to advance world class academic education and research while promoting the health and safety of all members of our community. Within our program, students at both our Toronto (St. George) and Mississauga campuses learn from our committed and accomplished faculty members and are supported by our highly dedicated staff. We are using innovative methods of curriculum delivery and remote learning tools that ensure our program provides an exceptional experience. While we work towards a gradual and safe return to campus following the University’s Roadmap: UTogether and the province’s Framework for Reopening our Province, we are committed to supporting our students in every way.

Our faculty are research chairs, scientific directors, and fellows of national and international professional and scientific organizations. We are enthusiastic about shaping our students into critical thinkers and engaged occupational therapists; we are deeply committed to advancing knowledge through excellence in research and teaching, and through collaborative relationships and partnerships — inside our Department, within the University, and with the community.

I invite you to explore this website to learn more about our educational program and our research interests and accomplishments, our clinical community and our students, faculty and more.

Mary Forhan, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Professor and Chair, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto