Frequently Asked Questions

Last edited: Jul 21, 23

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⚙️ How to Install Anonymous Bot in Microsoft Teams?

We are currently in beta phase, which means that you can't find us on Teams's app store.

To add Anonymous Bot to your Teams you first need to get a file named from us and follow the instructions below. You can reach us at [email protected]

  1. Search for Anonymous Bot in Microsoft Teams App Store.
  2. Click on the ▼ icon, then on Add to a team and choose your team.

Add Anonymous Bot to a Microsoft Teams Team

Add Anonymous Bot to a Microsoft Teams Team

Add Anonymous Bot to a Microsoft Teams Team

Add Anonymous Bot to a Microsoft Teams Team

👻 How to Post Anonymously in Microsoft Teams

An anonymous Microsoft Teams message looks like this:

Anonymous Microsoft Teams Message

You can send anonymous messages in Microsoft Teams with:

  1. Install Anonymous Bot (by OpenSay)
  2. Browse to the channel where you want to post anonymously.
  3. Click on the New Conversation button.
  4. Press on the messaging extensions button (the three dots), find Anonymous Bot and click on it.

Anonymous Bot Messaging Extension in Microsoft Teams

  1. Type your message and click Preview. For formatting tips click here.

Anonymous Bot Message Input in Microsoft Teams

  1. If you need to edit your message click Back, otherwise press Post.

Anonymous Bot Message Preview in Microsoft Teams

💬 How to Reply Anonymously in Microsoft Teams

An anonymous Microsoft Teams reply message looks like this:

Anonymous Microsoft Teams Reply Message

You can send anonymous replies in Microsoft Teams with:

  1. Install Anonymous Bot (by OpenSay)

  2. Select the message you want to reply to and click on More options button (the three dots)

Anonymous Bot Reply Message Extension in Microsoft Teams

  1. Click on More actions and choose Reply Anonymously.

📝 Message Formatting

You can format your message with:

  • italics with *text*.
  • bold with **text**.
  • link with [text](url).
  • ✌️ Emojis - Copy-paste an emoji from to your message.

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