The President's Daily Brief

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Each morning, the President of the United States receives a highly classified briefing on the most important issues facing the country -- The President's Daily Brief. Now you can hear your very own PDB, in the form of a podcast, every morning at 6am Eastern, and every afternoon at 4pm Eastern. You'll get 20 minutes of the most important topics of the day and why you should care, arming you with what you need to know to help solve America's most pressing challenges. Former CIA Operations Officer Mike Baker hosts new episodes daily.
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In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:    An alarming report has revealed that China is pursuing closer defense and intelligence ties with Cuba, leveraging their relationship to build electronic eavesdropping stations for intercepting sensitive U.S. communications. In a major development concerning America’s southern border, the U.S. has reached a landmark agreement with Panama to close down access to the Darién Gap, one of the most used corridors for illegal migration into the United States. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.  Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 2

12 min 26 sec

In this episode of The President's Daily Brief: As Israel’s focus shifts north toward Lebanon, there are growing signs that Hamas is regrouping in Gaza, with militants launching their largest rocket barrage into Israel in months. We’ll have that story in today’s spotlight. A major scandal is growing after the Israeli government released a notorious hospital director who allowed Hamas to use Gaza City facilities as a center of operations during the October 7th attacks. A crisis was averted in Kyiv after Ukrainian officials detained a group of people suspected of planning a coup against Zelensky’s government. And in today’s Back of the Brief, terror strikes Africa, where at least 30 people are dead and more than 100 injured after multiple suicide bombings were carried out at various locations in Nigeria. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 2

18 min 41 sec

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:    With the threat of war looming between Israel and Hezbollah, Iran is significantly ratcheting up their threats against Jerusalem, promising to hit Israel from all sides using their regional proxy militias. U.S. military bases across Europe have been placed on high alert amid concerns that terrorists are planning attacks against U.S. military personnel and facilities. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.  Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 1

12 min 22 sec

In this episode of The President's Daily Brief: The American people weren’t the only ones glued to their television sets for Thursday’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. I’ll bring you the reaction to last week’s debate from around the world. The US military is preparing for a conflict between Israel and Lebanon, repositioning assets closer to Israel and Lebanon in the event that all-out war breaks out in the coming days. French voters went to the polls yesterday in the nation’s snap parliamentary elections, handing yet another victory to the European right. And in today’s Back of the Brief, we’ve got the results from Iran’s Presidential election where the race’s sole reform candidate shocked many analysts, receiving more votes than any other candidate. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 1

21 min 15 sec

In this episode of The PDB Situation Report: We'll begin with the latest indications that Israel is preparing for a full-scale war with Lebanese-based Hezbollah. We'll speak to Bill Roggio from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies about what that conflict might look like. Later, we'll move to the southern border, and reports that the Department of Homeland Security has identified more than 400 migrants who came to the U.S. via a human smuggling network that allegedly has connections with the Islamic State. And we'll close out the show with a look at the release this week of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 29

42 min 55 sec

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:    The U.S. and Israeli governments have been quietly holding discussions about sending up to eight Patriot air defense systems currently on loan to Israel to Ukraine, a move that would essentially triple Kyiv’s air defense arsenal. In response to the recent flurry of developments regarding Iran’s nuclear program, the U.S. has issued a fresh round of sanctions targeting the regime’s oil trade. We’ll discuss their impact, and why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that Iran’s aggression won’t stop with Israel. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.  Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 28

12 min 38 sec

In this episode of The President's Daily Brief:     In a sign of the rapidly deepening ties between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, North Korea will send military construction and engineering troops to the Russian occupied areas of the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Israel is renewing their focus on Iran’s nuclear ambitions following reports the Islamic regime may try to build an atomic bomb sometime before the next U.S. president takes office. Just days after kicking off membership talks with Ukraine, the European Union has signed a major new security agreement pledging long term military, financial, and diplomatic support to Kyiv. In our 'Back of the Brief' segment, China has expelled two former defense ministers from the ruling Communist Party in a major purge that is reportedly part of a broader, secretive crackdown on the country’s elite. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief.     Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 28

19 min 13 sec

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:    A recent string of cyber-attacks on U.S. water systems is leading to renewed warnings from cyber security experts and federal officials regarding the risks posed to America’s critical infrastructure by foreign adversaries. We’ll look at the chaos in Bolivia, which was rocked yesterday by a failed coup attempt that led to the arrest of a dozen Bolivian military officers. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.  Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 27

11 min 16 sec

In this episode of The President's Daily Brief: We have the latest on the escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. As Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant meets with American counterparts, the US has issued a stern warning to the terror group: Don’t assume that Washington can stop Israel from attacking you. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Ukrainian troops on the front lines this week, announcing a shakeup in his military’s leadership due to the poor performance of one of his key commanders. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is making headlines again, as a suspected hypersonic missile launched by North Korea exploded mid-flight on Wednesday, according to South Korea’s military. And in today’s Back of the Brief, Evan Gershkovich, Wall Street Journal journalist and the first American arrested on espionage charges in Russia since the Cold War, began his trial this week. We’ll have the details on that. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 27

18 min 48 sec

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:    In a disturbing announcement, U.S. law enforcement have identified more than 400 immigrants who were brought into the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network. The Putin regime announced plans to ban access inside Russia to 81 different media outlets from the European Union in their latest retaliation. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.  Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 26

13 min 37 sec

In this episode of The President's Daily Brief: We begin with the latest from Dagestan, where a devastating Islamist terror attack has claimed 20 lives, according to the latest figures from the Russian government. The investigation is underway to uncover the orchestrators of this tragedy. The focus then shifts to Europe, where Ukraine and Moldova have initiated formal discussions to join the European Union, marking a significant step in the EU's potential expansion. Over in Israel, the Supreme Court's recent ruling on the military draft for ultra-orthodox citizens threatens to destabilize Prime Minister Netanyahu’s administration. We'll delve into the implications of this controversial decision. In today’s Back of the Brief, as Kenyan police officers dispatched to Haiti to help quell unrest, violence erupts back home in Nairobi. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 26

19 min 30 sec

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:    After a 14 year legal fight with authorities in Britian and the U.S., WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has struck a deal with the U.S. Department of Justice that will set him free and allow him to return to his home country of Australia. The International Criminal Court is ramping up the diplomatic pressure on Russia for their actions in Ukraine, issuing international arrest warrants for two senior military officials in Moscow. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin.  Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 25

14 min 2 sec