Vertical with Vidir

Welcome to Vertical with Vidir, a podcast exploring the latest in vertical storage solutions.

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If you've tuned in to previous episodes of the Vertical with Vidir podcast, you've learned about the impacts our company has made in the industrial, retail and manufacturing industries. But perhaps you're having trouble imagining what kind of impact vertical lift solutions would have in your company.

Apr 2021

35 min 53 sec

With the COVID-19 Pandemic, many companies moved online. Vidir and the broader world are seeing a lot of changes in the retail industry. The demand for automation and new technology is forcing retail outlets to change how they do business. Mario Fontes, Director of Sales and Marketing for Vidir Solutions, “a leading manufacturer and worldwide supplier of vertical motorized storage carousels and display systems," has seen many industry changes. First, he saw the barcode's introduction and how retailers had to adjust or be left behind. Now, he sees another shift.

Apr 2021

49 min 24 sec

As companies begin adjusting their facilities and day-to-day operations for a post-pandemic world, many of them deal with the challenges of ramping up production and fulfillment efficiently and safely. Many don’t have the luxury of expanding their current facility to meet their needs, explained Robin Chestnut, a member of Vidir’s sales team.

Mar 2021

41 min 28 sec

How did a family company making storage solutions out of necessity grow to become a trusted leader in vertical storage and inventory management solutions? For answers, Vertical with Vidir went straight to the source. Ernest Rempel, CEO, and Peter Dueck, Co-Owner of Vidir, spoke about its evolution and growth during the past 35 years.Dueck’s father-in-law started Vidir Solutions when he and his sons recognized the need for a better storage solution for their lumber business. Vidir began with a carousel storage product.“[He] was almost surprised at the market reception,” Dueck said. “When other distributors and flooring retailers saw the ease and efficiency with which this machine was handling carpet and vinyl, it became something that everyone wanted and needed.”But one value that did not get left behind as the company grew was its commitment to its team.“One of the things I noticed very quickly when I joined (Vidir), and one of the things Mr. Dueck, the founder, mentioned to me on more than one occasion, was the value of the people that worked at Vidir,” Rempel said.Partnering with people who could achieve the goals and mission of the company is what makes Vidir successful.There is no “cannot do” at Vidir. Rempel said the company might choose not to do something, but there is no challenge worth doing that they feel they cannot accomplish.“The desire to find that solution is what really gives us our biggest opportunity for growth,” Rempel said. “Our team believes we can solve any problem. We’ve evolved in our tech and our electronic capabilities, so it’s not just steel and motors anymore. We keep learning, and we keep designing, and that allows us to do things like the new VLM that we’re releasing.”

Feb 2021

37 min 55 sec

A state-of-the-art vertical lift machine requires state-of-the-art engineers. Vidir has both. Meet two key members of the Vidir engineering team – Dimitri Caldeira, Director of Engineering, and Brady Palsson, Electrical Technologist.They stopped by Vertical with Vidir to give their insights on today’s vertical lift machines, the latest trends, and what they’ve engineered for Vidir to differentiate themselves in the VLM market. “Everything these days is integrated one way or another,” Caldeira said. “We have inventory control inside the machines. So, very precise information—real data—is available for whatever needs you may have.”To keep pace with industry 4.0, Vidir VLMs have the technology to be fully aligned with the future.Palsson spoke on some of the differentiators he believes set Vidir apart from other VLM space competitors. Unlike some VLMs that could take up to two weeks to install at a location, Vidir strives for an installation period of approximately three days. "Throughout the industry, we see everybody’s attempt at VLMs have different technologies used, and some of them have advantages and disadvantages," Palsson said. "By jumping into our servo motor application, we negated a lot of the problems previous manufacturers have had to engineer around. By increasing our accuracy, we can negate a lot of the needs for very expensive positional encoders, etc."According to Caldeira and Palsson, the secret to Vidir’s VLM’s success lies in its simplicity, accuracy, durability, and reliability. "We’re using technology that’s been in place for many years," Caldeira said. "But the way we’re combining the technology with electrical and automation, that’s what makes it special."

Jan 2021

26 min 2 sec

When Vidir Vertical Storage Solutions planned to release a new vertical lift module (VLM) into the marketplace, they knew they wanted someone with VLM experience to help them make their latest solution a success. Enter Tim Harrison. Harrison, a VLM Industry veteran since 2005, knows all of the ins and outs that make VLMs a powerful addition to any inventory management system.In his roles within the VLM industry, Harrison sold, and project managed VLMs, vertical carousels, horizontal carousels, and their software. “When I started, people were not familiar with VLMs, and the market really was unsaturated,” Harrison said. “Even today, the market is not saturated in the United States. And that’s evident in conversations the respective clients, and the overall growth of VLMs in the United States.”The VLM industry began its focus on MRO applications, tool cribs, and POV storage, but now the distribution world is starting to see this type of solution's potential. The reason? “We are now turning our focus into each picking,” Harrison said. “Instead of distribution centers simply pulling a pallet in and pushing a pallet out, we’re now getting into that granular level of the each. When a customer gets on their website, they want that single item, that one light bulb or one of a product, and that has dramatically changed how distribution centers operate.” These needs require a lot more moving of pallets and bins in a distribution center, and that’s where VLMs shine.There are only a couple of VLM players in the US market, but that is poised to change with Vidir’s new VLM launched in July. One of Vidir’s solution differences is their VLM uses server motors instead of a standard gearbox and motor setup. “That provides a higher precision for placing trays in and out of their locations, increased reliability, and durability in general,” Harrison said.

Dec 2020

17 min 28 sec