Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Is Firefox's about:license non-compliant wrt. MIT and BSD style Licenses?

The Firefox (ref: V 127.0.2 on Windows) License Page about:license diligently lists all potential open source licenses involved. In an attempt to make this mess shorter, the devs have opted to group ...

mit bsd attribution  
user avatar asked by Martin Ba Score of 10
user avatar answered by Bart van Ingen Schenau Score of 6

Can a web-service based on AGPL 3.0 Licensed software demand money for its services?

We are developing a toolkit primarily as a QGIS Plugin (basically a collection of Python code and related scripts that can be run within QGIS). The code is currently still "closed source", ...

agpl-3.0 website  
user avatar asked by Honeybear Score of 4
user avatar answered by Philip Kendall Score of 7

Is 2.11BSD source code encumbered?

The early '90s brouhaha regarding USL code in 4BSD was eventually sorted out with the release of 4.4BSD-Lite. How did this agreement apply (if at all) to 2BSD source code, and was an unencumbered ...

bsd distribution closed-source  
user avatar asked by cjs Score of 4
user avatar answered by cjs Score of 4

Is the advertising clause 3 of the BSD-4-Clause overrated?

Note: I think BSD-4-Clause is rightly outdated and rightly not listed by the OSI. This is also not a question about compatibility with other licenses. It is purely about interpreting the advertising ...

bsd attribution  
user avatar asked by Martin Ba Score of 3
user avatar answered by MadHatter Score of 2

Distributing datasets partly built with GPLv3 library

We are planning to distribute some domain specific datasets which is the output of a complex ETL process. One of the steps of the process uses a GPLv3 library. Does this mean we have to open source ...

gpl gpl-3  
user avatar asked by Prithvi Score of 3
user avatar answered by Bart van Ingen Schenau Score of 4

Implications of the AGPL 3.0 License for integrated methods

We are developing a toolkit primarily as a QGIS Plugin (basically a collection of Python code and related scripts that can be run within QGIS). It is a collection of tools and algorithms revolving ...

agpl-3.0 copyleft private-changes  
user avatar asked by Honeybear Score of 2
user avatar answered by Bart van Ingen Schenau Score of 2

What does invariant section in GNU FDL copyright note mean?

In a Polish translation of the book Free as In Freedom about Richard Stallman there is this copyright note: Permission ts granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of ...

user avatar asked by jcubic Score of 1
user avatar answered by Bart van Ingen Schenau Score of 4

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Someone open-sourced an un-open-source project

Someone (Person_A) is sharing an open source project (Project_A) on GitHub. The Project_A is a decompiled version of another project (Project_B). But the original Project_B is not open source, and ...

derivative-works closed-source  
user avatar asked by Ryan Score of 52
user avatar answered by amon Score of 82

How to explain to users that we do this in our spare time?

Success can be painful for a FLOSS project. We now have nearly a thousand active users and many more people are becoming active contributors to our backlog/issue tracker. Note that while we're getting ...

contributor collaboration  
user avatar asked by RubberDuck Score of 48
user avatar answered by bmargulies Score of 49

Distribute the code as closed source and the end users download GPLv3 dependencies separately

I check the FAQ page of GNU Licenses but cannot find the answer. If someone is using my code (in Python) that is released under GPLv3, does s/he violate my GPLv3 rights if s/he uses my library ...

gpl-3 license agpl-3.0  
user avatar asked by EKP Score of 10
user avatar answered by planetmaker Score of 9

What does 'upstream' mean?

In some documents or blogs about development in open source projects, you can read stuff like 'upstream developer' or 'upstream fix'. What does that mean?

software terminology  
user avatar asked by Mnementh Score of 36
user avatar answered by kdopen Score of 42

If I'm using a GPL 3 library in my project, can I license my project under MIT license?

If I'm using a library that is licensed under GPL v3 in my project, can I license my project under the MIT license? I tried to read the GPL v3 text but I cannot understand it without your assistance.

licensing license-compatibility gpl-3 mit  
user avatar asked by Andrew Savinykh Score of 38
user avatar answered by congusbongus Score of 33

What's the difference between permissive and copyleft licenses?

I've heard both terms thrown around, but I'm a bit unclear as to how the licenses differ. How is copyleft different to a permissive license? Is copyleft just the standard for open source licenses?

copyleft terminology permissive  
user avatar asked by Raystafarian Score of 31
user avatar answered by allquixotic Score of 27

If someone used my open source (MIT license) project's logo and name to create their website/service, is it allowed?

I am the maintainer of a open source project Uptime Kuma (, The project is under MIT license. Generally, for most cases, I don't mind how people used my ...

licensing mit  
user avatar asked by Louis Score of 10
user avatar answered by MadHatter Score of 15
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