Acts of Founded Wrongdoing

Reference Number: PSDPA2021-0037

Organization: Global Affairs Canada

File Identification Number: PSDPA2021-0037

File Identification Date: 2021-12-08

Findings and Conclusions: a misuse of public funds or a public asset; a gross mismanagement in the public sector; a serious breach of a code of conduct established under section 5 or 6

Case Description: The Global Affairs Canada Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure (SOID) received a disclosure of wrongdoing under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA), alleging wrongdoing under section 8 (b) a misuse of public funds or a public asset, (c) a gross mismanagement in the public sector and (e) a serious breach of a Code of Conduct. The investigation concluded that an employee in one of Canada’s Mission abroad proceeded with the demolition of the Official Residence kitchen, a Crown-owned property, without the required authorization from Headquarters (HQ) Real Property division. The employee did not have a fulsome plan for the renovation project before proceeding with the demolition: This included the absence of a design with technical specifications and of estimated costs of materials. This created a significant delay between the demolition and the renovation, which caused stress amongst Official Residence employees in carrying out their duties, as well as an unexpected strain on Real Property resources in HQ given that the division had to proceed with an unplanned project. Furthermore, extra expenses were incurred for unused contracting services and meal claims for the Head of Mission, given the absence of a functional kitchen during the period. The investigation determined the employee committed wrongdoing as described in paragraph 8 (b), (c) and (e) of the PSDPA; that being a misuse of public funds or a public asset, a gross mismanagement in the public sector and a serious breach of a Code of Conduct.

Recommendations and Corrective Measures: The Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure recommended the delegated manager conduct a disciplinary process to address the founded wrongdoing. The SOID also recommended that future training emphasize the diligent and proper use of public funds or public assets. The corrective measures are being taken accordingly.

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