All The Young Dudes - Reading

I am reading All The Young Dudes, a fanfic written by MsKingBean89 on Ao3. This is the link to the fanfic:
This is the link to a playlist with the music from the book:

All Episodes

Meeting Greyback

Jul 1

23 min 23 sec

We meet the pack.

Jun 25

27 min 26 sec

Plotting and wolfstar. There is a halfway to smut scene, nothing completely explicit, but if you want to skip it, it happens roughly from 18:00 - 21:00. Sorry for the late update, life got in the way. Sending hugs <3

Jun 18

22 min 53 sec

This one is quite long and deals with a hard and sad subject, as MsKingBean89 said, be kind to yourselves <3 On another note, I am so excited to be back and am sending lots of love! I was too excited and posted 3 days earlier than I was's ok tho

Jun 5

44 min 28 sec

Mopey Remus and a lovely surprise!

Apr 16

24 min 13 sec

Firstly I apologise for the pronounciation of Aberystwth. Secondly, at first it's good and then it gets a little emotional Take care <3

Apr 8

21 min 15 sec

The first proper mission.

Mar 28

31 min 57 sec

Phonecalls and a meeting. Reminding you all that I have an instagram where I share little facts and give updates about the podcast: @atyd.pod Whenever I skip a week I explain why over there, as here it is impossible. Another quick reminder that I do this as a hobby in my free time, something that is very scarce this year (doing IB and spanish system exams) so it's a reason why I skip a week more often than not. I hope you enjoy this chapter <3

Mar 17

24 min 46 sec

Marls <3 Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

Feb 25

18 min 3 sec

This is so hilarious, love it. Also there's quite some bad language.

Feb 18

38 min 48 sec

Exams and the future

Feb 4

21 min 58 sec