Acts of Founded Wrongdoing

Reference Number: PSDPA2022-0041

Organization: Global Affairs Canada

File Identification Number: PSDPA2022-0041

File Identification Date: 2022-10-12

Findings and Conclusions: a serious breach of a code of conduct established under section 5 or 6

Case Description: The Global Affairs Canada (GAC) Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure (SOID) received a disclosure of wrongdoing under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act. An investigation determined that a senior executive committed wrongdoing pursuant to paragraphs 8 (e) of the Act, a serious breach of a code of conduct. The investigation found that the senior executive made an unwanted sexual advance and offered to send inappropriate images of themselves to a departmental employee. The investigation also found that the senior executive sent inappropriate images of themselves to various women who are part of their professional network. The senior executive did not demonstrate the judgment and leadership expected from a person in a position of authority within the organization. These actions undermined the integrity of the public service and constitute a serious breach of the Departmental Value and Ethics Code as it relates to the values of Respect for people and Integrity, and to the Departmental Code of Conduct for Canadian Representatives Abroad.

Recommendations and Corrective Measures: The Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure (SOID) recommended that a disciplinary process be conducted to address the founded wrongdoings. The SOID also recommended that relevant information be shared with the Personnel Security group to determine if a review of the security clearance is warranted. The senior executive was terminated for cause, the related performance assessment rating was reassessed, and the performance pay is in the process of being recovered accordingly.

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