Acts of Founded Wrongdoing

Reference Number: FW-2022-Q2-00001

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

File Identification Number: ECCC-2022-001

File Identification Date: 2022-08-10

Findings and Conclusions: a misuse of public funds or a public asset

Case Description: The Senior Officer for Disclosure at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) conducted an investigation under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) following the receipt of a disclosure of wrongdoing in the Public Sector. It was found that an employee had misused public assets by making personal use of Crown property and misused public funds by using departmental contracted services for personal ends. The public servant took retirement from the public service prior to the conclusion of the investigation.

Recommendations and Corrective Measures: The Senior Officer for Disclosure presented two recommendations: (1) that branch management and the Chief Financial Officer ensure that additional administrative measures, including checks and balances, are in place to safeguard government assets and procurement practices and (2) that management ensure that staff are reminded of their obligations under the departmental Values and Ethics Code to conduct themselves in a manner that could withstand careful scrutiny, and to prevent conflicts of interest from arising between public duties and private interests by refraining from the use of federal government property or services for anything other than officially approved activities. These recommendations have been approved by the Deputy Minister and are in the process of being implemented.

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