Revolutionizing Event Design and Inclusivity with Google's Megan Henshall

Great Events

May 29

38 min 38 sec

Is it true that the louder, brighter, and flashier the event, the greater it will be?In this episode of Great Events, host Alyssa Peltier is joined by Megan Henshall, Google's Global Events Strategic Solutions Lead. They discuss the powerful intersection of technology and inclusion in the events industry and how to prioritize radical inclusion, ensuring everyone feels valued and safe at your events.Megan introduces the Neu project, which is focused on creating spaces for neurodivergent individuals, and shares actionable tips for integrating their needs into event planning. Here are some key takeaways:Incorporate explicit language around neurodivergent needs in your event registration and communication. Educate yourself and your team about the neurodivergent experience to develop empathy and inclusive design strategies.Offer quiet spaces, sensory kits, and tailored experiences to create event environments that balance sensory needs and cater to a diverse audience.Instead of aiming for universal design, focus on cultivating a range of choices that represent diverse communities. Use tools and resources like those developed by Storycraft Lab and David Allison to design for belonging, and consider piloting these frameworks in your events.The hybrid set-up has definitely helped individuals with neurodivergent, sensory processing differences, and social anxiety enjoy these events without the added stress of attending them. Megan shares her goals with the Neu Project and the road to a more inclusive events industry.Additional Resources:
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